Official Kamala 2028 presidential run thread

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Ha ha ha ha ha

Kamala Harris Left Reeling After Guatemalans Greet Her With ‘Trump Won’ Banners: “Go Home!”​

Judge Declares Kamala Harris ‘F***ed Her Way to the Top’ – Stunning Admission​

Kamala Harris: African American Women Are More Likely to Die From Child Birth Because of Racism​

Seriously, though. I don't think she would win the election since there are so many inbred rednecks in this forum, er... country. BUT, the 2024 election is going to be between the two we know. Either stands a damned good chance of winning. And if Biden wins, do you think...really think he'll finish the term?

This woman is one heartbeat away from the presidency. Seriously.
You think rednecks are the reason the woman who came in last place in her party's primaries can't be elected president ? Interesting opinion.

I'll give her one thing, it does look like she has nice tits.
You think rednecks are the reason the woman who came in last place in her party's primaries can't be elected president ? Interesting opinion.

I'll give her one thing, it does look like she has nice tits.
Yeah....................I'd still fuck her........................BUT............I'd hate myself for being that weak for a pair of tits. :sick:
You got to be careful when posting facts like this because these liberal psychopaths behavior is all emotionally based and they go absolutely ballistic with extreme overpowering rage . When they get really upset their emotions take over and you will see them post and post and post multiple times in a row attacking you , that's their emotions overruling everything else . That's why they do that .

There's no such thing as a charming or attractive liberal . Most liberals are the result of inbreeding .
There's no such thing as a charming or attractive liberal . Most liberals are the result of inbreeding .
Ohhhhh...Ok, I get it now. That's why you just post links and memes all day. It's because you're dumber than fuck.

Back to the memes and links for you! Wow!
The-Pubic-Man likes Bagels and Creamcheese just like Dummy B but not for much longer. Dummy B has been a bad grandma. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Picasso, it must be a weird feeling knowing that the grand majority of the population think you're a complete moron. I mean, we can go back and forth calling each other names here in this forum all day. It doesn't make either of us right. It's just a matter of who types faster.

However, out there...out there in the real world, your viewpoints are considered archaic. Backwards. Aging. Dying.

I know you'll type a completely juvenile response to this. Something about "Dummy B" or something equally moronic. But...I'm right. I win. Youth, tolerance, progression. They will prevail. And you and your ilk will fade angrily into the history books next to countless other acts.

Your turn. Type something meaningful. I challenge you. I'll even listen. But if you just come back with, "Durrrrrr....Dummy Beeeee is a homoooo!" then no one will listen.
Wow, the one thing that you need to know about using Alts and not being detected is to not reveal a lot in your posts and the above response to Picasso reveals way way too much . This sounds identical to Donnie .
Wow, the one thing that you need to know about using Alts and not being detected is to not reveal a lot in your posts and the above response to Picasso reveals way way too much . This sounds identical to Donnie .
Well, I'm not Donnie. But I don't doubt that I sound like him as we probably have similar beliefs. I'll give you that.

But really, look at syntax. Spelling. Structure. You can see it's two different people.