*poll* Trade Herbert MkIII for Engl Savage 120-II ??

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*POLL* Trade Herbert3 for Savage2 ??

  • I've had both, I'd do it.

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You know, the allure of it possibly being better or even more capable than the previous versions. Curiosity. Same reason I bought both versions of the silver faced 120 I guess. I do love savages. However, I'm also of the notion that if I were to get another ENGL... I'd probably put the new special edition ahead of the newer savage when it really comes down to it. Nevwr played any SE. So there is that.

I get what you mean, but you're gonna be dissappointed and probably end up pining for the herbert in the future
Once you’ve tasted 180W of underwear shaking headroom you’re going to really feel the anemic difference of only two 6550s. Plus Engl build quality is fucking trash so you’ll lose a lot of value not to mention reliability concerns. I wouldn’t even consider it.

The power section is a headroom beast... it stays massive at high volume and seems to get better. Which most tube amps do, but this thing does it little bit better than most, doesn't break up it stays solid... It has alot of density to it. Definitely has the "hard" tone. Which I don't mind because I pick like a man and technique is fine. Dry/stiff amps don't bother me and are usually the more dynamic when comparing. The herbert is like a big meatloaf that's not juicy in the middle, kinda tough. But on the outside there's a nice moist glaze surrounding the dryness. It's polarizing the way they feel and sound as a whole. It's overall stiff but also has a hint of bounce in the density. Super dynamic to pick attack for sure. If you are a light picker or baby the strings, this amp responds in a soft weak manner. You dig in and percussively attack with the pick hand, the amp growls & delivers more goods. Which if you run less gain and more mids on most amps, this is the result but the herb has a bit more thickness to its core tone.

The 180 power section is absolutely the shit. I have driven 2 cabs at loud volume and it has zero issues asking for more.
If you don’t want to pay that tier of pricing I’d consider an Uber ultra. Amp kicks ass and definitely hangs with high tier stuff.

This is an interesting comment. I was looking at Uber ultra when I found the mkiii locally in brand new condition..older man bought it and let it sit in his mancave on top an old TV marshall cab... I mean the amp still smelled new. ? But I gave him 3,300 for it and took it home. I knew they were out of stock at the time & I happened to be in a nice spot financially.

But the Uber is definitely tempting. That ultra seems to so some cool tones and I know it probably feels easier to play (I don't mind a stiff dry amp tho) but probably has more saturation off gate. There's this density in the herbert that is addicting. I'd LOVE to run across an Uber ultra to try. Still weary to let the herb3 go, it would be difficult to re-obtain if I do. Maybe I should sell my SLX and put that toward an Uber ?
This is an interesting comment. I was looking at Uber ultra when I found the mkiii locally in brand new condition..older man bought it and let it sit in his mancave on top an old TV marshall cab... I mean the amp still smelled new. ? But I gave him 3,300 for it and took it home. I knew they were out of stock at the time & I happened to be in a nice spot financially.

But the Uber is definitely tempting. That ultra seems to so some cool tones and I know it probably feels easier to play (I don't mind a stiff dry amp tho) but probably has more saturation off gate. There's this density in the herbert that is addicting. I'd LOVE to run across an Uber ultra to try. Still weary to let the herb3 go, it would be difficult to re-obtain if I do. Maybe I should sell my SLX and put that toward an Uber ?
What kind of music do you like playing? I feel like this is a question that is often over looked.
What kind of music do you like playing? I feel like this is a question that is often over looked.

I figured with the context clues it would be apparent. BUT, I realize this isn't always a clear cut way to assume such things.

Heavy, thrash, modern, but I hesitate to say "modern" because some people hear that them and go straight to some clanky tin can high end bands, or amp designs, because to some that is considered "modern" where... for me... a modern guitar tone is closer to what I hear with someone like Wes Borland at Woodstock 99. That's modern to me. (Pretty sure that was boosted triple rectifier and dimarzio blaze pickups). Wes had great tone on the break stuff album. I don't know how anyone would pretend otherwise even if they didn't like limp bizkit back in the day.

Machine head 5150 tone is modern. I've had way too many 5150 variants but I consider that modern. The djenty clanky stuff the new guys are doing & consider modern, which is Influencing alot of new amp designs, I consider that tone garbage after about 3 minutes I can't take it anymore..

Lots of fast precise stuff with tight chugging everywhere else. I like some density on that low string when running thrash tempos. Herbert does that well, it doesn't get too clanky. Some amps it's like you can't dial that overtone out. It's one thing I truly love about this Diezel.

I always liked James vh4 tone also. His tone on the st anger dvd was fucking heavy I don't care who you are. Then there's Adam Jones who everyone here drools over, I find the most uninspiring tone and tool songs, I don't think I've ever finished one all the way through before saying nah, I'm good. ?

I like more mids and less harshness. You don't need that much upper frequencies to cut in a mix. After at least 20 high gainers Im sure of this. But it's the new rage... they making them more and more sharp for drop tuners and people wanting ear fatigue seems like to me.

I've heard a modern classic and thought it was great. And an MTL. I wanted a headfirst mtl clone for a hot minute before I got a mkIV and a TC100 kinda forgot about the mtl stuff for a while at that point.
? -ert


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Keep the Herbert and get a MXR 10-band EQ in the loop to alter the sound at surgery level. Then get a Suhr Koko Boost, the big one, to boost the front. Nothing comes close.
@ChuggNorris man sounds like the diezel is a good one for you. Maybe a modded Marshall.
KSR orthos or gemini anyone?
That's the wildcard I REALLY want to try.

Passed on a gemini for like 12-1400 he wanted at the time. Dude needed money. And I had already bought a deliverance and a savage at that time... I WISH I had the extra to grab that gemini it was MINT for less than 1500.

Damn I miss the wheeling & dealing days of gear... seems like it was just yesterday ?
I used to be a dealer for Diezel. I was a local tech for them too. All their amps are built to superior standards. The Herbert is a beastly amp and very versatile. It's an amp I would like to own someday. It does more than down tuned music. The guitarist from Saga uses one and it sounds awesome in his genre...

I recently saw a local band called Stygian Crown and the lead guitarist used one and sounded so awesome....

I have a Gemini. Definitely a great amp, but if I had to choose I'd keep the Herbert. But I've never had to choose...
I'd be keeping the ?ert.
I'd sell another amp & put it toward the ksr.

They have a nice mid grind. Like a refined rectifier? I've had 4 rectifiers, 1 Triple & 3 duals (roadster, tremoverb 2x). I think I liked the koko boost best but I tried a ts9, modded ts9 to 808, grid slammer, bad monkey, mxr 10 band...

Most the time I liked it better without the boost the way I dialed them. Sold all the pedals then went down a speaker rabbit hole for a while.

But anyway, I'm quite attached to the ?ert & y'all helped convince me to not prematurely send ole girl packing. In the past some Amps didn't last 2 weeks.

The ?ert matches with a heavy marshall circuit REALLY good too. It's brutal.

I want another archon too though. I kept the 100 longer than every other amp I had over the years. Loved that thing. But I need to try the others first before cycling back. I even thought tc100 was incredible, all straight in.. that was a unique sound compared to rectifiers and the mkiv. It was like in between. I was getting boosted 2204 tones out of the blue channel on the triple crown. Shit was tight. Recorded nicely.

I'm currently here I think..
1. KSR Gem/Orthos
2. JVM 410
3. MW/Triple

These are the ones I'm heavily looking at.
Doesn't seem there's too much difference in the mkii savage from the earlier in tone. So next engl would eventually be an SE. Later on.