Out for Delivery: Fortin Jumbo Jet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay Strange
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Jay Strange
New member
I sent my Bogner Twin Jet to Fortin for the ultimate mod for the Twin Jet
Basically, I told him to mod the snot outta it.
I want the amp to be tighter, pissed off with a boosted tone with many other changes.
Here's what Mike came up with:

To recap, your Twin Jet was basically rebuilt, all the control pots on the front of the amp
were replaced, rewired. It now functions normally.

Crunch channel(3 gain stages) was changed to a pseudo Cali inspired Marshall vibe thing.
Running the gain control very low along with the channel's presence control off and volume pot
pushed in and maxed out, yields an almost clean sound.
The channel's presence control is now like the OD channel but a different high frequency starting
Pulling the volume control engages a clip circuit similiar to one of the Cali saturation settings.
Volume will change but you can make it up by adjusting the volume higher to match the OD channel.

OD channel: The OD channel was completely revoiced(4 gain stages). The presence control on the OD channelis a gain control for the treble frequency. It allows you to dial in the edge better than the original presence control.
Gain pot puched in, more traditional gain structure but still can get aggressive.
Gain pot pulled out, upper mids gain boosts and much more aggressive!

Master section: Again, the power amp was completely changed design- wise.
The master presence control is now shifted higher and brings on the true presences.
The Depth control also was changed frequency wise and now is more usable in it's sweep range of the pot.

External Dual Bias: The dual bias for the 2 outside and 2 inside tube locations.
Amp is labeled and the biasing functions the same as before except you can adjust the 2 pots on the back
panel and metering is the same.
I installed 2 Winged C 6550's and 2 Winged C EL34s. Your preamp tubes are the same( a mix of NOS and current) but placed in different orders.

FX Loop: Added the Parallel function by pulling out the send control.
You can now place your stomp box delay pedal in the loop, set it to parallel and adjust the send the send level control. Works like a charm. Very transparent and the footswitch functions the same way, no issues.

It is now the Fortin Jumbo Jet :rock:

I would like to thank Mike Fortin for his impeccable professionalism, talent and coolest dude ever'alism.
I feel blessed to have this amp and the whole experience was so fun.
I also feel like I have made a new lifelong friend.
Mike thank you so much!


https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4591.jpg

https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4592.jpg

https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4593.jpg

https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4584.jpg

https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4589.jpg

https://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq23 ... G_4586.jpg
I will do my best.
I should add that Mike also said "There's mix of Cali, Hulk and Natas in there".
My response was " and the pilot's name is Mutt Fortin". :lol: :LOL:
Damn the glove has been thrown down for walking the walk and reworking a brand new boutique amp, I'll give ya props for that :thumbsup:

Mike does know his stuff so I am sure the amp will do exactly what he says it will do.

Digital Jams":1fmrje54 said:
Damn the glove has been thrown down for walking the walk and reworking a brand new boutique amp, I'll give ya props for that :thumbsup:

Mike does know his stuff so I am sure the amp will do exactly what he says it will do.


Right on, I owe all the glory to Fortin.
The experience has been very exciting, Mike is down for "mining the seam". ;)
Just a silly little question, and it doesn't take away from the awesomeness that will be a Jumbo Jet:

Wouldn't it just have been cheaper just to ask Mike to build you an amp that met those specs without having to rebuild a boutique amp? :dunno:
First let me say that you are INSANE and I mean that in the best of ways :hys:

Second...Let me just say that I have heard this amp and Let me tell you, the tone is nothing short of amazing. You have without a doubt one of the sickest modded amps I have heard and it most definitely is a cross betwee all the amps you have mentioned!! CONGRATS!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :thumbsup:
Gainfreak":2q5afsqf said:
First let me say that you are INSANE and I mean that in the best of ways :hys:

Second...Let me just say that I have heard this amp and Let me tell you, the tone is nothing short of amazing. You have without a doubt one of the sickest modded amps I have heard and it most definitely is a cross betwee all the amps you have mentioned!! CONGRATS!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :thumbsup:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHEET :rock:
Digital Jams":2fkma6pl said:
Gainfreak":2fkma6pl said:
First let me say that you are INSANE and I mean that in the best of ways :hys:

Second...Let me just say that I have heard this amp and Let me tell you, the tone is nothing short of amazing. You have without a doubt one of the sickest modded amps I have heard and it most definitely is a cross betwee all the amps you have mentioned!! CONGRATS!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :thumbsup:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHEET :rock:

at risk of being called a fan boi....(well I am though lol ).I'm going to tell you that this amp is freaking sick sounding! So much so that I told Mike that he should have put one of his logos on it because anyone who hears this amp and then buys a bogner TJ thinking that they are going to get that tone is going PISSED when they can't figure out why there amp doesn't sound like it :hys:

That is an insane mod. And I will add that he speaks the truth, Mike is fantastic to work with.

That needs some clips vids posted :rock:
Mailman1971 is going to need a bigger credit card!!!! :lol: :LOL:
Death by Uberschall":2lkqm0d0 said:
Just a silly little question, and it doesn't take away from the awesomeness that will be a Jumbo Jet:

Wouldn't it just have been cheaper just to ask Mike to build you an amp that met those specs without having to rebuild a boutique amp? :dunno:

I had been talkin' with Mike about some of his stuff for a while and like many want a Natas.
I liked the TJ as is but after hearing Mike's stuff and talkin' with him I was just
gonna have him tweak it a bit. But then after shipping it, the ideas grew and grew.
I also had to wait 7 months and figured, ya know what? It's on the best bench in the world, murder it :rock:
so after Mike played it for a while he told me what he could do without cutting the board
up. I told him to do what he wants with it :yes: Also, Mike was really into it which I'm not sure of any other builders would want to go where we were going with it.
Cameron's modded Ubers right? I guess we took it up a notch :D
I heard the amp also it's mindblowing and the punchiest, most pissed off metal amp
I've heard yet.