New Marshall JVM headshell...C83 mod info

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Not that I disliked the tone of the JVM, but this sounds like it would be an improvement.

I'll likely own one again sometime in the future, but I can't "let" myself until I get rid of at least some CC debt...

<sigh>, and I have cymbals I need to get for my kit at
PeteLaramee":c14d2 said:
Does this mod take away from the fast attack of the amp?

Hense the reason I am not cutting but un-soldering this and hope to make a before and after clip, I do not want to mess with the feel as I like it.
EightmanVT":2f3e3 said:
Gainfreak":2f3e3 said:
That looks absolutely amazing!!! :thumbsup:

Dave, to answer your question about the C83 snip and shrink wrap, i think It would definitely work.

I know jack diddly squat about amp this is just a general comment. I don't know where this cap is, (although I'm tempted to find out), but typicallly, leaving snipped components in a circuit is frowned upon, if for no other reason then it's a nice little antenna. It might be completely benign, or a big pain in the arse... Just somethhing to consider if you try it - and you find yourself picking up extra noise, don't immediately think the mod is no good - pull the cap entirely. Again - this would depend on where the cap actually is in the circuit. It'll be interesting to hear from people who do this mod....

My old tech from the 80's used to snip shit in my amps and leave it in for years lol! Im pretty sure that it wont be a problem leaving the cap in the amp with shrinkwrap on the end of it. That said, Id probably just unsolder one side and listen to the differance. if I liked it, id just unsolder the other side and take it out which would also allow me to put it back later in should I ever want to sell it.
Couldn't you somehow make a switch for it to put in the back of the amp? Then you can change when ever you'd want :p
It'd be a bit more expensive for the mod though as it wouldn't be free ;)
Before and after clips would be awesome. Has anyone also found the factory bias cold?
bartmcartman":81b62 said:
Before and after clips would be awesome. Has anyone also found the factory bias cold?

That would be cool. That said, there were more then a few guys who said that there amps were biased cold.
Im wondering why Marshall didn't just make them without that C83 part if it helps it sound better and not squeal? :confused:
I`ve only just aquired a JVM so cant really speak as too much of an authority on how it sounded before the mod, but to my ears it does still have that fast attack compared to how it sounded prior to the mod.

It just takes away that bit of sizzle and lowers the gain in OD1 and OD2 modes more noticably. There is still a lot of gain on tap there. It seems to give the gain knobs a greater range, or a lower starting point if that makes any sence.
Some clips of a before and after comparison would be awesome!!!

I found the bias was on the cold side too, i`ve gotta say i`m really liking this amp as it stands now. :thumbsup:
PeteLaramee":1188c said:
Does this mod take away from the fast attack of the amp?
You think the JVM has a fast attack? I wouldn't call it slow, but not fast either....

and you guys saying its biased cold, what is cold? I read where somone biased his at 75%, that is way too hot for me! I like amps biased more in the 60 to 70% (at the most) range, any higher and they get too muddy sounding at volume once things get warmed up.....
Back from the dead bump.

this headshell looks awesome, but it's $400 plus shipping from Australia. Anyone have made already by a company in the US? I'm guessing Splawn can do it.
Bwahahahaahah necro thread bump from 8 years ago thanks to douchebag spammer :D

and yeah those headshells look 100% better