NGD: Blackmachine B2 Flamed Koa Top/Brazillian Fretboard (56


New member
So if any of you guys know me, you know how Blackmachine obsessed i have been since i first played Nolly's ridiculous B2 about a year ago.
That pretty much forced me to get a B6 and when i had the opportunity an F8 which i loved dearly but sold to a very deserving gentleman so that i could afford to get this guitar!

I have to thank Doug first and foremost for absolutely busting his ass to be able to get this on time, there was a very short window of time for my parents to pick it up on their way to visit me for the xmachanukwanzaa festivities, and from what i hear, he basically worked 14 hours + a day to get this done for me so i owe him big time!
Nolly also deserves a huge thank you for driving from Bath to London to drop the guitar off with my parents at Heathrow, as that is a shitty drive especially considering he had to work right after that, and i have to thank Dez and Nolly as well for not stealing the guitar as i would have been very very tempted to do upon seeing it haha!

Anyways now that the due thanks is out of the way, lets get to pics!
Here is the pretty much indestructible Scott Dixon case it came in:

And here is what i saw when i opened it:





The top on this thing is INSANE, its really hard to get a good sense of it in just one picture as it is very deep and very 3d, so the light really affects the way it looks, so i just took a bunch of flash/no flash pictures to try and capture it all, but ill have my gf take some pro pics of it soon which should hopefully give you an even better sense of how it really looks! The Brazillian Rosewood fretboard was a bit hard to capture with my camera and those pics came out a bit blurry so hopefully those will come out better with the pics my gf takes as well, but damn is it nice and smooth! Also you can see some good shots of the Schaller Hannes bridge which is not only ridiculously comfortable but adds a lot to the tone. Doug said this was the best sounding guitar he has made so far, and he attributes a large part of that to this bridge (apart from the amazing wood combo of course haha!)





I plugged it into the axefx and it sounds massive and the attack on this guitar is just unparalleled to be honest. It is insanely djenty and has this clarity that is just perfect as it never gets too bright and it allows the chords to ring out so clearly and have even note definition across the board. The sustain on this thing is also absolutely insane especially with how low the action is (set up and intonation was perfect despite spending 6000+ miles on airplanes). At any rate here is a picture showing just how thin this guitar is, which to me is amazing considering how rich and full it is tonally:


To close the thread here are some pics of the B2 and B6:





There ya go! I will definitely have some clips of this guitar one way or another soon as i plan on using this to retrack whichever 6 string songs i retrack for the Periphery album as well as make it my main recording 6 stringer, so lots of clips and possiboo vids on the way.

That guitar is ridiculously sick. I first saw pics of Blackmachine guitars at the 7 string forum, and would love to own one. I only really have two guitars on my "some day, some way" list, Blackmachine and Soloway.
What a beautiful guitar! I love it's mix of traditional and unique styling.....all with drop-dead-sexy materials used with nice craftsmanship. I'm also surprised I never see cases like that out here........that looks VERY cool! Congrat's on a nice score.
That looks fantastic! Everytime I see a pic of a Blackmachine, I get GAS. Love the stuff he's doing.

And I can't wait for the album man. Have you released any other CDs? MySpace and my woefully out of date OS do not get along anymore.
Wow, that is a stunning guitar! What a cool new score...congrats! What's the story with that bridge...I'm not familiar with it? The headstock would have to be an acquired taste for me...not really digging it but I wouldn't let it be a deal breaker either.
rupe":mzayk4so said:
Wow, that is a stunning guitar! What a cool new score...congrats! What's the story with that bridge...I'm not familiar with it? The headstock would have to be an acquired taste for me...not really digging it but I wouldn't let it be a deal breaker either.

I'm not too fond of the headstock either but the sex appeal of the rest of the guitar more than makes up for it. I bet it sounds killer :rock:
thanks guys!
its a BKP Coldsweat Bridge and Painkiller Neck
ah yeah the headstock seems to be a real love/hate thing but for me its pretty much my favorite headstock ever!
bulb":2edajqhe said:
thanks guys!
its a BKP Coldsweat Bridge and Painkiller Neck
ah yeah the headstock seems to be a real love/hate thing but for me its pretty much my favorite headstock ever!

Is it flame koa on koa? or mahogany?
Ah dude, still glad it made it out to you without any adverse effects :)

Having got to look after this guitar for an evening I can vouch for the fact that it is just unbelievable.

sebby: the body is 40yr old mahogany.
WOW man, it looks stunning. Every blackmachine is more beautiful than the previous one...
If the wait wasn't 1 year...

Enjoy :rock: