Orange and evh cab pairing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mindys87
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I have orange ppc212 closed back and evh 5150 2x12. Can i connect them together and play with my marshall jcm2000 dsl 100? Orange has 2 inputs on the back. Evh just one. Thanks


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You cold use each speaker output into each mono input on the cabs if that makes sense. you just always want to match the impedance and make sure that you aren't maxing the wattage. Both of those look like 16 ohm cabs, so you could use an 8 ohm selection on the back of your amp if you are runnning to both at the same time. Or you could use 4ohm if you wanted to. You just wouldn't want to use 16 ohm selection for two 16 ohm cabs. Also. the EVH 2x12 cab is only going to be rated to 50 watts, so running a 100watt amp through it would not be adviseable, especially if you turn the thing to any real volume.
You cold use each speaker output into each mono input on the cabs if that makes sense. you just always want to match the impedance and make sure that you aren't maxing the wattage. Both of those look like 16 ohm cabs, so you could use an 8 ohm selection on the back of your amp if you are runnning to both at the same time. Or you could use 4ohm if you wanted to. You just wouldn't want to use 16 ohm selection for two 16 ohm cabs. Also. the EVH 2x12 cab is only going to be rated to 50 watts, so running a 100watt amp through it would not be adviseable, especially if you turn the thing to any real volume.
But if you add them together the wattage must be bigger than 100w or no? Evh cab has one input on the back and orange 2. So should i connect them both with one cable and the second cable should go from the second input in orange cab to the amplifier?
Each output is separate. You don't add up the wattage of the cabs. It doesn't work that way. So, one output of your amp sends the same signal and power as the other. Basically, the rule of thumb is for safety, you double the wattage of your amp, and that is what your cab should be rated at for wattage. However, most of us just use similar wattage ratings. EVH was popular for that. But no one really recommends halving it. So your evh cab should sit dormant unless you have an amp that is rated to 50 watts or less. the orange will handle your amp all day long. if you are going to run it stereo, that would be fine if you had a 50 watt head, but as it is, I would run it into the mono side. don't ever connect anything with one cable. One cable should go from one amp to one cab always. Unfortunately, running your orange cab in stereo mode would halve the wattage rating, so I wouldn't recommend that
Each output is separate. You don't add up the wattage of the cabs. It doesn't work that way. So, one output of your amp sends the same signal and power as the other. Basically, the rule of thumb is for safety, you double the wattage of your amp, and that is what your cab should be rated at for wattage. However, most of us just use similar wattage ratings. EVH was popular for that. But no one really recommends halving it. So your evh cab should sit dormant unless you have an amp that is rated to 50 watts or less. the orange will handle your amp all day long. if you are going to run it stereo, that is fine, but if not, I would run it into the mono side. don't ever connect anything with one cable. One cable should go from one amp to one cab always.
I have also Engl ironball 20w head. Might try to use it. It has one 8ohm jack and two 16A-B in series. Both cabs are 16 ohms. Should i connect both cabs to A and B jacks on the amplifier then? Thanks.
If they're both 16ohm cabs, plug each cab in with it's own cable to the two speaker jacks on the amp and set the impedance switch on the amp to 8 ohms. Or that amp might have two speaker outs labeled 2x16 which makes it self explanatory.

Wattage is irrelevant in respect to matching impedance. But if your curious watt the wattage handling would be with both cabs hooked up, I believe it's the lowest wattage speaker you have between the two cabs multiplied by the total number of speakers. (i.e. 412 with four 70w speakers and a 212 with two 25 w speakers=25x6=150 watt total
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If they're both 16ohm cabs, plug each cab in with it's own cable to the two speaker jacks on the amp and set the impedance switch on the amp to 8 ohms. Or that amp might have two speaker outs labeled 2x16 which makes it self explanatory.
It has two 16 ohm jacks so i guess i have to connect to them. There's no switch to change impedance on Engl.
Orange manual says that i can connect them two ways. You can see in the pictures. What difference it makes both ways?


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Yeah...looks like the Ironball has two outs and you can plug in 1 8ohm, or 1 16ohm cab, or two 16 ohm cabs.
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The first picture is if your amp only has one speaker out. You don't need to worry about that method because both your amps have multiple speaker outs. Just plug in both cabs individually as I described above.
If I were you, i would stick to using mono cabs or the mono side of stereo cabs until you get a little more familiar with matching impedance and wattage. Basically, you are going to make a mistake and blow some speakers, your tubes, or output transformer if you miscalculate. Your ironball will run the orange in stereo. but if you are going to do that, just run each output of the amp into each input of the orange, or one into mono side of orange and one into evh (which is mono). These are the options you shold look at for any amp with a 50 watt or less power rating. if you are running a 100 watt amp, use the mono side of the orange. Keep it simple.
Each output is separate. You don't add up the wattage of the cabs. It doesn't work that way. So, one output of your amp sends the same signal and power as the other. Basically, the rule of thumb is for safety, you double the wattage of your amp, and that is what your cab should be rated at for wattage. However, most of us just use similar wattage ratings. EVH was popular for that. But no one really recommends halving it. So your evh cab should sit dormant unless you have an amp that is rated to 50 watts or less. the orange will handle your amp all day long. if you are going to run it stereo, that would be fine if you had a 50 watt head, but as it is, I would run it into the mono side. don't ever connect anything with one cable. One cable should go from one amp to one cab always. Unfortunately, running your orange cab in stereo mode would halve the wattage rating, so I wouldn't recommend that
You said
So i connected both cabs to two 16 ohm jacks on ironball. It works fine. V30's overpowers g12h30's, but it sounds better when evh is on the top.