Well-known member
So a number of years ago I bought a PRS 2005 custom 24 maple top that is platinum metallic… I was not fond of the color at all but out of the 10 PRS guitars I tried that day, this was the best at the shop under my finger tips even though the others were much better looking. Through the years it’s been beat and played like it should and I’m not a fan of repainting in general but I’ll never sell the guitar so who cares what a resale will do if I have an expert paint it…. Anyway I need some suggestions on good luthier paint shop I guess. I’ve pondered this idea for years but now I guess it’s time to flip the switch. Shit idk. Maybe I shouldn’t care but it would be like a new guitar…. Not really. Below is the best show pic in my clean library.
Thoughts from the crowd?
Thoughts from the crowd?