No talk about Corona Virus?

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CNutz":3gs8zvi1 said:
Just out of curiosity, how much methamphetamine does it take to reach your level of enlightenment?
1 Dodecahedron.


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Krull":3njeqw5j said:
Is Australia and New Zealand under reporting their numbers too?

I'm not sure...if they are then I am picking here in NZ they will "release" more deaths between day 16 and day 21 (we are at about day 11 of lockdown) .. if that happens then my mind tells me there is a lot of BS going on here

I have looked at the stats they are giving us in terms of infected v recovered and it appears they are not removing the recovered from the total stat .. smells like a fucking dead Rat
The Aussie CHO reckons we have the most-reliable figures in the world. Highest per-capita testing too. Says he doesn't trust most others' figures at all. Reckons the true infection figure world-wide is likely 5->10 million, not 1 million.

All this said, and it supports what I said a month ago, the more folks you test, the lower the death-rate figure. This is why we're looking at a half of 1 percent here in Oz. Logic suggests that if we were to know the full infection figure (if we tested even more folks), the death proportion would drop further.

The world-wide rate is 5% today based on the 1-million figure and 50 000 deaths, but if our CHO is correct and the infection figure is 5->10 million, then the true death rate is 0.5->1%.

This brings me back to the point I made more than a month ago - that the true death rate does not and will not, when all's said and done, justify the world-wide shutdown of our economies, let alone the incremental erosion of our civil rights.

I contest that if the aged and vulnerable had been encouraged to self-isolate and the rest of us allowed to continue working, the virus would've quickly petered out as the general-immunity levels rose as a consequence. Tiny economic hit, zero civil-liberties hit and minimised, contracted as opposed to protracted death rate and timespan.

What would a monkey know anyway. We've got self-interested, brainwashed lackies running the world, unfortunately, and they're singing from the UN's hymn sheet.
Krull":1zqhtqda said:
Mexico - 37 deaths

Pakistan - 33 deaths

Saudi Arabia - 22 deaths

Albania - 16 deaths

I wonder what libtard logic will come from these numbers.

These countries will be fine. Within a couple of days the numbers are going to be down to close to zero. They'll find that it’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.
That's funny, Jack. :lol: :LOL:

I've heard all Trump's statements to that effect. I understand where he's coming from, trying to inspire hope and fend off fear in the American people, and therein lies the clue as to how I and I'm sure many others see him.

He leaves himself open to constant criticism for many things, but in this case what's relevant is his penchant for speaking in absolutes - the greatest, the most ever, the longest, the shortest... if something can be expressed in absolute terms, he'll find a way. :D

Point being that I and I'm sure many others are happy to overlook the style and recognise the intent. I remember a classic Next-Gen episode where Starfleet was auditing Riker's performance, hoping to be able to justify moving him to another ship, and after the examiner had drawn a number of false conclusions about him, Picard stepped in and said, "Do not confuse style with intent".

If there's one phrase of "advice" I could quote and deliver to the American people about him (not that y'all would listen to a simian Aussie on such matters!), it'd be what Picard said. He nailed it IMHO. I have to admit that I repeated it in my head many times over the years following that Star Trek episode as I trained myself to focus on folks' intent regardless of how ignorant, arrogant, educated, rich or poor they were. Thank God I appear to have succeeded in this self-edumacation task; I honestly feel I've made much progress in respecting individuals even when I've had to look extremely-hard for silver linings. The great thing about silver linings for me is that if you look hard-enough, they're always there. Everybody has redeemable intentions and possesses admirable traits; some don't make it easy for us to spot 'em, but they're there...

Geez, I really seem to be in a ranting mode today. Sorry man. :doh: :lol: :LOL:
Krull":2kto6ocn said:
Or maybe this is a great way to make us all poor and live like Venezuelans, dependent on government handouts?
Careful there brother you might accidentally hit the nail on the head, and we couldn't have that now, could we?

Just be a good little commie boy and do as you're told. Here's your hammer and anvil, now go finish makin' them horse shoes so's we can eat tonight. :gethim: :lol: :LOL:
Krull":3nnb8gpq said:
JackTripper":3nnb8gpq said:
Krull":3nnb8gpq said:
Mexico - 37 deaths

Pakistan - 33 deaths

Saudi Arabia - 22 deaths

Albania - 16 deaths

I wonder what libtard logic will come from these numbers.

