Well-known member
Nahh , you wouldn't believe how much stuff I have that the government affiliated and mainstream adamantly refuse to report . I don't give a damn how people respond to it the only thing I care about is that the information that has been highly censored and hidden from the masses is out there for anyone to read .ccn’s on fire??
You wouldn't believe how many people think Google is trustworthy and all they have to do is search using Google and Google will link them to factual information when the exact opposite is true .
Google will NEVER EVER link to real factual news sources they stopped linking to fact based sites many years ago.
Try googling info about the vaccine and if it's safe , EVERY SINGLE LINK will link to one of the below sources or other pro government mainstream sources.
Cnn, Msnbc, Abc, Cbs, Nbc, HuffPost, NYT, WashPost, The AP, BuzzFeed, Politico, NewsWeek, The Hill, Rolling Stone, Twitter , Sky News, Mediate, The Atlantic, USA Today, Time magazine, LA Times, Politifact, Reuters, Facebook , CDC , The World Health Organization, BBC, Wikipedia, Boston Globe, Vox, The Miami Herald, Mother Jones, Instagram, Factcheck .or, HLN , Yahoo, MSN, NY Daily News, Vice, Univision, People magazine, PBS, NPR, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Aurn, National Journal, BI ,
It's very very very difficult to find factual information these days since all search engines only link to propaganda sources .
Try searching for political info on Google and other main stream search engines for instance , the ONLY links they will show you are from the above sources . Twitter and Facebook will also ONLY link to the above sources .
99.9% of all factcheckers are liberal owned and funded as well and their sole purpose is to confirm the lies that the above sources report . It fools a lot of people because they truly believe factcheckers are legit factcheckers but nothing could be further from the truth .
By far the best way to know with 100% certainty what's factual info is to seek out what the above listed sources insist is disinformation because what they claim is disinformation and not trustworthy is ALWAYS 100% trustworthy .
What the above sources promote as real news IS NEVER EVER real news .