Yes, follow THEIR Psyops....oops, I mean sCieNseWeren't we told to follow the sCiEnCe?
Just think of all the people the govt let die... wow.
Yep, and sadly I keep seeing story’s of young healthy people dying.
Ya, It literally blows me away, I cannot fathom how the masses are buying into this utter bullshit.You know, in many ways it seems like we are fk'd, but then I know mass media controls the narrative to make us think we are losing. If we were actually losing, I don't think the masses would be censored and controlled as harsh as it is nowadays, or maybe it is all part of the plan. I refuse to equate self proclaimed "elitists" to a guaranteed win, know what I mean?
I thought masses were going to wake up to the injuries and deaths from the jab... I NEVER would have believed the media would lie about the deaths and say "unknown illnesses" was the cause... like it just blows me away how far they lie and go and STILL get away with it... I don't get it..