Orange Cabs

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New member
Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone has tried a herbert with an orange 4x12? I've heard good stuff about them, but never tried one, let alone with a herbert. I want a very versatile cab, but predominantly good for rock.
Good enough for James Root of Slipknot! Never tried one myself though.

great cabs. well built & sound pretty damn good. lil more old school sounding than most cabs...but thats a good thing!
Cool, thanks guys. How would you compare them to the new diezel cabs for example. I've heard lot's of people saying they sound quite dark (any musician or clips you can give me to explain what dark means, like slightly evil? haha) Also, how would a orange cab with greenbacks sound with a herbert (as there is one on ebay)... or is that an impossible question? haha.
Thanks again, really appreciate all the help and advice.
I have a Framus Cobra cab with greenbacks. It sounds good with GB's, but the only thing is look out when having the volume really cranked. I never tried to see what the Greenbacks could take because I didn't want to pop one.
Jonny333":255axzvr said:
Cool, thanks guys. How would you compare them to the new diezel cabs for example. I've heard lot's of people saying they sound quite dark (any musician or clips you can give me to explain what dark means, like slightly evil? haha) Also, how would a orange cab with greenbacks sound with a herbert (as there is one on ebay)... or is that an impossible question? haha.
Thanks again, really appreciate all the help and advice.

Cruise through You Tube. Probably a few clips over there. I think you will find them to be like the smaller 4x12 cabs with V30's. Multi-ply birch is about all the same. They won't come with casters though.

You would have to be damn careful with Herbie and 4 Greenbacks. At 20 watts x 4, they will fart and flutter then rip to shreds. I don't think it would be worth a damn as they will clip and distort too much on you. I like the Greenbacks for certain things, but not music you would play with a Herbie. I found the Herbie best through a Bogner Uber Cab with 2x V30's and 2xG12T75's. Herbies sounds great through an over-sized Mesa Recto Cab (I have 3 of them). Well built, readily available, and moderately priced. Would highly recommend this over an Orange.

steve_k":qvnok4tk said:
Herbies sounds great through an over-sized Mesa Recto Cab (I have 3 of them)

I have to disagree on that. I had a over-sized Mesa Recto Cab before I bought my FL Diezel Cab (mixed speakers).
It cannot handle the uge bass of the Herbert, so I realy had to roll it back not to get muddy... The Diezel cab is much clearer and stays tighter :yes:
DvE":c444mi6e said:
steve_k":c444mi6e said:
Herbies sounds great through an over-sized Mesa Recto Cab (I have 3 of them)

I have to disagree on that. I had a over-sized Mesa Recto Cab before I bought my FL Diezel Cab (mixed speakers).
It cannot handle the uge bass of the Herbert, so I realy had to roll it back not to get muddy... The Diezel cab is much clearer and stays tighter :yes:

The guy that posed the question seemed to have been contemplating something other than a Diezel cab such as an Orange. Maybe the price tag was a little high for the Diezel and he was looking for a decent substitute. If he was going to settle for an Orange, he could as easy go for a Recto or any number of rear loaded 4x12 cabs. They do handle the bass by the way on the Herbie or any other high gain amp, but we will leave that conversation. The Bogner cab handles it well too. For the VH4, the Recto cab does sound like ass to me. For the Herbie and VH4, of which I own both, its a front loaded Diezel cab of any speaker combination that sounds best. Got two of them too.

So you see my friend, its all a matter of taste and variety.

Steve ....did you get your new cab yet or did the camel die that was delivering it to you?? :hys:
:hys: :hys: :hys:

Steve ... seriously ... is the cab through the custom clearance ?

If You need help next time contact Peter Stapfer or me.

