
  • Thread starter Thread starter Simon Dorn
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What ? No one thinks democrats want to help Israel. Those results are not surprising in the least. Republicans have ALWAYS been the party that supported Israel. I have no idea what would make you think anyone is blaming democrats for helping Isreal. Except maybe those fucking moonbats like Tlaid whatever and Cory fucking Bush, AOC, etc..

It wasn’t my opinion, that’s why I posted a video. I stay out of the Middle East bullshit completely.
It showed the results of voting on Israel relief bills. They clearly showed that nearly every bill that went to vote was overwhelmingly voted yes by republicans and no by democrats.

Yet democrats have the stigma of being the ones wanting to send money to Israel.
Is the last paragraph/sentence a quote or your opinion ?
You should. 99 to 100% of the videos on YT regarding politics or world events are complete bullshit.
It’s so aggravating. You click on a video and you have to listen to some knob begging you to like and subscribe…then every 45 seconds they stop the video to give their opinion on everything…fuck off
so Trump wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security; notice the ruling parasites and propaganda media talking heads that are against it, or have concerns, or see it as dangerous.

Yeah, Trump had this idea about no taxes on tips and the talking heads "had concerns". Now if Kamala was the one who was saying that everyone would be exclaiming it's the best idea ever. Wait a minute.........
The gobernment doesn't need to collect any taxes from us, they only do to control us.