Opinion: It’s better to find older dudes to form bands with than younger guys

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You're not necessarily wrong,dude. It's just others opinions. Your opinion about your situation is just as viable as anyone else.

Young people want to be with other young people. That's the way youth works. And youngsters rarely want advice from an older guy unless they are a fanboy of said elder statesman.

If I was 30 again,I wouldn't want to work with most younger people because I would want others in my band to be seasoned no matter what their skill level. Adults are more often far more reliable,as you stated.
I didn’t want to work with the kid (not after he said that anyway). I just wanted to help him broaden his horizons and not pin himself into a box
Why are you offering your mentorship? Probably not to help the kid, this is a stranger, right? More likely you decided to school him due to other issues within yourself.

There, now I am helping you.... despite you not asking for it.
The OP is causing the dreaded band drama, but he's not even in the band. The correct response to that 20 year old would've been, "ok, no problem, thanks for your time". That 20 year old dodged a bullet...
Op I don't think the general idea of what you're saying is what people are taking issue with.

It's the "I'm so much better at guitar, I'm chiseled/better looking" stuff.

It doesnt matter whether you're correct that "people are too concerned with age," when you come off as a giant douche in literally every conceivable way in the rest of the post 🤷‍♂️

Not trying to drag you, because I honestly don't think you MEANT to come off that way. But you did.
I don't think it matters.
If you can't play you can't play and lots of people try but can't play.
I think in the 18-25 age range you will get a diff sort of lifestyle and look compared to a 30-50 let's say. Either way, I think it is more about the "look" than age for me. Even if I am rocking with some dude who is 55, he'd better look badass if I was ever playing a gig. I better also look the part. Wearing sandals with socks and a guitar right beneath the chin is lame no matter what the age. So in other words, look good even if you suck.

I know this wasn't helpful, but it is also that guy's choice to play with whoever he wants. It reminds me of the stripper who once complained that all the guys at the table kept getting lap dances with the busty girl. "She's overrated" she said.... " but it's our money " I said. Anyway....
IDK... when I was 20-ish years old, I wouldn't have wanted to play in a band with 30+year olds. Hell, even late 20s would have been a little rough.

When I was 20, I partied a lot harder than I do now, and I really enjoyed partying with my bandmates. We had a 24/7 monthly rehearsal spot where we could crash (unofficially), play loud, and be generally irresponsible. Psychedelic drugs were enjoyed and ensuing jams recorded. That type of stuff. My bandmates at the time were also--de facto--my best friends and the people with whom I spent the most time outside of my day job. We were there because we wanted to be there, and we were invested to an extent that I don't think I'll ever match for the rest of my life.

It's not the type of thing I'd do now in my early 30's with a wife/kid/career and everything that goes with that stuff. And for the record, I don't think that I would want to play with a 20 year old kid unless they really blew me away in terms of both maturity and skill. If they said "Hey, let's organize a tour" my response would be, "Yeah, that sounds great, but I've got a mortgage and other obligations..."
the rolling stones had some old as 30 year old in the band when they started, management kicked his ass out for being too fucking old and the rest is history.
When I was 20, I partied a lot harder than I do now, and I really enjoyed partying with my bandmates. We had a 24/7 monthly rehearsal spot where we could crash (unofficially), play loud, and be generally irresponsible. Psychedelic drugs were enjoyed and ensuing jams recorded. That type of stuff. My bandmates at the time were also--de facto--my best friends and the people with whom I spent the most time outside of my day job. We were there because we wanted to be there, and we were invested to an extent that I don't think I'll ever match for the rest of my life.

I feel this big time too. When I was in my 20's and playing shows and rehearsing regularly I feel like my technique was far "better" than it is now, because I'm just playing guitar a lot less in general compared to back then. My ear and musical scope is a lot broader now, but as far as pure technical ability I feel like I've lost something.

That's not to say it wouldn't come back if I really put the time in again and worked on it, but my life is just totally different now and I don't have that same drive.
When I was 18 my 27 year old B.I.T. grad bass player and late 20’s drummer helped me step up my game. Then I played with mid 30’s guys at 23. Then mid to late 30’s guys at 27. Then my best band was a late 20’s bass player, me at 35, guitarist at 45, singer at 40.

Bob Welch told me to always play with more experienced and higher calibre players to learn. Worked for me.
When you do lots of narcotics everyone is a Legend in their own mind.
Speaking from past experience.
I was making this statement to say that this kid was not quite as "hot shit" as he perceived himself. Even though he perceived me told be "old", I still look better and play better than him.

By the way, I wish the old thread I made 7-8 years ago where you guys on this forum crucified me to the end of the universe for having the same attitude as this kid was still around. I believe it was in the off-topic section. Now that I'm taking the opposite position you guys are naysaying me for that. I was kind of taking up for some of you older dudes in this post so I figured you would side with me, but guess not. I guess everything is wrong when it becomes my position. No problem, I'll just throw my guitars in the lake and go stick my head in the mud. Thanks!
7-8 years ago was definitely a different crowd
I see one or two guys here nominally agrees with me. What TF are you doing? This is a dogpile/crucifixion. Don’t you know?
I assume that’s when your shirt comes off to display your chiseled physique.
Quit your fucking crying and get over yourself. No wonder you’re trying out for 20 year olds, nobody your age would put up with you. :cry:
you guys really know how to turn nothing into something. Fuck you