PT-100 loop FX beginer

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It is what it sounds like
Button "IN" makes the loop active, in this mode with nothing in the loop you can use the return level as the power amp master and put the front levels around 4 on the gain channel.
"In" for instrument is instrument level for pedals usually. It is always preferable to use line level though when possible and some pedals are capable of this, you don't want to mix though.
You could have a looper to take all your pedals out or you could get a switching system and do whatever you choose.
Just remember if you MUST put pedals in the loop only put time based units in the like delays and reverbs.
Some AC powered pedals like Eventide can be switched to Line level which is preferable as is using the Mix option if possible but when using that you need 100% wet

turtlefingers":1nyh1nes said:
I am making my first board and I have some doubts.

If I put pedals in the loop, and it is in serial, to disengage them I need to disengage one by one, because if I put a volume pedal or a kill switch before it the sounds will die, right?
So if I run the pedals in the serial loop the only chance to disengage the pedals will be one by one, there is no way to take them of the chain?
It doesn't occur when the loop is in parallel, right?

What are the buttons "in active" and "in inst" functions?
