I had this amp in house for about a week. It's one of the best amps I've ever played that I didn't also love. I'd give this thing a glowing review to anyone that asks and absolutely recommend it but it just didn't work for me. Huge gain sweep on a single channel (which I love), agree 100% with others as to the tones that are in there. Way tighter than I was expecting and with enough gain to get most anyone where they need to go with a boost. Two reasons it went back (only one of which really matters
1. The head is hilariously large. Tall without a ton of a depth and just looked goofy as hell sitting next to everything else I have. Does this really matter? Of course not, but for some reason it bothered the shit out of me. It's not the reason I sent it back.
2. I've always heard Friedman's are relatively smooth and polite...sort of a smoothed out Marshall. I also heard that the Phil X was the least "domesticated" in the Friedman line and played more open and raw. Unfortunately it's the only Friedman I've played so I can't really compare but it still just felt like a very refined take on a Marshall. All that jagged power in a JCM800 just wasn't there for me. To be fair my favorite amps are the ones that sound like they'll explode at any minute and rip your dick off (800s, Rectifiers, Wizards) so I probably wasn't the target audience for this amp.
Anyway, really glad you're digging this amp OP. Just missing a little raunch for me but I also didn't have much time with it and probably didn't give it a fair shake.