These countries will be fine. Within a couple of days the numbers are going to be down to close to zero. They'll find that it’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

Based on the conditions these people live in it would only make sense to assume the numbers would be astronomically higher than they are. People would be dropping on the streets everywhere. Unless this is the biggest coverup in world history.

I guess Africa is exploding with cases too. Haven’t heard a peep from the WHO or the media. This virus seems to only affect the 1st and 2nd world countries the hardest. Or so they would like you to believe.

Or maybe this is a great way to make us all poor and live like Venezuelans, dependent on government handouts?

Only time will tell.

Given that these are not exactly first world countries, I would make an assumption their testing levels as well as data reporting practices are not comparable to US or Europe. This is different from other countries--China and Russia--that may be deliberately fibbing about their numbers.
Monkey Man":3iglr2e6 said:
That's funny, Jack. :lol: :LOL:

I've heard all Trump's statements to that effect. I understand where he's coming from, trying to inspire hope and fend off fear in the American people, and therein lies the clue as to how I and I'm sure many others see him.

He leaves himself open to constant criticism for many things, but in this case what's relevant is his penchant for speaking in absolutes - the greatest, the most ever, the longest, the shortest... if something can be expressed in absolute terms, he'll find a way. :D

Point being that I and I'm sure many others are happy to overlook the style and recognise the intent.. :doh: :lol: :LOL:

I get that he communicates in a populist and folksy way that many relate to (even though he's from Queens :lol: :LOL: )

His comments from even a few weeks ago will not age well in the post-mortem analysis.

He should read Mark Twain: It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt
Krull":b56p2c1w said:
JackTripper":b56p2c1w said:
Krull":b56p2c1w said:
JackTripper":b56p2c1w said:
Krull":b56p2c1w said:
Mexico - 37 deaths

Pakistan - 33 deaths

Saudi Arabia - 22 deaths

Albania - 16 deaths

I wonder what libtard logic will come from these numbers.

These countries will be fine. Within a couple of days the numbers are going to be down to close to zero. They'll find that it’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

Based on the conditions these people live in it would only make sense to assume the numbers would be astronomically higher than they are. People would be dropping on the streets everywhere. Unless this is the biggest coverup in world history.

I guess Africa is exploding with cases too. Haven’t heard a peep from the WHO or the media. This virus seems to only affect the 1st and 2nd world countries the hardest. Or so they would like you to believe.

Or maybe this is a great way to make us all poor and live like Venezuelans, dependent on government handouts?

Only time will tell.

Given that these are not exactly first world countries, I would make an assumption their testing levels as well as data reporting practices are not comparable to US or Europe. This is different from other countries--China and Russia--that may be deliberately fibbing about their numbers.

Oops you forgot Australia and New Zealand.

I suppose it all depends where on the curve they currently are.
JackTripper":2garh263 said:
Monkey Man":2garh263 said:
That's funny, Jack. :lol: :LOL:

I've heard all Trump's statements to that effect. I understand where he's coming from, trying to inspire hope and fend off fear in the American people, and therein lies the clue as to how I and I'm sure many others see him.

He leaves himself open to constant criticism for many things, but in this case what's relevant is his penchant for speaking in absolutes - the greatest, the most ever, the longest, the shortest... if something can be expressed in absolute terms, he'll find a way. :D

Point being that I and I'm sure many others are happy to overlook the style and recognise the intent.. :doh: :lol: :LOL:
I get that he communicates in a populist and folksy way that many relate to (even though he's from Queens :lol: :LOL: )

His comments from even a few weeks ago will not age well in the post-mortem analysis.

He should read Mark Twain: It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt
Yeah, some of the comments won't age well in the short term, but history will judge him based on economic performance of the country during his tenure and indeed, as you rightly infer, his handling of crises such as this one, the latter being on-the-improve as polls suggest, so I think in the grand scheme of things both history and the public at-large may be more-forgiving than one might otherwise expect. If he can avoid the naive hyperbole he expressed a few weeks ago through the remainder of the "crisis" and focus on updates and rallying the troops, so to speak, I think it could actually see his making gains poll-wise.

