Mr. Willy":3s0frawm said:
Zachman":3s0frawm said:
Mr. Willy":3s0frawm said:
You obviously do "give a fuck," or you'd let it go. You're fragile ego won't let you though, will it? This is typical behavior for you on this forum.
Here's another thread where Zacman lost his shit over someone being the slightest bit critical of his rig. Apparently, the gifs are on reserve for this type of situation.
Sadly, yet another example of someone, perhaps a common-core education victim, with no reasoning ability, and with an apparent lack of analytical and critical thinking ability, who starts some shit, gets embarrassed when called out on it, lashes out some more while avoiding answering the simplest of questions (The answers which would clearly illustrate the folly of their assertions), and then acts like a victim because they were called out on it.
Not surprised.
You were looking for a confrontation, and you got it. So spare us the drama, Mr. Dick/Willy.
Life's short. Don't be a dick
You are making no sense whatsoever. I'm not embarrassed or afraid of confronting you in the least. If I were, I would've backed down from you several replies ago. I posted a pic of the rig I've used live after you requested it. Yes, I've used it live. It's been awhile since I've gigged, hence why I didn't post a stage rig pic because it wasn't current which is what the OP asked for. It's been several years since I've played live. I even conceded that to you. You got personal and childish very quickly in your responses (called me a militant feminist, "common core" comment, victim, asshole, dick, etc) when all I'm doing is rebutting you and throwing it back at you. You derided my musical ability. You even derided my gear. I didn't do that to you. I said earlier that I'm sure your rig is awesome. I'd love to have any one of those amps. I'm simply tired of seeing you post the same pics of your rig that you've posted for the last seven years. It's old. You just can't handle any criticism at all, and if anyone engages in a debate with you, you revert to childish and bullying tactics.
Oh well, I can't speak to your apparent reading comprehension issue, nor your continued obfuscation regarding answering questions posed to you, after your 1st attack, of several. It does seem disingenuous though (Troll behavior, if you will, and even if you don't).
Like I said, Life is short, so don't be a dick-- then reserve the right to play the victim card-- when called out on it, and think that you have any standing whatsoever, because... That would just be silly.
Your apparently overly-sensitive self should perhaps not engage in attacks, if you're just going to get worked up, when those you attack-- don't just take it, rather throw it back at you. You definitely, imo, shouldn't be surprised to get a less than warm welcomed response, to a clearly intentionally designed and negative interaction, on your part though...
Perhaps that's not fair as you've indicated a lack of comprehension skills, illustrated by your lack of analytical thinking in your non-responses to simple questions.
Tell yourself whatever you have to to sleep at night. In the future, just don't act surprised when you go looking for trouble, and you find it.
Have a nice day