No talk about Corona Virus?

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WGAF":3ozg3321 said:
Goat":3ozg3321 said:
WGAF":3ozg3321 said:
Goat":3ozg3321 said:
CNutz":3ozg3321 said:
Krull":3ozg3321 said:
What’s the solution? You don’t understand that it’s never going back the way it was. Look at New Zealand for fuck sake. They had like a dozen deaths or some shit and they are on lockdown again.

Don’t be fooled by a vaccine saving us. It’s not going to work. The virus mutates.

Nursing homes need better protocols. That’s where most are dying. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s real.

Wow Krull, you're actually saying something that somewhat make sense, I'm shocked.

Right I agree, it'll be a looong time before we get back to the way it was, if ever.

But I think we can get to something that resembles somewhat normal, and that starts with people treating this as the problem it is, and stop acting like its a conspiracy to overthrow the POTUS, or whatever else it is people believe.

You're possibly correct on the vaccine, the virus will likely mutate, and require yearly vaccination.

Another thing we are seeing the antibodies in people that have had the virus to be very weak, and short lived. So a vaccine may not work at all.
How could it be a conspiracy against Trump? Trump is fully on-board with the entire COVID-19 operation. :confused:

Is he 'really'? How do you actually know?
:shocked: Holy shit! You're joking, right?

Seriously? You have to admit Trump is well aware of political BS + he's the most informed human on the planet & more than knowing of the angry mob forever chasing him over ANYTHING. He's had 3.5 yrs of real world experience that NONE of us have had or ever will.

I don't think we see the real Trump publicly, I really don't. He's a showman, entertainer & a businessman so we should never forget that when watching & listening to him.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm off of the Trump topic.
CNutz":2y6x9g6o said:
You're possibly correct on the vaccine, the virus will likely mutate, and require yearly vaccination.

Another thing we are seeing the antibodies in people that have had the virus to be very weak, and short lived. So a vaccine may not work at all.

It has mutated already... it has been stated that there are already multiple strains of it all different in Italy, New York and the West Coast. The CDC openly admits the FLU vaccine is only a 20-30% effective( and that is the claimed efficacy by the vaccine manufacturers) due the virus mutations. The quicker any virus mutates the likely hood of effective vaccine dwindles. It appears this virus is mutating faster than the annual flu's from what I have read. Whatever vaccine they come up with probably will be ineffective to little as best.

Doctors are noting in Italy that people with co-morbidities that would have died three months ago are now less sick and surviving, hence it is mutating to a less lethal virulent form in Italy and possible elsewhere as SARS1 did, SARS1 just dissappeared but covid is essentially a SARS2 virus with a different name. H1N1 is still around though.

According to Doctor Bartlett Japan, South Korea and India have been using Budesenide(Pulmicort), antibiotics and zinc to great effect. You have to ask why they aren't using this here to protect the most vulnerable among us? You also have to ask what about all the people's lives that were saved by HCQ when prescribed correctly before the FDA restricting it's use in the outpatient venue and early in the disease progression prior to needing a ventilator. Thousands to tens of thousands would be saved, please don't believe anyone including me... take the time to read attached scientific paper by Harvard epidemiologist Harvey Risch from Yale University.

I have a friend who's Uncle had Covid back in March April and he ended up a ventilator, he was not treated early, it was allowed to progress, the hospital tried to convince the family to turn off ventilator numerous times and said that he would not survive, the family did not consent, he survived but has bad scarring in his lungs now for the remainder of his life, his wife never got covid at all. If he gets re-infected by COVID I doubt he will survive.
Krull":3tyv3p3c said:
Look at New Zealand for fuck sake. They had like a dozen deaths or some shit and they are on lockdown again.

Sorry dude but you are 100% wrong here. I a in New Zealand and since March we have had 22 CV19 deaths ... we are now 100% back to normal life with no restrictions what so ever. Only thing that isn't normal is our boarders are locked to non citizens/residence. We currently have 11 "active" cases all in isolation after returning from overseas
Krull":1qsyob9w said:
sytharnia1560":1qsyob9w said:
Krull":1qsyob9w said:
Look at New Zealand for fuck sake. They had like a dozen deaths or some shit and they are on lockdown again.

