- Cameron Moded 78' JMP (Aldrich)
- Cameron Moded JTM 45 RI (High Gain mod, this was done before he called it the Jose)
- 73' Marshall cab with original 25 watt Greenbacks
- 80's JCM 800 cab with 65's
- 80's Boogie cab with Black Shadow 150's and G12 65's on the bottom
(the Orange cab is gone)
- 91' EBMM EVH
- 02' Les Paul R8 (Darkburst)
- 80's Frankenkramer (solid unknown brand Flame maple body with a Kramer American neck)
It's a 760(H-S-S) that I routed a bit for H-S-H and dropped a pickguard on. I gotta have a full neck hum, just gotta. I've been in love with that Jewel Blue finish since the first time I saw an Ibanez with it back in 91.