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National Enquirer
Weekly World News.
I hope you guys are tough cuz if you're stupid, you'd better be tough. P.T. Barnum loved guys like you.
In case you haven't figured out the obvious yet the mainstream doesn't report news , it's the obscure independent news sources that report REAL NEWS these days , you know all the sources that the mainstream insist is not trustworthy and heavily censors . It's why most intelligent people know that the ONLY way to find REAL LEGIT NEWS is to seek out the sources the mainstream attack and censor the most .
Leading news editors confess on camera how journalists worldwide are paid to "always lie, and never tell the truth to the public." They are bribed by the CIA, billionaires, governments and secret societies to manipulate the public. News media are used to control what the population thinks, feels, and does. Although we see hundreds of different news agencies in the world, we don't understand how they are all owned by the same small handful of people.
"The strategy of Google is to program humanity", says Google senior software developer Zach Vorhies. "They want to sculpt the information landscape, and only show information that fits their agenda." "Google has dozens of blacklists with tens of thousands of real news websites which they are hiding from the world". Zach Vorhies worked with Google for eight years and was shocked about their manipulation program.
The Biden administration paid the entire corporate media with taxpayer dollars to engage in a massive campaign to push only positive coverage about COVID shots while censoring any negative information, without disclosing it to their audiences. This is a serious breach of journalistic ethics.
In case