OT: Suggest a good Online MACINTOSH FPS!

  • Thread starter Thread starter CaseyCor
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Title says it all, looking for a fun Online FPS for Macintosh! What'ya got for me?
Thats a bit uncalled for..and doesn't contribute anything to the thread what-so-ever.
Hey, Marathon was fun as hell! I'm D/Ling the first 3 Doom games, and first 2 quake games right now too.
What about Unreal Tornament 2004? Thats a fun FPS online...i "think" its out for MAC.
I've had it for awhile. Sadly, I can't seem to "aquire" a version that works online. I need a new CD-Key.
Hmmmm....Halo Combat Evolved? That's sweet for sure! But you probably played it.... :mrgreen:
Do many people play the original Halo on computer?

I played the shit out of Halo 2 on xbox live. I was one of the top 5 players in IL :).
UT was my favorite series on the Mac. I don't game on the CPU much anymore though. I prefer console gaming for the most part, even though I love using the keyboard and mouse. Go here for the latest Mac gaming news:

Code001":038f1 said:
UT was my favorite series on the Mac. I don't game on the CPU much anymore though. I prefer console gaming for the most part, even though I love using the keyboard and mouse. Go here for the latest Mac gaming news:


I'm personally wondering what's going to happen when DX10 games come out; is there going to be a viable alternative on Mac other than OpenGL? I would think with all the Mac VS PC commercials toting Macs as being more "hip" than PCs that they'd try to carve out a bigger chunk of the gaming industry. I know a lot of folks who'd rather run a Mac than upgrade to Vista just so they can play DX10 games (myself included, it's silly that MS isn't going to release it for XP/2000)
When DX10 games come out, I would assume...they come out? We have MacDX so games can be converted from DirectX to OpenGL faster than they've ever been able to convert them. In fact, I'd bet you'll see more and more OpenGL based games than DirectX based games. Look at the PS3 and it's OpenGL ES API. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at. In the end, the Mac is almost always lag behind in games. It's been that way since the beginning of time and will most likely continue. However, that lag is getting shorter and shorter every year....
Well, if you like Quake...There's OpenArena, which is an open source clone of Q3A. Pretty fun, I play on it sometimes. UT2004's fun. There's not much in terms of Mac Gaming, few companies support it primarily: Blizzard, Epic Games [Unreal dudes] and iD [Quake/Doom] and it's mostly third party ports.
Code001":59037 said:
When DX10 games come out, I would assume...they come out? We have MacDX so games can be converted from DirectX to OpenGL faster than they've ever been able to convert them. In fact, I'd bet you'll see more and more OpenGL based games than DirectX based games. Look at the PS3 and it's OpenGL ES API. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at. In the end, the Mac is almost always lag behind in games. It's been that way since the beginning of time and will most likely continue. However, that lag is getting shorter and shorter every year....

Well, what I was getting at is that this "exclusive-only" club crap that MS is pulling could make it harder to play the same games on Mac. It's not like MS is very open about its APIs (hell, you can't even get 100% compatibility between Office 2003 and OpenOffice.org). Just because they tell you how to program for it doesn't mean they'll tell you how the language compiles.

Still, I didn't know about MacDX (my iBook is too slow to play anything other than WoW). And I'm really hoping that more games will support OpenGL; it's good that the PS3 is using it, since it'll make it easier to port games. Doom 3, Quake 4, Prey, etc, were all examples of some of the really cool shit you can do in OpenGL 2. I remember how impressive Doom3 was compared to everything when it first came out (even if the story was bunk :P).
Doom 3 was the SHIT! I used to play this AWESOME D3 mod called Last Man Standing. It was a multi-player co-op story mode and a all new Multiplayer Deathmatch mode. The co-op was AWESOME. 20 people playing this game, and you all had to work together. The game was hard as HELL!

I'm playing OpenArena right now, it gets boring real quick. No good maps. :(
Variable":e848e said:

Well, what I was getting at is that this "exclusive-only" club crap that MS is pulling could make it harder to play the same games on Mac. It's not like MS is very open about its APIs (hell, you can't even get 100% compatibility between Office 2003 and OpenOffice.org). Just because they tell you how to program for it doesn't mean they'll tell you how the language compiles.

Still, I didn't know about MacDX (my iBook is too slow to play anything other than WoW). And I'm really hoping that more games will support OpenGL; it's good that the PS3 is using it, since it'll make it easier to port games. Doom 3, Quake 4, Prey, etc, were all examples of some of the really cool shit you can do in OpenGL 2. I remember how impressive Doom3 was compared to everything when it first came out (even if the story was bunk :P).
Err...The Prey build of the Doom 3 engine runs off of a DX9 renderer aside from the Mac port. It was coded on DX9 to perform better, made it also easier to bring to the X360. I need to check out this MacDX, is it an emulation layer based on WINE or something?

And Doom 3 sucked monkey balls. I got it expecting Doom, many fans were disappointed and all they got was a nice game with non-existent WELL-RENDERED lighting that you could only see with a flash light. The expansion pack however was infinitely better.
Variable":e0816 said:

Well, what I was getting at is that this "exclusive-only" club crap that MS is pulling could make it harder to play the same games on Mac. It's not like MS is very open about its APIs (hell, you can't even get 100% compatibility between Office 2003 and OpenOffice.org). Just because they tell you how to program for it doesn't mean they'll tell you how the language compiles.

Still, I didn't know about MacDX (my iBook is too slow to play anything other than WoW). And I'm really hoping that more games will support OpenGL; it's good that the PS3 is using it, since it'll make it easier to port games. Doom 3, Quake 4, Prey, etc, were all examples of some of the really cool shit you can do in OpenGL 2. I remember how impressive Doom3 was compared to everything when it first came out (even if the story was bunk :P).

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I don't think it'll be too much different from what Mac users have already experienced in the past though. Remember, no one has ever ported Half Life to the Mac yet........
CoachZ":3ca92 said:
Err...The Prey build of the Doom 3 engine runs off of a DX9 renderer aside from the Mac port. It was coded on DX9 to perform better, made it also easier to bring to the X360. I need to check out this MacDX, is it an emulation layer based on WINE or something?

And Doom 3 sucked monkey balls. I got it expecting Doom, many fans were disappointed and all they got was a nice game with non-existent WELL-RENDERED lighting that you could only see with a flash light. The expansion pack however was infinitely better.

Well, I meant that Doom 3 was graphically far beyond anything else that was out at the time.

I thought that Prey on Windows was based on the Doom 3 engine? Are you saying they ported that engine over to DX9?
Code001":59c4d said:

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I don't think it'll be too much different from what Mac users have already experienced in the past though. Remember, no one has ever ported Half Life to the Mac yet........

And you need the god-awful Steam to run any Valve game. I'll hand it to Valve though, they did effectively solve the software-piracy issue (at least for now).

I'd think you'd be able to get the original Half Life running pretty easily on a Mac too considering it has both OpenGL and DirectX modes...

What's ironic is that as much as I hate the PS3, I hope it doesn't tank now that I know it's running OpenGL :D
theres enemy territory and theres a mod for it that turns it into a tactical shooter.