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Question for you guys. Do you have freedom of speech if you walk into my house?

hypothetically speaking, you come into my house and start running your mouth on a racist rant. I say hey man that's not allowed here, you continue on, so I politely ask you to leave, you still continue so I toss you the fuck out.

In your hypothetical situation, I would still have freedom of speech to say those racist rants, even in your house. You would have the ability to evict me from your private property. If I refused to leave, then it becomes an entirely new situation (in some states not as much so). My freedom of speech would still not be revoked the moment you decided to evict me from your house, or even after you "tossed me the fuck out" or called the police and I was arrested. My ability to lawfully remain on your property would be the only thing revoked.
You aren't standing up for freedom of speech as it is written in law. You are standing up for your personal ideals and belief system. Until you understand that and can demonstrate that you can separate the two in a discussion, you are going to have push back.
Since when is a person expressing his ideals and belief systems NOT freedom of speech. What speech is it limited to? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Since when is a person expressing his ideals and belief systems NOT freedom of speech. What speech is it limited to? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
2 things:

1) Can you really not read? Expressing your belief about what free speech is instead of what it actually is sums up the issue. I'm not trying to prevent you from discussing it. I am telling you that you are conflating the two.

2) The keys words in the first amendment that you repeatedly overlook are "to petition the government". You are conflating defamation law and the first amendment repeatedly. Learn the difference.
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2 things:

1) Can you really not read? Expressing your belief about what free speech is instead of what it actually is is the problem you have. I'm not tryi f to prevent you.from discussing it. I am telling you that you are conflating the two.

2) The keys words in the first amendment that you repeatedly overlook are "to petition the government". You are conflating defamation law and the first amendment repeatedly. Learn the difference.
Explain to me what free speech is, then. As for the first amendment, the words are AND to petition the gov't for a redress of grievances. That is added AFTER "freedom of speech." It is added after a semi-colon and not as one continuous sentence to suggest that freedom of speech is ONLY available if you want to bitch to the government. How about you read and learn sentence structure.
2 things:

1) Can you really not read? Expressing your belief about what free speech is instead of what it actually is is the problem you have. I'm not tryi f to prevent you.from discussing it. I am telling you that you are conflating the two.

2) The keys words in the first amendment that you repeatedly overlook are "to petition the government". You are conflating defamation law and the first amendment repeatedly. Learn the difference.

Here's a real life lesson in free speech:

You're a fucking intellectually dishonest moron.

See how that works?
Yes, I'd like to know what the "Qtard" version is as well.

And Cuntz would know; he's constantly spouting off about "Qtard" this and "Qtard" that.

Qtard really triggers you, why? :ROFLMAO:

The Qtard version is thinking Fredom of speech is your right, all encompassing everywhere.

The constitutions version simplified so a mental midget such as yourself can understand: The government may not jail, fine, or impose civil liability on people or organizations based on what they say or write, except in exceptional circumstances.

Pay special attention to the word GOVERNMENT.
Facebook, Twitter, Walmart, the titty bar, your neighbors house, church, and Rig-talk is NOT the god damn GOVERNMENT.
Qtard really triggers you, why? :ROFLMAO:

The Qtard version is thinking Fredom of speech is your right, all encompassing everywhere.

The constitutions version simplified so a mental midget such as yourself can understand: The government may not jail, fine, or impose civil liability on people or organizations based on what they say or write, except in exceptional circumstances.

Pay special attention to the word GOVERNMENT.
Facebook, Twitter, Walmart, the titty bar, your neighbors house, church, and Rig-talk is NOT the god damn GOVERNMENT.
What are you not understanding? Only the gov't can jail, fine or impose civil liability. That has nothing to do with one's freedom of speech in a titty bar, or your instance, a gay bathhouse. That freedom exists anyplace (in USA and more or less Canada), whereas others have the 'freedom' to sue, kick you out of their establishment, etc., which is a different right than that of speech.
What are you not understanding? Only the gov't can jail, fine or impose civil liability. That has nothing to do with one's freedom of speech in a titty bar, or your instance, a gay bathhouse. That freedom exists anyplace (in USA and more or less Canada), whereas others have the 'freedom' to sue, kick you out of their establishment, etc., which is a different right than that of speech.

If the gay bathhouse you frequent has a rule that you cannot say "banana split" they can have you removed, and banned for saying it.

You can open your idiotic mouth if you wan't, and be free from governmental consequences, but you cannot escape the consequences the gay bathhouse imposes on you, which is to toss you out before the reach around is finished. That would make you real sad. :hys:

Of course you could sue for the cost you paid to get pegged, but you will unlikely win, because you broke the rules.
My point is you are a retard who thinks he knows what he's talking about yet doesn't even have a fucking high school diploma 🤣

How much taxes do Facebook and Twitter pay?

Trillions? 🤣

I make a 6 figure income, lack of high school diploma has not held me back at all. As a matter of fact It was not my decision to leave school, I had to leave, and become fully independent because of family issues beyond my control.

BTW we learned about the US constitution, and the right granted in elementary, and middle school. So eat your gravy fry's with dick cheese, and sit down, hoser :ROFLMAO:
Haha. What a clown.

So Facebook and Twitter pay no taxes, receive government subsidies, and stick their nose in elections but they aren't part of the Government and can censor anyone they please while allowing libtards like yourself to say whatever they want because you are in fact a true libtard. 🤣

So do I hear you saying you're anti corporate welfare? Me too

But that's besides the fact. The government does not own any controlling stake in those companies, therefore they are free to close your account, or remove your posts in accordance with their policies, dick licker.

Just like a church can ask me to leave if I walk in wearing a T-Shirt that say's "Mary was a whore, and Jesus is my bitch"

See how that works?
So as long as you have a healthy dose of TDS and post your dreams of decapitating Trump's head or your loving support for Democrats, Antifa or ISIS you can post on Facebook and Twitter.

And as long as you are on the right ( I mean Left) political side you can promote and influence it without censorship.

Yes I see how it works indeed CommieNutz. 🤣

Why not just join Pillow boy's social media platform? That's what supposed to happen, you understand how competition works right?

While I think that guy is a lunatic, I applaud him for creating a retard playground for you guys. :hys:
I make a 6 figure income, lack of high school diploma has not held me back at all. As a matter of fact It was not my decision to leave school, I had to leave, and become fully independent because of family issues beyond my control.

BTW we learned about the US constitution, and the right granted in elementary, and middle school. So eat your gravy fry's with dick cheese, and sit down, hoser :ROFLMAO:

6 figures?!? Does that include the decimal point?