No talk about Corona Virus?

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WGAF":31x28woc said:
After this effort SiteTosser I'm now convinced you were the prime victim in Schiff's pedo behaviour. Such a libtard child.
YO WTH! or WTH LingLING and that's a LASER 10-4 ~wtf WYSIWYG I spose. :confused:


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WGAF":1g0evlba said:
Giga.Blast":1g0evlba said:
WGAF":1g0evlba said:
After this effort SiteTosser I'm now convinced you were the prime victim in Schiff's pedo behaviour. Such a libtard child.
YO WTH! or WTH LingLING and that's a LASER 10-4 ~wtf WYSIWYG I spose. :confused:


In English please.

~wtf :)

Sitedrifter":2xp3szez said:
Giga.Blast":2xp3szez said:
You give this communist animal...

The hate
The racism
The misogyny
So right of you Fa Fa.
Yah baby, okay, yah yah baby, O'Ray. :rock:

What's happenin' (?)

He's an arithmetician; that's his excuse. :lol: :LOL:

Speaking in code therefore comes naturally to him.
The trumptard narrative is starting to turn. It is unfucking believable the trumptards follow this idiot.

Watching all the anti science dopes turning the corner and now proclaiming masks are the key to stopping the spread because this dip shit is now wearing a mask, is so ironic to their stance 2 weeks ago. Is Trumpy Bear the so called brilliant man you ignoramuses believe, guess so?

Vote for Mit Romney, a real republican!

Krull":14l3ci7v said:
CNutz":14l3ci7v said:
What is that graph supposed to prove for you krull? Please enlighten us.

What’s in your water? Holy shit balls. It took you all day and you still can’t figure it out? I can’t help stupid. I’ll let you continue to try and figure it out.


All you do is condemn people. :confused:

Good day Peachy!
Krull":1c9lza91 said:
JackTripper":1c9lza91 said:
Krull":1c9lza91 said:
40 plus million unemployed now in the USA?

correct, because of the virus.

A virus that doesn’t effect the majority of working age people...

Ok Amazon stock boy. How much you make today?

I've done well, largely because I can distinguish between data points that are relevant and those that are extraneous :lol: :LOL:
Krull":1rvdr2tv said:
The virus isn’t being contained through Government lockdowns and so-called Social distancing.

You are truly out of your mind. Government lock downs and social distancing is what contained Covid 19 in the North East.
Do you think the infection and death rates in NY, NJ and CT MAGICALLY slowed down without social distancing and closures?
Did God help? NO but you dumb asses think it could happen
Did Trump help? NO but you dumb asses think it will happen
Did it magically disappear? NO but you dumb asses think it will happen

You whine about 40 million people unemployed due to Covid 19 (which is not accurate) yet the longer anti science trolls like yourself reject what needs to be done, that rate will go higher and higher. Wait until Florida collapses in about 2 weeks, the closures will make NJ/NY look tame.

The majority of this spread is because the Federal government controlled by Trump his sheep of a cabinet and McConnell put the stock market above American's health and soon to be 140k people died from it and jobs were lost because of their in-actions to squash the *no big deal* back in February.

See ya Peachy!
Krull":269kxmbv said:
Sitedrifter":269kxmbv said:
Krull":269kxmbv said:
The virus isn’t being contained through Government lockdowns and so-called Social distancing.

You are truly out of your mind. Government lock downs and social distancing is what contained Covid 19 in the North East.
Do you think the infection and death rates in NY, NJ and CT MAGICALLY slowed down without social distancing and closures?
Did God help? NO but you dumb asses think it could happen
Did Trump help? NO but you dumb asses think it will happen
Did it magically disappear? NO but you dumb asses think it will happen

You whine about 40 million people unemployed due to Covid 19 (which is not accurate) yet the longer anti science trolls like yourself reject what needs to be done, that rate will go higher and higher. Wait until Florida collapses in about 2 weeks, the closures will make NJ/NY look tame.

The majority of this spread is because the Federal government controlled by Trump his sheep of a cabinet and McConnell put the stock market above American's health and soon to be 140k people died from it and jobs were lost because of their in-actions to squash the *no big deal* back in February.

See ya Peachy!

You’re a fucking idiot.

“Crying about 40 million unemployed” Are you fucking for real? Fuck you and your Mitt Romney loving ass you fucking snake.

New Jersey is doing great eh? Dumb fuck. Must have been those peaceful protests that are slowing down the virus.

COVID-19 UPDATES: LIVE UPDATES: New Jersey cases up to 174,959, deaths to 13,578

See ya Romneytard!

Guess what areas of NJ are increasing in positives, it is the southern shore counties not north or central counties.
That's happening because your Trumpy Bear says social distancing and nose/mouth coverings are stupid and the virus will disappear like it never happened.
All the Trump gullible middle class sheep are thinking, the prez says 'don't worry it is all bullshit', so they hit the bars and boardwalks cramm into "outside" bars and outside eatery's with no face coverings, screaming, singing, kissing. Bars in non shore counties are not allowed to have patrons inside and most do not have any sufficient outside property to hold outside gatherings. That leaves the republican shore counties of NJ. Better watch it Peachy, there is a HUGE Canadian migration to Cape May and Wildwood for the summer. They will be coming back home to Canada in a couple to 3 weeks and I hope you quarantine them for 2 weeks before being allowed to enter Canada otherwise the Rona may get you! :poke:

Glorious Peachy!
Krull":3dldyqcx said:
Yup Romneytard. Make sure to wear your mask at a restaurant...Romneytard logic 101.

Don’t worry, Canada will be on lockdown forever just like the rest of the world. And then when they decide to roll out the post human era in the coming decade, all the sheep will be slaughtered, with their masks on of course.

Have a great night Snake.

You do realize that Trump is the true RINO. Voted liberal and was a registered democrat his whole life until 2011. Even his personal lolita, Evanka, was a lifelong democrat along with her husband. They could not even vote for her daddy in the primary because they did not change their party in time. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. You and others are swooning over a true RINO who is nothing more than a King wannabe. :hys: :lol: :LOL: :yes:
Sitedrifter":1hvwmb8e said:
Krull":1hvwmb8e said:
Yup Romneytard. Make sure to wear your mask at a restaurant...Romneytard logic 101.

Don’t worry, Canada will be on lockdown forever just like the rest of the world. And then when they decide to roll out the post human era in the coming decade, all the sheep will be slaughtered, with their masks on of course.

Have a great night Snake.

You do realize that Trump is the true RINO. Voted liberal and was a registered democrat his whole life until 2011. Even his personal lolita, Evanka, was a lifelong democrat along with her husband. They could not even vote for her daddy in the primary because they did not change their party in time. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. You and others are swooning over a true RINO who is nothing more than a King wannabe. :hys: :lol: :LOL: :yes:

Even funnier, he made contributions to Cuomo's political campaigns for nearly a decade. :lol: :LOL: