Please Read! Beware - Scam Alert!

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To buy, sell, or trade in this section, you must have at least 50 posts and have two-factor authentication enabled.

I never heard from a rig-talk admin, but I discovered that my account had been hacked when I tried to log into the Fractal forum a couple of months ago and was denied. I've since changed my password and I'm very sorry for anyone who was scammed by the person who impersonated me.
Dude, bro'!

Awesome man. :cheers2:

Obviously I've been keeping an eye on the thread. Thank God the wait is over!
Fingers crossed brother and no problem; sometimes things take time. :dunno:
Texhex wrote this in an ad thread yesterday. Take note!

In case you guys ever list on Craigslist or other Marketplaces this is a scam that has been around for a while but is still actively being pulled. I also have this listed on my local Craigslist and literally within a few minutes of the listing hitting I got scammers hitting me up with this BS.

Them: Hey is amp still for sale?
Me: Yes
Them: I need to send you six digit code to verify if you are real, ok?
Me: I’m real. Call me.
Them: Six digit code, ok?
Me: Ok. (wondering what they will send)
… receives “Google Authenticator” code number via separate text.
Them: Enter code, ok?
Me: Goodbye.

Apparently they are trying to hijack your phone number and register it with a Google Voice account. Beware.
Scumbags. I can't stand these fucking people.. They got my 85 year old dad on his computer. He clicks links and downloads shit he shouldn't, and they're right in coaxing him to go get 2 $500 gift cards to get access to the computer back. and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. They were barking orders right on his computer screen. They even hacked into his bank account and shifted his funds around so they made sure he had $1000 in his account. It was a total nightmare of further anxiety canceling cards, closing back accounts and starting all over. Fucking scumbags.
Scumbags. I can't stand these fucking people.. They got my 85 year old dad on his computer. He clicks links and downloads shit he shouldn't, and they're right in coaxing him to go get 2 $500 gift cards to get access to the computer back. and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. They were barking orders right on his computer screen. They even hacked into his bank account and shifted his funds around so they made sure he had $1000 in his account. It was a total nightmare of further anxiety canceling cards, closing back accounts and starting all over. Fucking scumbags.
They are the lowest form of life.
I had someone try that on me, little did they know I'm a security analyst. Nice try A$$HOLE! LOL!
All 4 scam threads merged into this one in order to reduce number of stickies.