PSA: "Who is the real Larry?" thread is live

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Also @thegame I gotta be honest, I can’t stop laughing at the fact that even after all this drama you’ve created to remove yourself from your own miserable life: after all of this, threads on threads showing EVERYONE how important you are, Larry is STILL telling you to absolutely get fucked. I fucking love it . “Look at me, everyone come see how I got ripped off!!!!”….. and yet …. He still said fuck you….. absolutely amazing
Disfigured received the proper refund, finally. Nothing difficult to comprehend here….for most people.
I think that says way more about Larry (in a negative way) than it does about the game. It shows clearly that he doesn’t mind screwing a customer. My .002

Of course it does, i agree. Doesn’t mean I still can’t find it hillarious though. Bigggggg big shocker this happened to thegame, who would’ve thought a guy who can’t get out of his own way would eventually get fucked over by someone bigger than him. Here’s my shocked face.
Disfigured received the proper refund, finally. Nothing difficult to comprehend here….for most people.

Probably because he’s not as much of an asshat as you are. Not that hard to comprehend….
Of course it does, i agree. Doesn’t mean I still can’t find it hillarious though. Bigggggg big shocker this happened to thegame, who would’ve thought a guy who can’t get out of his own way would eventually get fucked over by someone bigger than him. Here’s my shocked face.
My only reply to that would be don’t be so sure it couldn’t happen to you too. All these deals start off great…then look what happens.
My only reply to that would be don’t be so sure it couldn’t happen to you too. All these desks start off great…then look what happens

Well, I can assure you it won’t be happening to me, mostly because I won’t be sending that amount of money over seas anytime soon. I’ve managed to make it 22+ Years selling and buying amps, and not once have I had to deal with everything the game has to deal with. This is what happens when you bring things on yourself, plain and simple.
None of the 14 guys that MC screwed over sent money overseas, did they bring it on themselves too ?
Exactly. Lots of good people got ripped off. Todd Duane, a great player and super nice dude, is owed a CCV. Bought a Jubilee combo from him in person a couple years back. No justification for ANYONE getting ripped off, ever. Cameron’s sound killer; as do Larry amps.
But as good as they sound it’s sad that the designers seem ok with theft.
Nice read. There's something about SBlues deal I can't understand: Now I know Helmut shit the bed on the backplate. But that's hardly the only issue.

In light of getting sent a used amp for 7k and how long of a wait? 2 years?

But you let that slide as long as you get a new backplate for your 7k used amp?

Now imagine if you will, opening a 7k amp you waited for 2 years for... And it's used, scratched, missing parts, and smells like an ashtray... What a gut punch that must've been. A real pant shitter!

And how can Helmut not address this? Justify this somehow what he was thinking. How can this happen?
Nice read. There's something about SBlues deal I can't understand: Now I know Helmut shit the bed on the backplate. But that's hardly the only issue.

In light of getting sent a used amp for 7k and how long of a wait? 2 years?

But you let that slide as long as you get a new backplate for your 7k used amp?

Now imagine if you will, opening a 7k amp you waited for 2 years for... And it's used, scratched, missing parts, and smells like an ashtray... What a gut punch that must've been. A real pant shitter!

And how can Helmut not address this? Justify this somehow what he was thinking. How can this happen?
Well there seems to be alot of cigarettes and lighters in all of Larry's posted proof of life pics so I would imagine he smokes and may be smoking while assembling amps. My dad always smoked when he was working on just about anything.....:dunno:

That could account for the smelling like an ashtray or Larry really did send Sblue a returned amp which I doubt because obviously it's a you buy it 30 second warranty clause and he's not taking any amps back for returns.:no:
Well there seems to be alot of cigarettes and lighters in all of Larry's posted proof of life pics so I would imagine he smokes and may be smoking while assembling amps. My dad always smoked when he was working on just about anything.....:dunno:

That could account for the smelling like an ashtray or Larry really did send Sblue a returned amp which I doubt because obviously it's a you buy it 30 second warranty clause and he's not taking any amps back for returns.:no:
Larry's amps are infused with tiger blood.

So much win.

That could account for the smelling like an ashtray or Larry really did send Sblue a returned amp which I doubt because obviously it's a you buy it 30 second warranty clause and he's not taking any amps back for returns.:no:
I would even appreciate it very much if one or the other Larry customer would like to give his amp back to me and I would take these amps back with a kiss on the hand - because one or the other longingly waiting customer would be very happy to buy a used Larry amp immediately get instead of a new one in 2 to 4 years...
... but apparently nobody ever wants to give their Larry amp back once they have one ?‍♂️

Regarding my warranty - it's even more than 5 minutes, much longer even...
... but actually nobody needs it, because Larry amps never fail, not even after 30 years (with the exception of wearing parts like tubes and pots) :cool:
Nice read. There's something about SBlues deal I can't understand: Now I know Helmut shit the bed on the backplate. But that's hardly the only issue.

In light of getting sent a used amp for 7k and how long of a wait? 2 years?

But you let that slide as long as you get a new backplate for your 7k used amp?

Now imagine if you will, opening a 7k amp you waited for 2 years for... And it's used, scratched, missing parts, and smells like an ashtray... What a gut punch that must've been. A real pant shitter!

And how can Helmut not address this? Justify this somehow what he was thinking. How can this happen?
No shame in his game. Doesn’t give a single fuck.
@cetanu how many times are you gonna go look at threads about me? You fucking obsessed pussy.
The realty is, with people like @thegame who continuously have issues all across different social mediums as shown here, this is not a fluke in the least. The guy (or girl, who knows how it identifies) attracts doucheyness, thus it’s no surprise he’s gotten caught up in the drama of an online fantasy world in which he believes he is the conductor. So when things don’t go his way, he turns into a big, liberal crybaby. It’s very typical behavior. So yes, I have no doubts this isn’t the first, nor will be the last hard lesson this extremely dense moronic individual will have to endure. You can add hypocritical To that as well, I’ve never seen such a dim witted individual on a guitar forum get absolutely sideways about something he completely 100 percent does to everyone else. Just yesterday he couldn’t even have a normal conversation about speakers. The symptoms of a pussy who never got knocked out in life, and obviously has no loved ones around him.

Do I feel bad for him? Nah, what goes around comes around :)
He already have the money, not need to hurry :D
You want to tell me I could do it like H.A.D. during his last 20 years before his death?
Work 2-3 months, then 3-4 months vacation at the California Beach, then work again for 2-3 months, then vacation again, aso... ?

That would be a great idea, the only problem is that we don't have a California Beach here in Germany ?‍♂️ :rolleyes:
Maybe are afraid of the waiting time for a repai

Maybe are afraid of the waiting time for a repair?
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: - - - -a maybe required repair on a Larry amp?*- - - - :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Oh you poor smelly little Italian schoolboy - but you've made my day :cheers:

(*) this does not apply to used, rebuilt Marshall amps in which old original parts were left over during the conversion for cost reasons
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