What kind of music do you like playing? I feel like this is a question that is often over looked.
I figured with the context clues it would be apparent. BUT, I realize this isn't always a clear cut way to assume such things.
Heavy, thrash, modern, but I hesitate to say "modern" because some people hear that them and go straight to some clanky tin can high end bands, or amp designs, because to some that is considered "modern" where... for me... a modern guitar tone is closer to what I hear with someone like Wes Borland at Woodstock 99. That's modern to me. (Pretty sure that was boosted triple rectifier and dimarzio blaze pickups). Wes had great tone on the break stuff album. I don't know how anyone would pretend otherwise even if they didn't like limp bizkit back in the day.
Machine head 5150 tone is modern. I've had way too many 5150 variants but I consider that modern. The djenty clanky stuff the new guys are doing & consider modern, which is Influencing alot of new amp designs, I consider that tone garbage after about 3 minutes I can't take it anymore..
Lots of fast precise stuff with tight chugging everywhere else. I like some density on that low string when running thrash tempos. Herbert does that well, it doesn't get too clanky. Some amps it's like you can't dial that overtone out. It's one thing I truly love about this Diezel.
I always liked James vh4 tone also. His tone on the st anger dvd was fucking heavy I don't care who you are. Then there's Adam Jones who everyone here drools over, I find the most uninspiring tone and tool songs, I don't think I've ever finished one all the way through before saying nah, I'm good. ?
I like more mids and less harshness. You don't need that much upper frequencies to cut in a mix. After at least 20 high gainers Im sure of this. But it's the new rage... they making them more and more sharp for drop tuners and people wanting ear fatigue seems like to me.
I've heard a modern classic and thought it was great. And an MTL. I wanted a headfirst mtl clone for a hot minute before I got a mkIV and a TC100 kinda forgot about the mtl stuff for a while at that point.