Ok I can't stay silent on this any longer, 900lb gorilla.

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Pro vax telling why he wont get another covid vax.

For those idiots that wont watch, he talks about the myocarditis from the vax. There are no long term studies... nobody knows what will happen to people in 5,10, 15 years...

He's not getting any more injections because he knows about vaccine dependent enhancement..............

Immune Imprinting...............................Vaccine Dependent Enhancement..........this was always the issues with previous Coronavirus, RSV vaccine attempts, it's all in the previous animal studies which were all skipped this time


He states they were surprised about the myocarditis effects..................................If this were the case why was the FDA discussing this in early 2020 and then not disclosing it to the public. I think the uptake of the injection would have been alot less if people had gotten full disclosure to attain consent rather then the "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" mantra..........

The FDA was fully aware of the possible side effects....they even published it in October 22, 2020. The FDA.gov link is still good and the information is still there......almost three years later. PAGE 16


FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***
 Guillain-Barré syndrome
 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
 Transverse myelitis
 Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy
 Convulsions/seizures
 Stroke
 Narcolepsy and cataplexy
 Anaphylaxis
 Acute myocardial infarction
 Myocarditis/pericarditis
 Autoimmune disease
 Deaths
 Pregnancy and birth outcomes
 Other acute demyelinating diseases
 Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
 Thrombocytopenia
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation
 Venous thromboembolism
 Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
 Kawasaki disease
 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
 Vaccine enhanced disease

Mass Airborne mRNA Bioweapon ‘Administration’ for the Proletariat: An Atrocity!​

“The U.S. government has never been shy about using its own citizens as unwitting test subjects for its bioweapon experiments. While there are many well-known cases, this has actually happened hundreds of times in U.S. history, demonstrating the utter contempt that those in power have had, and have now, for the general population of this country.”

The horror that occurred during the fake ‘covid pandemic’ scare is a great example of a false flag event meant to get as many as possible injected with experimental, cancer-causing, health destroying, and extremely deadly toxic poisons called a ‘covid vaccine.’ Millions have been threatened, faced job loss, lied to about success and safety, and subjected to any number of life-threatening illnesses and adverse effects of these poisonous bioweapon injections.

Now, Yale ‘researchers’ have stated that they have a new airborne messenger RNA (mRNA) inhalable, lung-targeted, delivery system of nanoparticles for airborne or mucosal ‘vaccination’ This is meant for large-scale ‘vaccination

It must be stated that these nefarious efforts by the State, its controllers, the evil pharmaceutical industry, the mainstream media, the politicians, the so-called ‘think-tanks,’ all the government bureaucracies, the military, the enforcement agencies, the central banks, and the NGOs, have but one agenda. That is for total control over all populations, with the goal of dramatically reducing the surface population through eugenic manipulation, democide, genocide, and psychological rape of the minds of the naïve herd.

paulyc, Ayanar , Woke anus, RacerX , Cnutz the two percenters ha ha ha ha ha

Hilarious Twitter Reactions as Only 2% Americans Receive New COVID Vaccine

Is that all you got ? You have nothing to dispute it ? Of course you don't .

It is as incorrect last time you “reported” on it, and it still is. Nothing new to see here