I’d like someone who has the Wicked 8 and Aldrich at the same time to chime in as well. I know the W8 will sound as big as the Aldrich I think that it has the same level of compression. I’ve had some guitars that I felt were too wooly with then Aldrich whereas I’ve never felt the W8 feel over compressed in any guitar I’ve tried it in. I always feel that compression and sag is more felt in the lower frequencies, but some people like that accompanied with a softer high end and some like it accompanied with a clear high end. I think it’s going to boil down to how you like the top end. That said, I agree with what others have said. If you have a go to pickup, try that. I’d rather miss a sale than mislead someone or have them be unhappy. I’m not trying to conquer the world, just offer some pickups that I feel bring something different to the table.
That’s why I haven’t focused on trying to replicate some of the more familiar pickups until recently. I will be offering some more models soon that are more on the warmer/loser, but until then, I get that my current offering lean toward the tighter more aggressive side.