New Wizard Model: Hell Razor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bxlxaxkxe
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I hope this is Rick's take on a full metal modern monster. Would be cool to hear what he does in that territory.

People may stone me but the MTL isn't modern enough to be a true modern high gainer in my opinion.
(also dudes may not want it to be of course!).
I hope this is Rick's take on a full metal modern monster. Would be cool to hear what he does in that territory.

People may stone me but the MTL isn't modern enough to be a true modern high gainer in my opinion.
(also dudes may not want it to be of course!).
He described it as a modern metal amp so it seems like it crosses that threshold
You nailed it and that is exactly what happened to me. If you are researching about them and think on paper they are what you are looking for....well...I suggest you have the money on hand when you get to play one.

Are they for everyone? No amp is. But if that type of response/feel/tone is what you are after? Nothing does it better than a Wizard. I have definitely gone back and forth a few times lately thinking about selling off my other amps and getting a few more Wizards. Lol!!

They are certainly expensive, but it is what it is. Getting a Private Stock PRS or Custom Shop ESP is super expensive as well and a Wizard is pretty well the equivalent of that, amp wise. Anyway, excited to hear more about this new beast.

Also, looking at the controls: is that a separate rythm channel and then 3 high gain channels (3 gain controls)? Or a rhythm and lead channel, where the lead channel has 3 gain controls? Wonder what is going on there..
Just speculation, but I’d be shocked if this had 3 channels and costed the same as an MTL- especially since he’s never done more than two in an amp- I’d guess they each control gain stages or do the fortin thing where it’s frequency ranges
Just speculation, but I’d be shocked if this had 3 channels and costed the same as an MTL- especially since he’s never done more than two in an amp- I’d guess they each control gain stages or do the fortin thing where it’s frequency ranges

This. It is not 3 channels. IMO this should be a single channel. The clean channel (one knob) is there because Rick felt people would want it obviously. Nobody buying a metal amp cares about the cleans. I never use channel one on any of my Wizards anyway. People may say the MTL annd MC2 aren’t metal amps, but IMO they do metal better than any other amp I’ve owned. Plus, you can always put an EQ in the loop if you want to scoop out the mids. Lol

The 3 gains in channel all work in concert with one another… similar to Larry’s amps I’d imagine. The gains have multiple pull boosts, so I imagine it has a fairly good range possibility from moderate to all out insane. Being a Wizard I’d expect it to be very tight and immediate.
This. It is not 3 channels. IMO this should be a single channel. The clean channel (one knob) is there because Rick felt people would want it obviously. Nobody buying a metal amp cares about the cleans. I never use channel one on any of my Wizards anyway. People may say the MTL annd MC2 aren’t metal amps, but IMO they do metal better than any other amp I’ve owned. Plus, you can always put an EQ in the loop if you want to scoop out the mids. Lol

The 3 gains in channel all work in concert with one another… similar to Larry’s amps I’d imagine. The gains have multiple pull boosts, so I imagine it has a fairly good range possibility from moderate to all out insane. Being a Wizard I’d expect it to be very tight and immediate.
The thing is that people want an amp that sounds metal (scooped EQ, boosted) by just plugging straight in with a guitar. Many people are lazy when it comes to using extra pedals, hence why amp manufacturers are evolving to meet those needs (eg. Mesa badlander feels like a recto without needing a boost).
So I’d imagine this is Rick’s take on that segment of amps - just plug in and chug away. Speculation of course.
The thing is that people want an amp that sounds metal (scooped EQ, boosted) by just plugging straight in with a guitar. Many people are lazy when it comes to using extra pedals, hence why amp manufacturers are evolving to meet those needs (eg. Mesa badlander feels like a recto without needing a boost).
So I’d imagine this is Rick’s take on that segment of amps - just plug in and chug away. Speculation of course.

The mid shift and turning down the mids dial gets is plenty scooped for me. I do that and boost with a mid boost and it’s sounds perfect to me… super aggressive and mean without brutal bass and treble. Lol
Gosh.... this is crazy !!! So is @Bxlxaxkxe gonna help do us his riffing master work on this amp as well?

I remember clearly when I first gotten my Herbert mk2 (am still holding on) and we talked... after hearing your nice clips and remember you kept the Herbert as well....

Down today your clips with all the riffs you did and posted was just top notch !!! Nice awesome tone, bassass riffs playing !

I just thought the MTL mk2 was that's it... and Rick put us all in another spin with the Hell razor !!
The amp has all the gain you'd ever need, it can be tight or a little looser if you desire, it doesn't need a boost and apparently from what I hear is absolutely a ball crushing metal monster of an amp. For those whining about the price, Rick is a legend and he build these by hand not in a warehouse in CA with slave labor...get what you pay for. Play a Wizard side by side to most any amp and it's not even close.
Forum think in a nutshell:

”Bros, check out my $7K custom shop master built Jackson/ESP/Gibson. It’s so sick I’ve ordered two more, which will take 5 years to complete.“
Everyone else, “killer dude, I’ll get one too. Sweet!”
”It’s going to be crushing through my new Wizard, which may oddly seem comparatively cheap at $6K, and will only take a few months from deposit to delivery”
Everyone else, “Heresy! Let’s storm the Capitol!”
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Man....Wizard threads these days be like...


Wizard is the new Cameron or Larry! Except people actually get the amps they order within a few weeks.
High is relative. $1000 is a fortune to some and pocket change to others. I have a neighbor who flips high end sports cars like I flip amps and thinks nothing of it.

I want an ESP custom shop. Price on those is comparable to a Wizard. What’s the difference… people still buy them. I have a harder time spend $ on guitar than I do amps.
This times infinity. It is a good chunk of change BUT this world is full of people who have TONS of money. Like it’s a loose $2 in their console.
Wizard is the new Cameron or Larry! Except people actually get the amps they order within a few weeks.

So true. I wish I could play one. Or maybe not :D No, I would play one if I could. Don't care for the new name or cheezy Billy Bladez ad feel but I get it. He is putting his time into what he does best and marketing is not one of those. Plus, these smaller amp builders, like Scott Splawn and Dave Friedman back in the day have to balance market penetration with what can actually be built. I personally couldn't wait 3 years for an amp but that's just me.

PS: I would have called it MTL II - but maybe it is so different, he wanted to break from that. MTZ or MRZ would have been cool :lol: