Prayers sent

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Sick of seeing this shit. I call these fuckers out when they say "prayers sent."
I don't know why this irks the fuck out of me. Prayers sent is words.
To actually pray (and I don't care if your thing is buddha, or some other mythical so called God) you need to sit down in quiet for 5 minutes or so, do some deep breathing and focus on the person or event, or area you want to send positive energy to.

So, instead of the meaningless "prayers sent" bullshit, just say "you are in my thoughts and I wish you well" instead.

I love as well when you lose a loved one. "If you need anything, just hollar."
That means everything except money. Anything eh? Full of fucking shit.

If "prayers sent" actually worked, the devout should spend 24 hrs a day praying for preemptive action on every foreseeable negative scenario and event. Preventative is better than reactionary measures, right?
To actually pray (and I don't care if your thing is buddha, or some other mythical so called God) you need to sit down in quiet for 5 minutes or so, do some deep breathing and focus on the person or event, or area you want to send positive energy to.
There are many forms of prayer that don't fit your definition.

If "prayers sent" actually worked, the devout should spend 24 hrs a day praying for preemptive action on every foreseeable negative scenario and event. Preventative is better than reactionary measures, right?
Right, and they do, because prayer does work.
There are many forms of prayer that don't fit your definition.

Right, and they do, because prayer does work.
Well you have to admit, even if prayer worked, typing "Prayers sent" does little to nothing I would say. I think there has to be a little more intention or mindfulness involved. I don't have a *Quantum Entanglement - spooky action at a distance* meter, but if I did, I will bet that "prayers sent" would register nothing.

There's some interesting work called "The intention experiment" which tested this. There were some positive results, but nothing mind blowing.
Not knocking anyone here... but IMHO, the power of prayer is immense and it doesn't have to be a "formal" event or follow any rules on how long you need to do it or how it's done. It could just be a quick "Hey, please look out for this dude I don't even know on a guitar forum. They are going through something and you know what they need". God knows who needs what, so all that matters is that it's done. Not necessarily the details. The issue I find with people saying "prayers sent", is if they don't follow it up with it. If/When I say that, I try to actually stop what I'm doing right then and do it because I know if I don't.. it won't get done.
Well you have to admit, even if prayer worked, typing "Prayers sent" does little to nothing I would say. I think there has to be a little more intention or mindfulness involved. I don't have a *Quantum Entanglement - spooky action at a distance* meter, but if I did, I will bet that "prayers sent" would register nothing.

There's some interesting work called "The intention experiment" which tested this. There were some positive results, but nothing mind blowing.
I agree, there should be focus or we are sinning by being inattentive during prayer. But you're making a judgment on the person saying "prayers sent", presuming they aren't being authentic. I get where you are coming from. It's like an "I'm so sorry for your loss" when someone loses someone close to them, or even better "happy birthday" from people on face book that never otherwise talk to me. It's why I quit FB. But most people are at a loss for words in that sickness/death situation.
The issue I find with people saying "prayers sent", is if they don't follow it up with it. If/When I say that, I try to actually stop what I'm doing right then and do it because I know if I don't.. it won't get done.
I said I would put you in my prayers and did pray for you. I had other people who needed prayers and forgot for a week or two, then I remembered and have been adding you in there when I recall you. That was before you followed up in that thread on your health, so I guess I partially remembered you, but I remembered.

I was telling 84 superchamp the other day that I had remembered his great grandson in prayer, but it can be sporadic, like wack a mole, because my old man is in remission from cancer, my best friend's sister has cancer, an old boss of mine who I love like a bro has cancer, my SIL has had back problems, wife's friend broker her arm through the skin, my priest's father is sick, skooras wife has a bad knee, a friend of mine here at rig talk has had sleeping issues, another member had a family member get in a wreck real bad. Then we had guys in the CA fires.....I made the prayers thread to help me recall some of the needs here because I can't humanly remember it all. That doesn't include general prayers for family, friends, bandmates, forum members, our leaders, armed forces, and others I would like to pray for as regularly as possible.

I think the real truth is we are all neglectful of our prayer life sometimes.
Brother Von, I just appreciate the prayers man. I'm not one that thinks that the "number" of times you pray for something makes a difference. Once is enough, God knows the heart and what is needed and takes it from there. To remember someone every time you pray is awesome, but I don't believe that God would be so "forgetful" that praying for them over and over is necessary to remind him what is needed. Just the fact that you created a prayer list is pretty cool and shows me where your heart is. I definitely fall into that "neglectful of our prayer life" category and I fail constantly.

If we're telling on ourselves, just this morning I got an email from someone on CL about an amp I have for sale that just hit me the wrong way. What I should have done was turn the other cheek and just let it go. What I did was email back and tell them they were a special kind of stupid. I honestly felt badly afterwards, but the old me shows up sometimes. I'm just glad that being Christian doesn't mean that I have to be perfect, just forgiven... There is no way I'd make it on my own.
Brother Von, I just appreciate the prayers man. I'm not one that thinks that the "number" of times you pray for something makes a difference. Once is enough, God knows the heart and what is needed and takes it from there. To remember someone every time you pray is awesome, but I don't believe that God would be so "forgetful" that praying for them over and over is necessary to remind him what is needed. Just the fact that you created a prayer list is pretty cool and shows me where your heart is. I definitely fall into that "neglectful of our prayer life" category and I fail constantly.

If we're telling on ourselves, just this morning I got an email from someone on CL about an amp I have for sale that just hit me the wrong way. What I should have done was turn the other cheek and just let it go. What I did was email back and tell them they were a special kind of stupid. I honestly felt badly afterwards, but the old me shows up sometimes. I'm just glad that being Christian doesn't mean that I have to be perfect, just forgiven... There is no way I'd make it on my own.

You are welcome War in D. I guess it's an act of love, cause you sacrifice your time to it. I am not a loving person by nature so I'm learning Christ's love. The priest serves me, the bishop serves the priest, the patriarch serves the bishop, and Christ has served us all so as an orthodox person I should be of some service to people who are in need. Since I lack great wealth I pray, and am thankful in having found that orthodox pathway, though it can be a heavy burden! I am a very rotten person by nature so perhaps I am benefited myself also by spending more time with my mind in a better place looking out for others than I otherwise was doing something else. Be well War in D. I'm looking out for you brougham. ☦️
When I say prayers sent I actually pray for them. However when I pray I’m not sending some sort of “positive energy” like it’s voodoo and im casting some sort of weird spell. I’m asking God to be with the person(s) and for them to draw comfort from God and for them to come to know him if they don’t already and for God’s will in the situation come to pass. Also if it is God’s will that he may heal or help the person depending on the circumstances.
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To actually pray (and I don't care if your thing is buddha, or some other mythical so called God) you need to sit down in quiet for 5 minutes or so, do some deep breathing and focus on the person or event, or area you want to send positive energy to.


Some people actually do that.