Poor sales

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Seems this year there's not as much in the way of killer gear fs in the classifieds like there has been in the past. I was expecting it and it never happened.

Not to say that gear isn't moving but the higher quality stuff didn't surface like it usually does this time of year.
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I’m not willing to let go of my good gear at a massive loss just because people want a deal. I’d rather sit on it - I bought it for a reason and some of this stuff is getting really hard to find these days as you’re eluding to.

I had a guy that demanded a deal on my like new 25 year old PCM81 because it was repaired. No you dick wagon it was repaired and is being sold in working order. WTF?

I had another guy that used the fact the new metroplex that doesn’t exist is coming out and that I should give a big discount on the very first metroplex because of it.

People will literally use anything they can to either write you off or be a giant waste of time.

I literally just don’t have the patience or the desire to be in the seller market right now with entitled cheap asses that don’t understand if you don’t like it don’t fucking buy it.
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I’m not willing to let go of my good gear at a massive loss just because people want a deal. I’d rather sit on it - I bought it for a reason and some of this stuff is getting really hard to find these days as you’re eluding to.

I had a guy that demanded a deal on my like new 25 year old PCM81 because it was repaired. No you dick wagon it was repaired and is being sold in working order. WTF?

I had another guy that used the fact the new metroplex that doesn’t exist is coming out and that I should give a big discount on the very first metroplex because of it.

People will literally use anything they can to either write you off or be a giant waste of time.

I literally just don’t have the patience or the desire to be in the seller market right now with entitled cheap asses that don’t understand if you don’t like it don’t fucking buy it.
Sounds like a lot of rage there son but I totally agree with you !!!! LOL I thinks there's a lot of good stuff for sale for this time of the year but it is really not selling well . Prices , economy , etc.
The new way is a nogo. Not being a seller I can only attest to what I hear but as a buyer...this ain't the time.
In the vintage market there has always been nonplayers involved just for money, it seems to have crept into the Mesa Boogie sales. Why is beyond me, unless you prefer fender midrange :unsure:
Tne new prices are sky rocketing yet if you try to sell something on the used market you get offers by people who still live in the previous century.
Problem is they aren’t living in the last century, they’re living in just a couple years ago. It’s hard to swallow shit like even Indonesian made guitars are all of a sudden pushing the $1k mark new and many amps have seen price increases of hundreds of dollars.

I bought my JP2C new right before the prices went up. I think I paid around $2700 and now they’re around $3350. What is that, like a 24% price increase? I got mine last fucking year.
Yeah I cannot believe the price of pan asian stuff. If it's well built it's well built. However the connotation of country of origin still sways me to a certain extent. My Kramer 84 is Indonesian I believe. Nice guitar. I got it for a helluva lot less than msrp on the used market. No fuckin way I would pay 799 for one. imo....
Stuff is selling, just not here unfortunately.
I just sold my 20th XTC as well as another few parts with a day or two of posting on a couple of different forums over the weekend.
Not here...you mean here on the forum?
I live in Belgium and I have a couple of guitars listed on the popular second hand sites.
Normally stuff like Fender and Gibson (the well known brands) sells quickly if it's priced competitively.
But now , I'm getting offers from 750 Euro (!) to 1400 Euro for my Gibson Les Paul Standard (with a nice top).
The highest bidder insisted that he could buy them at 1300 Euro all day. I asked him "where?" so I could buy one...
I’m so happy I got the gear flipping phase out of my system back in the HCAF glory days. It was fun back then. I have a couple of friends left that still do it and I can’t even remotely believe they still get any pleasure out of it. Like how many times do you need to go back to a 5150 that you’ve already owned 6-7 times? You couldn’t figure it out the first 2-3 times?

With that said, the only things I flip these days are pedals and only if I don’t end up liking it at all and it would end up sitting never to be played again.
In the vintage market there has always been nonplayers involved just for money, it seems to have crept into the Mesa Boogie sales. Why is beyond me, unless you prefer fender midrange :unsure:
The market is what the market....but yes....has me scratching my head on the "vintage" (depending on an individuals definition) mesa sales if that's what you're getting at. And I love the old Mesa stuff but understand why most people don't, and may even despise a lot of it. Many of the old MK's can sound dry, ratty, and sterile in the wrong hands. Was never a fan of the Rectumfryer, but wouldn't mind a Stiletto.

I could say the same thing about Wizard which I really like and have 3 of ATM. Still can't believe the dumbasses selling these (although I really don't believe they're getting what they're asking). Of course don't know what I think of as "vintage" exists in Wizard. But I have seen some that looked to be 30yrs old or more with no effects loops, that pop like like hell when switched between channels. I got into trying to harvest some of the really old ones a while back, but just lost my patience with some of the ignorant clods trying to sell them. If I could even get one of the dumbfuckers to give me a serial number, I'd just get Rick to tell me what he could about a particular build.

Avast on the dumbassery.......check out this butt-ugly POS:

$3,500 for this boat anchor. NFW!!


Shit in one hand wish in the other. See which fills up first!

Have to give PLX all the credit on the GIF. I copied and saved the moment I saw it.
Seems this year there's not as much in the way of killer gear fs in the classifieds like there has been in the past. I was expecting it and it never happened.

Not to say that gear isn't moving but the higher quality stuff didn't surface like it usually does this time of year.
Dude, when I joined here, I think in 09, the classifieds were RAGING! Every day there was 4 or 5 pages of killer gear. I was dazzled by all the amazing gear floating by all day.
Problem is they aren’t living in the last century, they’re living in just a couple years ago. It’s hard to swallow shit like even Indonesian made guitars are all of a sudden pushing the $1k mark new and many amps have seen price increases of hundreds of dollars.

I bought my JP2C new right before the prices went up. I think I paid around $2700 and now they’re around $3350. What is that, like a 24% price increase? I got mine last fucking year.
Everyone capitalizing on inflation and raising it with everything else and upped wages. Only a matter of time before the fed puts their foot up everyone’s ass and stuff goes down hard and fast. It honestly already is, I’m in Denver and home prices have dropped big since March. Going to continue with the rates going up more too.
Locally, I’m seeing prices coming down. I just scored a 65’ Deluxe Reverb, mint condition for $600 and over the weekend a ‘68 Custom Deluxe Reverb popped up for $650. There’s a couple 6505’s for $700 and the only reason I’m not buying one is because I’ve already owned a 5150 (or variant) more than enough. Hell, I even saw a couple Les Paul Standards for under a grand, which I haven’t seen in a while. There’s a mint Ibanez Genesis for like $750 right now I’m getting an itchy trigger finger over.

Online, not so much.
I was able to move a couple of cabs and pedals pretty quick a month or so ago. I have two nicer guitars up now and crickets. One trade offer but I had to initiate it. Probably going to return a guitar to Sweetwater because I was hoping to unload a guitar or two before I bought it but jumped the gun. I don't love the guitar either.