No talk about Corona Virus?

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Goat":12x2ota2 said:
JackTripper":12x2ota2 said:
Goat":12x2ota2 said:
The problem with the lack of widespread COVID-19 testing, is that the fatality figure is minimally diluted against the number of people infected. This results in an incomplete infected-to-fatality ratio. We also need a hospitalized vs non-hospitalized death ratio.

- How many have died while being hospitalized vs recovering at home?
- How many people under the age of 65 have died, and were these people being hospitalized at the time of death?
- Should senior citizens be vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia ASAP to protect against secondary infection while under hospitalization?
- If most COVID-19 deaths are the result of a secondary pneumococcal (strep) infection, would it not be best avoid hospital admission, if possible?

...asking questions the MSM will not.

The MSM doesn't need to ask these questions, the federal government (CDC) updates those stats regularly.

This first preliminary description of outcomes among patients with COVID-19 in the United States indicates that fatality was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years, <1% among persons aged 20–54 years, and no fatalities among persons aged ≤19 years.

As of March 16, a total of 4,226 COVID-19 cases in the United States had been reported to CDC, with multiple cases reported among older adults living in long-term care facilities (4). Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years. In contrast, no ICU admissions or deaths were reported among persons aged ≤19 years. Similar to reports from other countries, this finding suggests that the risk for serious disease and death from COVID-19 is higher in older age groups.

And so on and so on and so on. All can be found here: ... assessment
None of which addresses my questions. Nice bit of sophistry though... You be shillin! :thumbsup:

Bullshit. Took me all but 3 minutes to find the place where all those "investigative" questions are answered. Don't hold your breath for a Pulitzer Price :lol: :LOL:
Goat":xd7nbkcc said:
JackTripper":xd7nbkcc said:
Goat":xd7nbkcc said:
JackTripper":xd7nbkcc said:
Goat":xd7nbkcc said:
The problem with the lack of widespread COVID-19 testing, is that the fatality figure is minimally diluted against the number of people infected. This results in an incomplete infected-to-fatality ratio. We also need a hospitalized vs non-hospitalized death ratio.

- How many have died while being hospitalized vs recovering at home?
- How many people under the age of 65 have died, and were these people being hospitalized at the time of death?
- Should senior citizens be vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia ASAP to protect against secondary infection while under hospitalization?
- If most COVID-19 deaths are the result of a secondary pneumococcal (strep) infection, would it not be best avoid hospital admission, if possible?

...asking questions the MSM will not.

The MSM doesn't need to ask these questions, the federal government (CDC) updates those stats regularly.

This first preliminary description of outcomes among patients with COVID-19 in the United States indicates that fatality was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years, <1% among persons aged 20–54 years, and no fatalities among persons aged ≤19 years.

As of March 16, a total of 4,226 COVID-19 cases in the United States had been reported to CDC, with multiple cases reported among older adults living in long-term care facilities (4). Overall, 31% of cases, 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years. In contrast, no ICU admissions or deaths were reported among persons aged ≤19 years. Similar to reports from other countries, this finding suggests that the risk for serious disease and death from COVID-19 is higher in older age groups.

And so on and so on and so on. All can be found here: ... assessment
None of which addresses my questions. Nice bit of sophistry though... You be shillin! :thumbsup:

Bullshit. Took me all but 3 minutes to find the place where all those "investigative" questions are answered. Don't hold your breath for a Pulitzer Price :lol: :LOL:
Your ass sucks canal water. :lol: :LOL:

The last thing a fish discovers is water :dunno:
Mailman1971":2n5vj48t said:
2 doctors at major hospitals tested positive in my city.
It’s for real. Not just the sniffles.

It's in my town. Members of a gym I frequent have tested positive. People in the building I work are under self-quarantine due to potential exposure . It is for real.
Krull":fqwrwg4s said:
Umm ya it’s everywhere. A virus knows no borders when a host is able to travel freely. One man (Trump) doesn’t have the power to stop it.

Umm, ya lots of men---CEOs, governors, mayors--have used their power in an effort to stop it. Trump? He has been a clueless bystander. He can't even read off the teleprompter without fucking it up and crashing the markets.
Krull":7oqb4qqh said:
JackTripper":7oqb4qqh said:
Krull":7oqb4qqh said:
Umm ya it’s everywhere. A virus knows no borders when a host is able to travel freely. One man (Trump) doesn’t have the power to stop it.

Umm, ya lots of men---CEOs, governors, mayors--have used their power in an effort to stop it. Trump? He has been a clueless bystander. He can't even read off the teleprompter without fucking it up and crashing the markets.

Is that why your state is suffering the most right now? Is Gangster Cuomo gonna save you guys?

It's always a privilege when a foreigner such as yourself--not a U.S.A resident, nor U.S.A voter, nor U.S.A taxpayer, nor U.S.A contributor in any meaningful way---knows what's best for those of us that are. Thank you for your wisdom :thumbsup:
Krull":1zs3lhhw said:
No problem. I’m glad you think CEO’s have the public’s best interest at hand.

