Presence Circuit and Shunt Resistor

  • Thread starter Thread starter FourT6and2
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What a cool thread! Once in a great while, I’ll stop by here and do a little look around. The Presence Circuit topic caught my eye and decided to read through… Very cool info on the topic. I’m also an old Metroamp dude that rarely ever goes there anymore, and realizing that Larry/novosibir is alive and well and posting here ignited me to make this post! Anyways… @novosibir , Thank you very much and I hope you’re doing well… :cool:
What a cool thread! Once in a great while, I’ll stop by here and do a little look around. The Presence Circuit topic caught my eye and decided to read through… Very cool info on the topic. I’m also an old Metroamp dude that rarely ever goes there anymore, and realizing that Larry/novosibir is alive and well and posting here ignited me to make this post! Anyways… @novosibir , Thank you very much and I hope you’re doing well… :cool:
You used to have a lion as your avatar.
I meant, you used that one on MetroAmp forum.. back in the day.
Well… I cannot figure out how to send you a private message at this forum, so I’ll ask: What was your MetroAmp member name when you used to hangout there more often?
Well… I cannot figure out how to send you a private message at this forum, so I’ll ask: What was your MetroAmp member name when you used to hangout there more often?
You have to have 50 posts here to use the PM system or post in the classifieds forum.

I was on MetroAmp since 2004, but I changed Internet service providers and lost the e-mail address that was tied to that provider, then forgot my password. The mods couldn't help me out, so I just created a new account.

I'm PLX there, just like here.
You have to have 50 posts here to use the PM system or post in the classifieds forum.

I was on MetroAmp since 2004, but I changed Internet service providers and lost the e-mail address that was tied to that provider, then forgot my password. The mods couldn't help me out, so I just created a new account.

I'm PLX there, just like here.
Ok, thanks! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too, my dude !

You remember the entire Robin L. debacle over there ?

No I don’t. Robin L doesn’t ring a bell either. Tell me more, or send me some links if possible!
No I don’t. Robin L doesn’t ring a bell either. Tell me more, or send me some links if possible!
What year(s) were you on there ?

I though I remember you being there even before I was ?
What year(s) were you on there ?

I though I remember you being there even before I was ?
2008 sounds about right. I assembled my first amp kit in ‘09, a Metro Plexi 50 because of the Metro forum and everything else related to Metropoulos Amps. I think I faded out around ‘14 from that forum after the site went through some major technical problems.
2008 sounds about right. I assembled my first amp kit in ‘09, a Metro Plexi 50 because of the Metro forum and everything else related to Metropoulos Amps. I think I faded out around ‘14 from that forum after the site went through some major technical problems.
Oh yeah, you missed the halcyon days over there.
Oh yeah, you missed the halcyon days over there.
That’s definitely a bummer when that type of crap happens. Seems like there are quite a few good Heads here that are very generous with their knowledge and have decent table manners too… (y)
That’s definitely a bummer when that type of crap happens. Seems like there are quite a few good Heads here that are very generous with their knowledge and have decent table manners too… (y)
Steve Miller (SDM) of Miller Amplification over on MetroAmp helped me convert my '89 Laney AOR 100 into a JCM-800 when I first joined.

There were some awesome people over there back then !