If you like slightly darker warmer tones but a good gainy tube the EH12ax7 with the yellow lettering is a great V1 tube. The new production Tung Sol is brighter and a bit less warm than the EH but still a good V1 tube that is similar sounding to a NOS Sylvania 12ax7 but handles high gain without plate ring. I've heard good things about the newer EH 7025 12ax7. I've tried the new Mullard reissue CV4004 12ax7's and didn't care for them in V1 but the regular Mullard 12ax7 looks like a longer plate like the Tung Sols so those might sound better than the CV4004. I've heard Metropolous and Germino are using the Mullard reissue 12ax7's in all recent amps chassis pics seem to show that is correct. I recently tried the JJ E83CC short plate and it was kinda "meh" for V1 and went back to the yellow lettered EH12ax7 in my 2203 but I've ran the Tung Sol and Ruby AC5's and they sound good as well, just brighter and a bit less warmth than the EH yellow lettered 12ax7. If you like brighter but still a tight no microphonics tube the Ruby AC5 HG is a a great tube for V1 in a
Marshall 1987/1959 2203/2204 amp.
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For V2 Cathode follower I recommend either a Chinese 9th generation Ruby AC5 HG or a JJ ECC83 those will withstand the CF voltages.
For the V3 PI position I'd say Ruby AC5 HG or JJECC83, E83S or the longplate ECC803 just depending on what you like really.