NGD - NPD - vid

Ha, yeah, loved that part at the end.
Not sure if you’ve done any kind of rig run down @dstroud but what camera do you use? Something tells me that it's not a simple webcam.
Thanks man!! I do the video on my iPhone. I’m videoing as I record into Pro Tools. Then I just match the audio I mix down to the video in iMovie on my phone. I did that one part close up on it’s own just for a different look. That’s the easiest way I know of with what I have.
Thanks man!! I do the video on my iPhone. I’m videoing as I record into Pro Tools. Then I just match the audio I mix down to the video in iMovie on my phone. I did that one part close up on it’s own just for a different look. That’s the easiest way I know of with what I have.

Ok that makes way too much sense. Thanks. So when the audio is done in Pro Tools, you send it to your phone somehow and do the rest in iMovie?
How do you make sure the audio and video are synced?
Good stuff. Thanks dude. I made a video with my macbook the other day but quality of video wasn’t great. Quality of playing was even worse lol.
Good stuff. Thanks dude. I made a video with my macbook the other day but quality of video wasn’t great. Quality of playing was even worse lol.
hey man it’s all good! Recording will tighten up your playing fast. Some 80s shredder guy once said recording is like looking in the mirror. Let’s you know where you are at and what to work on. just keep jamming :)
Ok last question for now…you using a click in pro tools? You got it playing in your monitors, but we don’t hear it?