Paul takes a Solo..

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He actually plays lead on quite a few Kiss songs. Plus Paul and Ace split leads on " I want you, and "I stole your love". I think he played over half the leads on the Unmasked album as well.
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Paul does the dual lead on Detroit Rock City too. Sure know something is ok, its no "Shandi" It Has that late 70s produced sound no doubt.
I live this song! Lol. One of my favorite KISS albums.

Destroyer can eat an actual dick tho…

I need to order a suit to wear to work everyday.
Then I can claim mental retardation next time they suspend me!
Always loved that song but I'm not a Dynasty hater. I never really got into Destroyer or Love Gun that much as studio albums. Rock and Roll Over is my favorite. I dig the Destroyer and Love Gun songs as they sound on Kiss Alive II though. But what do I know, I'm still hoping for The Elder, the Movie. \:D/
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This was in response to the Disco era.. It kinda hurt them for a while, but people are flakey..
I got to admit I thought it was a parody or ai fake at first.
We play “I was made for lovin you’”and it’s the earworm of the night. Not an expected tune but very memorable. there is something about toying with disco and rock that’s kind of cool if you don’t wear it out.