No talk about Corona Virus?

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The # of COVID-19 cases is going to end up being bad just by how people are acting, especially those who aren't high risk for morbidity.

I texted an M.D. friend, who practices in NY, on Feb. 23 being surprised that NY had 0 cases considering that the state has a significant Chinese population in the metropolitan areas. Then bam, the hospitals are getting overwhelmed just within the last week.

CA has the potential to be a disaster since there are too many idiots wandering about outside acting like there's no pandemic.
Krull":2txhgudv said:
Rand Paul tests positive but feels no symptoms. This begs the question, WTF?
Like with HIV, symptoms don't show up immediately. Give it a few days.
Krull":13syvm6s said:
Honestly what’s the point of getting tested? They keep making a big deal about how there is not enough test kits. Maybe the fact of just going to get tested might in fact get you infected is a good reason to not get tested.

Stay away from the hospital as long as you can. Don’t run towards it.
To get virus genome mutation rate info. SARS-CoV-2 will mutate since it's genome RNA (+). How do you think the virus went from bats -> intermediary -> humans?
Goat":rxawcy0u said:
narad":rxawcy0u said:
Goat":rxawcy0u said:
Follow the South Korean Model to Defeat Coronavirus ... ronavirus/

Top comment:

USMCDanang1966 • 15 minutes ago
The South Koreans don't have a bunch of Communists attacking their every move. Furthermore, they aren't plagued with a media that is comprised of Marxists/Communists, and whose sole job is to destroy their nation. South Koreans as a whole are a nation of well educated people; and they are very, nationalistic. Contrast that with our nation, where at least half of the idiots here, hate America. Little wonder that South Korea was able to institute their policies, and shutdown the effects of the virus. If President Trump tries to mimic what South Korea has done, he will face lawsuits from Democrats, and a preponderance of lies from the media.

For fuck's sake, that is not true at all.

a.) South Koreans as a whole are not very nationalistic or full of patriotism at all. And frankly it's just dumb to try and overlay US politics onto any other country, let alone an asian one.

b.) In Korea now, the Korean government is taking a lot of flak for how they handled it. It may be a role model for the US right now, but that doesn't mean the Korean people view it as such.

c.) And what states are most closely following the South Korean model? (it's NY and CA, i.e., Democrats apparently support and lead in enacting strict policies aimed at curbing the viral spread). You just have to consider what the mechanism for success was. We can pretend like a lockdown is draconian, but it's a blanket policy when you can't perform the testing to identify and quarantine individuals (this is where Korea and China really succeeded). The US doesn't have the tests, so how else would you mimic the mechanism (taking sick people out of the active community) without lockdown? The answer isn't to just let a ton of untested people go back to work.
You're an idiot... a useful idiot.

Ha, that's funny -- I seem to pass every metric of not-being-an-idiot, except, of course, having my posts liked in the political sections of Rig-Talk. Go figure.

To the actual comment from that article, I'm "boots on the ground" in Japan and Korea, so it's funny to read a bunch of you guys getting your impressions of their policies and culture from anonymous posters in right-wing media outlets. As to why testing is important, frequent testing is literally the way Korea handled shit. You can't "follow in Korea's footsteps" if you can't test huge swaths of the potentially effected population. If you don't get that, you don't understand why things succeeded in Korea.
Krull":1fqkojnp said:
narad":1fqkojnp said:
Goat":1fqkojnp said:
narad":1fqkojnp said:
Goat":1fqkojnp said:
Follow the South Korean Model to Defeat Coronavirus ... ronavirus/

Top comment:

USMCDanang1966 • 15 minutes ago
The South Koreans don't have a bunch of Communists attacking their every move. Furthermore, they aren't plagued with a media that is comprised of Marxists/Communists, and whose sole job is to destroy their nation. South Koreans as a whole are a nation of well educated people; and they are very, nationalistic. Contrast that with our nation, where at least half of the idiots here, hate America. Little wonder that South Korea was able to institute their policies, and shutdown the effects of the virus. If President Trump tries to mimic what South Korea has done, he will face lawsuits from Democrats, and a preponderance of lies from the media.

For fuck's sake, that is not true at all.

a.) South Koreans as a whole are not very nationalistic or full of patriotism at all. And frankly it's just dumb to try and overlay US politics onto any other country, let alone an asian one.

b.) In Korea now, the Korean government is taking a lot of flak for how they handled it. It may be a role model for the US right now, but that doesn't mean the Korean people view it as such.

c.) And what states are most closely following the South Korean model? (it's NY and CA, i.e., Democrats apparently support and lead in enacting strict policies aimed at curbing the viral spread). You just have to consider what the mechanism for success was. We can pretend like a lockdown is draconian, but it's a blanket policy when you can't perform the testing to identify and quarantine individuals (this is where Korea and China really succeeded). The US doesn't have the tests, so how else would you mimic the mechanism (taking sick people out of the active community) without lockdown? The answer isn't to just let a ton of untested people go back to work.
You're an idiot... a useful idiot.

Ha, that's funny -- I seem to pass every metric of not-being-an-idiot, except, of course, having my posts liked in the political sections of Rig-Talk. Go figure.

To the actual comment from that article, I'm "boots on the ground" in Japan and Korea, so it's funny to read a bunch of you guys getting your impressions of their policies and culture from anonymous posters in right-wing media outlets. As to why testing is important, frequent testing is literally the way Korea handled shit. You can't "follow in Korea's footsteps" if you can't test huge swaths of the potentially effected population. If you don't get that, you don't understand why things succeeded in Korea.

Oh man a white guy living in Japan who dated a Korean is an expert on Japanese and Korean culture? When are you receiving the nobel peace prize on Asian Diversity?


Expert? No.
More informed than people who never stepped foot in the country and who couldn't point it out on a map? Yes.
There`s more to this than corona virus, trains on east coast are fully loaded with national guard equipment and Fayettenam is air drilling like a mf`er
All flu`s are contagious, all you have to do is look at the numbers and the action taken does not add up.
Just need to change the team names to something arbitrary (not random) for fun and we're good for the long haul. Anybody wanna place the 1st open bet? No Shekel's allowed in the Pot, only US currency (RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW I KNOW NOT SQUAT ABOUT THE STOCK MARKET AND I WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY. Armchair Junk) none of the "get stuff with other stuff", meaning "liquidity" balderdash. And I'm not into an endless Wild-goose chase, thus I never mess with the NYSE For Dummies.


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This is reorganization of the world economy, this virus is just the diversion. As you can see they shut down most everything except food supply , medical service and fuel and finances. Sounds like a good time for socialism to rear it`s ugly head
Who knows even the republican party could have been lying their asses off too.
Yo People! FLASHBACK to 911.

If you don't 100% believe it was staged by our endearing and benevolent Government, then your dwelling in a distant Galaxy we haven't discovered yet. Hang-Tight.
Some of you guys need to go check out, you’ll fit right in over there.

BTW, remember when Trumpy said “The 15 cases within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”?

Just in case you guys weren’t aware, he was not correct about that one. He was off by a few numbers. 64,765, currently.

But surely he’s right about everything else regarding corvid-19!