Yeah, love that MT quote; it's one of my all-time faves, man. That one is timeless. :thumbsup:
Dayum, I just checked my quote archive and I had that one down to Abe Lincoln:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln"

Slightly-different phrasing, but obviously the same message. Gonna have to research who actually said it...
Monkey Man":133bklx8 said:
Dayum, I just checked my quote archive and I had that one down to Abe Lincoln:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln"

Slightly-different phrasing, but obviously the same message. Gonna have to research who actually said it...

I thought it was based on a chinese proverb.
OK, NPR seems to have nailed it: ... n-or-kafka

... Garson O'Toole. That's the pen name of a man who has tracked down the true origins of hundreds of quotes on his website, Quote Investigator.

"The earliest evidence that I was able to find was a 1907 book by Maurice Switzer. And it seems to contain a lot of original material and it includes the statement "It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it." So it's slightly different phrasing, but I believe that is what evolved to generate the modern common version."
Krull":46r43uq5 said:
JackTripper":46r43uq5 said:
Krull":46r43uq5 said:
Mexico - 37 deaths

Pakistan - 33 deaths

Saudi Arabia - 22 deaths

Albania - 16 deaths

I wonder what libtard logic will come from these numbers.

These countries will be fine. Within a couple of days the numbers are going to be down to close to zero. They'll find that it’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

Based on the conditions these people live in it would only make sense to assume the numbers would be astronomically higher than they are. People would be dropping on the streets everywhere. Unless this is the biggest coverup in world history.

Since were speaking anecdotal. Here's something, poor people do not get out, and party with 10,20,30 of their besties. They stay mostly local to their home, they interact mostly with people geographically close to them, and shop at markets close to them, and shop less frequently.

This was really evident here when people stared panic buying. Go to Costco, it's packed, no toilet paper, no meat, people buying everything up, massive lines where everyone is packed next to each other. Go to the hood, and it looks like a normal day, people are only buying what they can afford, and the stores are not packed.

Couple that with the fact that many of my friends, and family bought into the whole "this is a hoax" thing for the first week, so they were still doing the normal run around.
Monkey Man":2fthd8ig said:
JackTripper":2fthd8ig said:
Monkey Man":2fthd8ig said:
That's funny, Jack. :lol: :LOL:

I've heard all Trump's statements to that effect. I understand where he's coming from, trying to inspire hope and fend off fear in the American people, and therein lies the clue as to how I and I'm sure many others see him.

He leaves himself open to constant criticism for many things, but in this case what's relevant is his penchant for speaking in absolutes - the greatest, the most ever, the longest, the shortest... if something can be expressed in absolute terms, he'll find a way. :D

Point being that I and I'm sure many others are happy to overlook the style and recognise the intent.. :doh: :lol: :LOL:
I get that he communicates in a populist and folksy way that many relate to (even though he's from Queens :lol: :LOL: )

His comments from even a few weeks ago will not age well in the post-mortem analysis.

He should read Mark Twain: It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt
Yeah, some of the comments won't age well in the short term, but history will judge him based on economic performance of the country during his tenure and indeed, as you rightly infer, his handling of crises such as this one, the latter being on-the-improve as polls suggest, so I think in the grand scheme of things both history and the public at-large may be more-forgiving than one might otherwise expect. If he can avoid the naive hyperbole he expressed a few weeks ago through the remainder of the "crisis" and focus on updates and rallying the troops, so to speak, I think it could actually see his making gains poll-wise.. That one is timeless. :thumbsup:

Joe Biden's biggest problem right now is that he is invisible. Trump's biggest problem right now is that he is visible.
True dat, mate.

This means of course that any gains Trump makes will be magnified / excellent value, and any losses he makes will be likewise.

Time to make hay while the sun shines. It's up to him whether he makes hay or horse shit. :lol: :LOL:
Giga.Blast":2dk5s63h said:
Krull":2dk5s63h said:
This is what it’s like in India. Notice how they are all 6 feet apart from each other?
Ain't that trip! Beachtung: they got a mere ~1.3 billion folks and 72 deaths from this virus mess. GeeWiz...
72 CONFIRMED cases from the country that invests the least amount on healthcare per capita and has tons of street doctors.

I can’t argue enough that confirmed case is not representatives of actual numbers in many countries. Stop the comparisons when testing and reporting methods are not consistent