Sorry dude but you are 100% wrong here. I a in New Zealand and since March we have had 22 CV19 deaths ... we are now 100% back to normal life with no restrictions what so ever. Only thing that isn't normal is our boarders are locked to non citizens/residence. We currently have 11 "active" cases all in isolation after returning from overseas

My mistake, but Australia is on lockdown yes? New Zealand is where a lot of the elites and Hollywood have moved to,so it’s no suprise all is well and normal while the rest of the world burns.

Failure of made up facts. Thank you Peachy for keeping your facts straight :hys:

Peachy lies --> :banhim:
I would like to know the death rate for 60+ age group for the Covid-19 versus the N1H1 Flu?
Krull":3q0uwe0f said:
Sitedrifter":3q0uwe0f said:
Krull":3q0uwe0f said:
sytharnia1560":3q0uwe0f said:
Krull":3q0uwe0f said:
Look at New Zealand for fuck sake. They had like a dozen deaths or some shit and they are on lockdown again.

Sorry dude but you are 100% wrong here. I a in New Zealand and since March we have had 22 CV19 deaths ... we are now 100% back to normal life with no restrictions what so ever. Only thing that isn't normal is our boarders are locked to non citizens/residence. We currently have 11 "active" cases all in isolation after returning from overseas

My mistake, but Australia is on lockdown yes? New Zealand is where a lot of the elites and Hollywood have moved to,so it’s no suprise all is well and normal while the rest of the world burns.

Failure of made up facts. Thank you Peachy for keeping your facts straight :hys:

Peachy lies --> :banhim:

Fuck off loser who signed up 5 years ago only to post “facts” during covid-19. :hys:

And when I say facts, I mean that loosely , like your asshole. :lol: :LOL:


I want to formally state I understand you and feel the need to send you some well wishes.
CNutz":1h9vw4om said:
Well, we are getting better at treating it so It may, or may not be because of a less lethal strain.

Also Dr's in the US ARE using steroids, zinc, vitamins, and even hydroxychloroquine. None of which are a magic cure, but it's improving the survivability rate. This is what I'm hearing directly from DR's.

Glad to hear your friends uncle survived.

I know of 4 total recoveries with no complications, 2 deaths, and 3 active cases, in my circles.

The FDA restrictions for HCQ are not allowing doctors to prescribe HCQ in and outpatient application when it is most effective. If you have Covid and you wait until you need to come into a hospital for treatment or ventilator the HCQ will not help anyone at that point all the doctors using HCQ are in agreement with this. That is why the American Association for Physicans and Surgeons have filed a lawsuit with the FDA to freely release HCQ from the stockpile for off label use. Please read the attached lawsuit and you will find HCQ is not being widely disseminated to the at risk patients. The doctors that are brave enough to prescribed it with 90% +success rates are being threatened by the state medical boards to have their professional license revoked. It also appears the Budensonide also has a high efficacy rate as well according to Dr. Bartlett. Many nurse accounts said most if not all the patients in Brooklyn and Bronx hospitals were not receiving adequate care ... 2-2020.pdf ... he-public/
Krull":2fm5t8ik said:
sytharnia1560":2fm5t8ik said:
Krull":2fm5t8ik said:
Look at New Zealand for fuck sake. They had like a dozen deaths or some shit and they are on lockdown again.

Sorry dude but you are 100% wrong here. I a in New Zealand and since March we have had 22 CV19 deaths ... we are now 100% back to normal life with no restrictions what so ever. Only thing that isn't normal is our boarders are locked to non citizens/residence. We currently have 11 "active" cases all in isolation after returning from overseas

My mistake, but Australia is on lockdown yes? New Zealand is where a lot of the elites and Hollywood have moved to,so it’s no suprise all is well and normal while the rest of the world burns.

Melbourne has gone back into lockdown and I think the Victoria "borders" are closed but the rest is open (not to the same degree as NZ I don't think.

Not too many "elites" and Hollywood people have come here post CV19. James Cameron has had a huge property here for nearly a decade...Mutt Lange also
Krull":15kj0yur said:
Hey there Sitejoke. Why aren’t you talking about the situation in California? Looks like those libtards fucked up.

