I get what you’re saying, but I can assure you there are no rose color glasses or nostalgia bias since these pickups were made before I was even born lol. If anything it’s the complete opposite of me trying for well over a decade now only recent made boutique pickups from all the brands until going deep down the vintage pickup rabbit hole about 3 years ago just to realize just how much plain better and more inspiring they are. No contest for me and most of the vintage pickups I recommend here go for under $200 per pickup, some under $100 (super underrated). I specifically don’t talk as much about my favorite expensive ones since guys here don’t like hearing about that lol, but what do you want me do: cut to the chase and say what are the very best products I’ve tried period (regardless of price) or diplomatically lie and say the stuff guys recommend here is great or good enough? Personally I like to be out of the matrix with the red pill. I can send you some of these to try. I’ve done that for a few here. The only non-vintage pickups with a place for me now are Lundgren M6’s, but they wouldn’t be still top 10 for me probably with all these great vintage pickups I’ve discovered, some of which are about the same prices anyway
I’m also very precise with comparing these pickups in the same exact guitar, multiple types of guitars to be more thorough. It’s tedious, but I have to do it. In my experience these pickups most here love are just boring/sterile/uninspiring vs good vintage pickups and you don’t need to spend tons of money for many hidden gems. Yes, many are noisy since they’re unpotted, but not all are