I never said all CEOs. For example, the CEO of Trump International? No worries, he'll get his federal bailout payment and then some. The Hotel Industry will be fine. All at the expense of us U.S.A taxpayers. We should all be grateful to contribute.
Krull":2vh98kvs said:
JackTripper":2vh98kvs said:
Krull":2vh98kvs said:
No problem. I’m glad you think CEO’s have the public’s best interest at hand.

I never said all CEOs. For example, the CEO of Trump International? No worries, he'll get his federal bailout payment and then some. The Hotel Industry will be fine. All at the expense of us U.S.A taxpayers. We should all be grateful to contribute.

Dude I’m not here to argue with you, it’s pointless. Let’s face it, all the worlds leaders screwed the pooch on this one. I just hope we can all make it through this nightmare.

Honestly stay healthy and safe.

Well said. We're on the same page there for sure, be safe!
Goat":165ztr33 said:
Follow the South Korean Model to Defeat Coronavirus ... ronavirus/

Top comment:

USMCDanang1966 • 15 minutes ago
The South Koreans don't have a bunch of Communists attacking their every move. Furthermore, they aren't plagued with a media that is comprised of Marxists/Communists, and whose sole job is to destroy their nation. South Koreans as a whole are a nation of well educated people; and they are very, nationalistic. Contrast that with our nation, where at least half of the idiots here, hate America. Little wonder that South Korea was able to institute their policies, and shutdown the effects of the virus. If President Trump tries to mimic what South Korea has done, he will face lawsuits from Democrats, and a preponderance of lies from the media.

For fuck's sake, that is not true at all.

a.) South Koreans as a whole are not very nationalistic or full of patriotism at all. And frankly it's just dumb to try and overlay US politics onto any other country, let alone an asian one.

b.) In Korea now, the Korean government is taking a lot of flak for how they handled it. It may be a role model for the US right now, but that doesn't mean the Korean people view it as such.

c.) And what states are most closely following the South Korean model? (it's NY and CA, i.e., Democrats apparently support and lead in enacting strict policies aimed at curbing the viral spread). You just have to consider what the mechanism for success was. We can pretend like a lockdown is draconian, but it's a blanket policy when you can't perform the testing to identify and quarantine individuals (this is where Korea and China really succeeded). The US doesn't have the tests, so how else would you mimic the mechanism (taking sick people out of the active community) without lockdown? The answer isn't to just let a ton of untested people go back to work.
Krull":u0qrdbyr said:

It's nice that you can google "south korea patriotism", but live in South Korea for a while (or date a South Korean like the one I asked before replying), and I'll be more open to the criticism. Like any country that has basically a single ethnic/racial/cultural identity, they seem to be more capable of cobbling together a united front against threats -- like this, or like the IMF crisis. But to qualify as nationalistic, I think it's ridiculous. You have to like and support your government to be nationalistic, and that is not a very South Korean trait.
Krull":2p673fpj said:
You also claim “it's just dumb to try and overlay US politics onto any other country, let alone an asian one”. So tell me why so many people in Honk Kong love the USA model and praise Trump? Or how about Indian for the matter.

It’s funny you say I can just google it. What have you done? That’s all you guys do in Max of metal is the king of this.

I don't know what HK or Indian support for trump would mean, if it is somehow significant (not that you posted any information to express that). That's simply irrelevant. The point is that the political divides and issues are different between countries, the economies, inequalities, freedoms, and social issues are all different, and none of these things transfer. So for instance, the leader of Korea is head of the democratic party, so I might say, wow, clearly if Trump follows the South Korea model, all the democrats would be for it -- we're trying to follow in the footsteps of a country with liberal leadership, right?

Of course, while the spectrum is the same, US conservatives/liberals are not the same as Korean conservatives/liberals, so it's just dumb to compare political issues this way (as was done in the comment). The commenter is making Korea seem like it has these American conservative values for the sake of connecting with their successes in fighting the virus, nothing more, without taking anything else into consideration.

Kind of besides the point -- you can't follow the Korean method if you don't have tests and you can't test people, and the US has botched that up bigtime. Hopefully they can manage to produce at scale before things really kick up.
Some Mo stuff about any death. Just objective, that's all. Please try not to bring too much politics into it. Remember, you fear what you create.


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Goat":2kzn9021 said:
FOX and CCN are incensed that young people are throwing their finger up at "social distancing" orders. :lol: :LOL:

They may be partying up it now, but wait until they graduate from college this year or next year. They'll be entering an economy where they will be unemployed. If they are lucky, they will be underemployed. They'll be whining and complaining their generation has it tough. And Fox and CNN will revisit those photos, having the last laugh.


24hr/day pumping the public full of fear for their ratings charts.