POLL & Discussion - Your Age, Social-media Presence and So On

  • Thread starter Thread starter gbsmusic
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Where do you fit?

  • 11-20

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 11 2.6%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 108 25.4%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 120 28.2%
  • 51-60

    Votes: 137 32.2%
  • 61-70

    Votes: 39 9.2%
  • 71-80

    Votes: 9 2.1%

  • Total voters
I don't really do facebook except to sell stuff, so not important but my YouT0ob and Soundcloud name is Zone47 (which actually was my first moniker name at Harmony Central back in 2001)

My second moniker name was Dr. Tweedbucket and then
Professor Zorpk
The Evil Dr.X
The Tone Wizard
Zone 48
Zone 49
The Big Scary Rat
The Big Scary Cat
The Big Scary Bat

... and a few others that I sort of forget now :dunno:
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44 years young. Father of 3 awesome kids.
Grew up on 90's Rock and loved every minute of it!!!!

The Intro to "cumbersome" by 7M3 is still my go to riff when picking up a guitar to dial it in. :)
What's up, guys? I've had an account and lurked for a while, but never posted before. But I want to start using the classifieds, so I should start.

I'm Josh Burgess. https://www.facebook.com/avastcosmicarena

I already know a few of you. I was on the Andy Sneap forum back in the day and am in all the big gear/amp groups on Facebook.

I'm big into mixing, music production, and guitar tone, and I own a ton of amps. Anything from clean tone (jazz, for me) amps like the Mesa Lonestar Classic/Lonestar Special/Fillmore 100/Cali Tweed, Milkman Creamer/Sideman, and Bad Cat Black Cat) to mid gain/rock amps (Bad Cat Jet Black, Friedman Twin Sister/Pink Taco V2, Headfirst Alta) to high gain metal machines (like 6 different variations of Peavey 5150/EVH 5150 III, Peavey XXX/JSX/Invective, PRS Archon 50, Bad Cat Lynx, RedSeven Duality RS/Leviathan, and my 2 newest amps, the Club Secret 23 and Monomyth Skeleton Key Rev2b).

I'd like to add a Bogner Uberschall Ultra to my collection next.
Awesome post Greg! I’m Matt in Michigan. Not a child molester. Nor do I have FB… but I enjoy reading posts on this site and learning more about the new stuff that others try out. Been on here for years but took a 10 year break from music. I’m finally enjoying it again

Also not a murderer…

Would a murder or child molester really declare that outright?
I was a on a popular forum years ago and I was complaining about a band I rehearsed 2-3 times with. No talent, no direction and I was ready to quit. The guy saw my post and called me out because my username identified me. I was so embaraassed.

My 1st name is Totally and my last name is Bored. I'm a little baby that's into breast feeding, guitars and gigging. :)