Thanks, Xact Tone does great work. I was basically trying to recreate all the effects I had in my rack on a pedalboard since I was de-racking several years ago. I also wanted the power supply under the board to give me as much space possible for pedals. It's the Truetone CS-12.man that is CLEAN!
https://www.schmidtarray.com/Who makes a good board??
all the ones i have, pedal train, voodoo lab etc, all have random holes and rails... just terrible layouts. why is there not a grid type board??
or is there?
Templeboards have a grid layout. See @JF Scarfi s board in this thread, about as neat as you can get. Also the Rockboards by Warwick are very grid like as well.Who makes a good board??
all the ones i have, pedal train, voodoo lab etc, all have random holes and rails... just terrible layouts. why is there not a grid type board??
or is there?
There are a lot of great options out there. This is the current configuration for the past 8 months I’ve been using live. Unfortunately I have to keep a channel switcher along side of it. At some point I’ll will be adding a RJM PBC/10. It all comes down to how crazy you want to go…View attachment 234617
Great sounding delay, easy to use. Leon Todd who is on this forum does a great demo on YT. I've had it for about a year on my board, liked it so much that I picked up their verb and chorus pedals. Does the 80's rock 2290 thing very well. It is mono, if you are looking for stereo look at the Future Factory. I run it through the effects loop, and I'm pretty much a set it and forget it guy. Just get it, add to the pile of paper weights. Every time a new delay especially comes out, I'm like, okay just take my money...What are your thoughts on the flight time?
I've hemmed and hawwed about buying one for years, but I just have so many damned pedals
I prefer inexpensive pedal cases to boards, https://www.rondomusic.com/pedalcases.htmlWho makes a good board??
all the ones i have, pedal train, voodoo lab etc, all have random holes and rails... just terrible layouts. why is there not a grid type board??
or is there?
Fucking hell that is nice. There are a lot of great examples in this thread. I have a pedaltrain metro 24 and just got a Rockboard tres 3.1. Unfortunately the rockboard is smaller than I thought but I really don't have a lot of pedals. So I am going to build the rockboard with the H90, wah, boost, and noise gate and this rat clone my friend is building me. I was going to sell the pedaltrain but I'm thinking of I may just use one board for the atla and then one for my non midi based amps.A few variations, last photo is current:
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