Don't fuck with the Governor with the movie star good looks, cause he is a smart man.

Why smart? He figured out a way to bullshit the minorities with happy talk to get elected and then as usual, fuck the minorities.

Whether he is smart or not, he is a typical over the top liberal who will destroy anything he will ever be in charge of.
Krull":28qg739c said:
Sitedrifter":28qg739c said:
Krull":28qg739c said:
Hey there Sitejoke. Why aren’t you talking about the situation in California? Looks like those libtards fucked up.

Don't fuck with the Governor with the movie star good looks, cause he is a smart man.

Why smart? He figured out a way to bullshit the minorities with happy talk to get elected and then as usual, fuck the minorities.

Whether he is smart or not, he is a typical over the top liberal who will destroy anything he will ever be in charge of.

But but, covid-19 is out of hand there. He must be sucking Trump’s left nut.

It's out of hand cause he followed Trumpy Bear's suggestion. Cali was one of the first to open shit up then boom, you have a spike.
But there is more to Cali then the Covid virus. Prior to the plague, the state was already in disarray with the homeless population and allowing them to live anywhere on the streets they wanted along with taking a shit and piss anywhere they want.

Hard leaning left liberal Democrat leaders ruin everything they are in charge of.
CNutz":13wtpr15 said:
It's not being prescribed because it is dangerous if not monitored. The hospital can monitor the patients heart rhythm. We'll have people at home going into cardiac arrest from ventricular arrhythmia.

Also it's the immunosuppressant property of the drug that helps. You only wan't to suppress the immune system when cytokine storm is happening.

The Cytokine storm is what kills you and happens at the end stages of the disease causing ARDS once you need a ventilator when HCQ or Budesonide is not effective against this virus. IT has been well documented HCQ is only effective within the first 5 maybe ten days of the onset of symptoms. Usually by the time people get their covid test results(5 to 10 days) some already need hospitalization at which time the HCQ that would have killed the virus and prevented hospitalization is no longer effective.

Did you read the lawsuit from the AAPS they are not a minor league institution? Did you listen to what experienced in the field doctors with practical HCQ experience said in the interview in Warroom Pandemic? I will add the study by Harvey Risch from YALE university if you really want to read something of value. You seem to really buy into to the demonization of this drug. Are you aware that HCQ was sold over the counter in France for people traveling to Southeast asia for malaria protection, I repeat, it is such a dangerous drug that it was sold OVER THE COUNTER for years! Magically now HCQ is going to kill anyone that has COVID19. Yes there are some patients that could have Heart arrythmyia from long term use and those patients that might have issues would have the option to not take it, but at the dosage and the duration to defeat COVID there has been no heart issues noted in properly run studies with the correctly prescribed dosage and duration. These studies you would refer me to the opposite have been retracted due to fraudulent issues found after the publications. PLEASE read the studies from doctors that are using the drug correctly. Please read the CDC synopsis on HCQ prior to covid that was on the CD website for years the CDC said HCQ was approved for use with pregnant women and children again with the correct dosage rates with no dire warnings about heart arrythmia. I am presenting you with legitimate scientific clinical studies and clinical evidence yet you continue to repeat disproven talking points that have been thoroughly be-bunked at this point in this Pandemic. Doctors and Nurses that are smart have been taking HCQ for months now while working in these COVID hospitals for prophylaxis.... why isn't this drug good enough for everyone????? It is clear that use of effective therapeutics against this disease is purely political at this point and has left the realm of logical evidence based science.

Are you going to continue to be against HCQ if you contract COVID19 and are one of the unlucky ones who reacts badly to this virus? I would like it available in the likely event I contract this and get very sick from it. I can only present logical scientific evidence, you are free to come to your own conclusion, but again the likelihood of all of us contracting this eventually is very high, including your family as well as mine.

Yes Fauci , NIH and CDC are conviently glossing over their own study about HCQ being effective against SARSCOV1/ SARS1 this study is still out there yet no one in the MSM will report it! THEY WANT A BODY COUNT PURE AND SIMPLE! Thanks for digging that up Mr Krull!