Papa ;)
Lmao Pauly! I grew up in Dubai so love those jokes! haha.
Thanks for the feedback guys, it all really helps to get as many opinions as possible. As Steve said the diezel cabs are just abit out of my budget and I don't really wanna get the old ones knowing how much better the new ones sound. I've heard very mixed reviews on the mesa's so have taken them off the list. Oh and thanks for the info on greenbacks, maybe have to save a cab like that for when and if I get a JCM 800 which has been my latest amp interest!
I think i'm just gonna keep my eyes pealed for bogner, orange, mills acoustic, (maybe framus?) and diezel cabs incase a good second hand comes along. Which would you guys personally choose out of those?
Herbert for metal playing = Diezel 4x12" front-loaded cab, set with speakers of your preferred taste.

good luck in your tone quest :thumbsup:
steve_k":3845tp3v said:
DvE":3845tp3v said:
steve_k":3845tp3v said:
Herbies sounds great through an over-sized Mesa Recto Cab (I have 3 of them)

I have to disagree on that. I had a over-sized Mesa Recto Cab before I bought my FL Diezel Cab (mixed speakers).
It cannot handle the uge bass of the Herbert, so I realy had to roll it back not to get muddy... The Diezel cab is much clearer and stays tighter :yes:

go for a Recto or any number of rear loaded 4x12 cabs. They do handle the bass by the way on the Herbie or any other high gain amp

A Recto cab can handle the bass of a Herbert, but it's just loose and sloppy.
Jonny333":3j61t806 said:
Lmao Pauly! I grew up in Dubai so love those jokes! haha.
Thanks for the feedback guys, it all really helps to get as many opinions as possible. As Steve said the diezel cabs are just abit out of my budget and I don't really wanna get the old ones knowing how much better the new ones sound. I've heard very mixed reviews on the mesa's so have taken them off the list. Oh and thanks for the info on greenbacks, maybe have to save a cab like that for when and if I get a JCM 800 which has been my latest amp interest!
I think i'm just gonna keep my eyes pealed for bogner, orange, mills acoustic, (maybe framus?) and diezel cabs incase a good second hand comes along. Which would you guys personally choose out of those?

I can tell you from personal experience, if you don't want to get a Diezel cab, find you a Bogner Ubercab. If you want to wait a month, have David Mills build you an Afterburner cab. They are rear loaded, but so is the Uber. If you haven't tried a Recto cab, don't knock it until you do. Its all on you, not what others advise you of. Much if it depends on what levels you are playing at as well. Many cabs, the Mesa included will sound flabby at bedroom volumes, but up to stage level, it will sound OK. Up to your ears though mate. I have never used an Orange, so no comment there. Can't imagine it sounding much different. The real difference though is going from rear load to front load and where the Diezel will shine like a diamond in a goats ass.....

Peter Diezel":3qrhnaew said:
:hys: :hys: :hys:

Steve ... seriously ... is the cab through the custom clearance ?

If You need help next time contact Peter Stapfer or me.

Papa ;)


Huge cock up :shocked: from the get go with this cab. I just got a message yesterday that it will be here on my doorstep today. Customs here is not a problem. They see Diezel on the box and think it is engine parts. You know the story with the initial delays between the US and Germany. The big problem was in the UK. Your boys at Schenker didn't leave any forwarding paperwork (commercial invoice) at my freight forwarding company in London. They sat on it for a while. Then, Peter called and was in Japan and then sick but then I faxed some stuff to the UK and they finally released it. They were wanting VAT for nothing and decided to let it go. But, it cleared here yesterday.

I should be peeling paint and breaking glass this evening.... :rock:


i am sad with my recto cab, it's low end is terrible for such a majestic amp like Herbie.
HerbieBoogie":3uhz4jk1 said:

i am sad with my recto cab, it's low end is terrible for such a majestic amp like Herbie.

If you are forced to stay with the Recto and you feel it sounds bad on bottom, do a few things to save some $$$ and not be so sad:

1) Buy some batting material (insulation) and line the inside walls and the inside of the back cover to reduce the volume of the cab.
2) Buy two G12T75 or G12K100 Celestions of the same ohmage as the V30's and install them in an X pattern with the V30's.
3) Combination of both.
4) Get a real pet.



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PaulyPanacea":3azpdeig said:
Steve ....did you get your new cab yet or did the camel die that was delivering it to you?? :hys:

Finally got it today. Not bad considering I ordered it August 1st from Sonisphere. Still in the box in the garage though. Will get it out tonight, mash on the Herbie and see if it has any thump to it..... :D

Let us know how it goes steve :)
Also you guys should know I am wanting the best cab for bedroom levels so if you take that into account does it change any of your opinions? Also as anyone tried the framus cabs with the herbie?
Also on a seperate note, what difference do you get from angled vs straight cabs?
Thanks :)