New member
Finally after listening too much to Alexi Laiho I have decided to jump into the "locking tremolo" wagon! Of course, like every other guy who gets the bar for the first time, after a few hours of endless and pointless whammy wankery, what had to happen eventually happened, a bad horsie ended in a CLINKKKKKKKKKK, A string's gone...
So I decided to change gauges to be able to play along my idols in D stardard and Drop C, but after changing all the strings with a set of 11-52s and turning them up to pitch, I realised that the bridge shouldn't be pointing to the Southern Hemisphere. You guys can laugh, but I'm sure every of you has experienced the same .
Well, the bridge is completely out of the cavity as if I were dive-bombing. I have tried to increase the spring tension, but I fear I ran out of headroom, after half a turn the screws are way too hard to turn, which hardly makes the bridge come down (I relieved the string tension before turning the screws). There are 4 springs in there, should I go and buy another one? What do I have to do?
BTW, I tuned the guitar very flat so that now the bridge is completely horizontal, as I think it will be more "comfotable" for the guitar. Is that the good way to keep it until I get it sorted?
I'm looking forward to your advice .
So I decided to change gauges to be able to play along my idols in D stardard and Drop C, but after changing all the strings with a set of 11-52s and turning them up to pitch, I realised that the bridge shouldn't be pointing to the Southern Hemisphere. You guys can laugh, but I'm sure every of you has experienced the same .
Well, the bridge is completely out of the cavity as if I were dive-bombing. I have tried to increase the spring tension, but I fear I ran out of headroom, after half a turn the screws are way too hard to turn, which hardly makes the bridge come down (I relieved the string tension before turning the screws). There are 4 springs in there, should I go and buy another one? What do I have to do?
BTW, I tuned the guitar very flat so that now the bridge is completely horizontal, as I think it will be more "comfotable" for the guitar. Is that the good way to keep it until I get it sorted?
I'm looking forward to your advice .