R.I.P. KEN CZEPELKA -Sound Sculpture

  • Thread starter Thread starter phil b
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I asked because he passed the end of Sept. I still keep in touch with his niece. I will pass along your condolences.
Hey Phil, thanks for letting us know about what happened. Do you have any idea if there was any inventory left? I was looking to buy 2 'ABCadabra' from him but of course communications went silent. Any insight is much appreciated!
Oh, gosh. I was wondering about this very thing because the website was off-air and emails didn't bounce or reply. Facebook group is as quiet as a church mouse. I have been looking for a used Switchblade 8F, could not find one and tried the site for new pricing.

If anyone is parting ways with an 8F, knows a source, etc., please chime in. Thank you in advance and really sorry to hear about Ken. I've got a spot for it all mapped out on a new PB.


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Oh! ... this is sad news. Sincere condolences to the Czepelka family.
Hopefully SounudSculpture will find a new and worthwhile home.
I have known Ken for over 40 years from when he was in Boulder. He was very bright and a good friend to many folks. I know he was looking for a buyer for Sound sculpture. It was Dec 22 when I last heard from him and he told me about his illness and pending death. I am very sad to hear of his passing.
Sorry to hear of Ken's passing, I worked with him when he was a technician at Cadnetix back in the 80's, before he left Boulder for Oregon.

He was a gentle soul and a nice person, and was very passionate about the products that he built.

I am an electrical engineer and software developer, and I would be willing to help resurrect his product line if the necessary information is available and there is sufficient demand for one or more of his products.

The first place to start would probably be with his next of kin, assuming he had no formal estate, and they didn't throw everything out when he passed away. Schematics wouldn't be too hard to duplicate, embedded software and application software are another story altogether.

If anyone wants to put together or join a group to investigate resurrecting his products, let me know and we can arrange to meet online.

PS, I also have one of his original products, the PEP-3, a guitar effects switcher. If anyone would like to have it, please let me know.
I asked because he passed the end of Sept. I still keep in touch with his niece. I will pass along your condolences.
Sorry to hear of Ken's passing, I worked with him when he was a technician at Cadnetix back in the 80's, before he left Boulder for Oregon.

He was a gentle soul and a nice person, and was very passionate about the products that he built.

I am an electrical engineer and software developer, and I would be willing to help resurrect his product line if the necessary information is available and there is sufficient demand for one or more of his products.

The first place to start would probably be with his next of kin, assuming he had no formal estate, and they didn't throw everything out when he passed away. Schematics wouldn't be too hard to duplicate, embedded software and application software are another story altogether.

If anyone wants to put together or join a group to investigate resurrecting his products, let me know and we can arrange to meet online.

PS, I also have one of his original products, the PEP-3, a guitar effects switcher. If anyone would like to have it, please let me know.
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Sorry to hear of Ken's passing, I worked with him when he was a technician at Cadnetix back in the 80's, before he left Boulder for Oregon.

He was a gentle soul and a nice person, and was very passionate about the products that he built.

I am an electrical engineer and software developer, and I would be willing to help resurrect his product line if the necessary information is available and there is sufficient demand for one or more of his products.

The first place to start would probably be with his next of kin, assuming he had no formal estate, and they didn't throw everything out when he passed away. Schematics wouldn't be too hard to duplicate, embedded software and application software are another story altogether.

If anyone wants to put together or join a group to investigate resurrecting his products, let me know and we can arrange to meet online.

PS, I also have one of his original products, the PEP-3, a guitar effects switcher. If anyone would like to have it, please let me know.
Sorry to hear of Ken's passing, I worked with him when he was a technician at Cadnetix back in the 80's, before he left Boulder for Oregon.

He was a gentle soul and a nice person, and was very passionate about the products that he built.

I am an electrical engineer and software developer, and I would be willing to help resurrect his product line if the necessary information is available and there is sufficient demand for one or more of his products.

The first place to start would probably be with his next of kin, assuming he had no formal estate, and they didn't throw everything out when he passed away. Schematics wouldn't be too hard to duplicate, embedded software and application software are another story altogether.

If anyone wants to put together or join a group to investigate resurrecting his products, let me know and we can arrange to meet online.

PS, I also have one of his original products, the PEP-3, a guitar effects switcher. If anyone would like to have it, please let me know.
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Does anyone happen to have a link to download the Blade editor software for the GL? I haven’t been able to find it. Very sad to hear of Ken’s passing..
Did he have his own section in the manufacturer’s section?
one of his units is for sale on pittsburgh craigslist. sorry-I should have linked it but forgot about this thread. It was pricey....
one of his units is for sale on pittsburgh craigslist. sorry-I should have linked it but forgot about this thread. It was pricey....
I saw that. Thanks though! Just need to figure out where to find a download for BladeEdit! I’d be all set then, and would grab that unit
I saw that. Thanks though! Just need to figure out where to find a download for BladeEdit! I’d be all set then, and would grab that unit
I have Windows versions. 4.00 which was the latest and also 3.50. Its about 40megs for the 4 and only 6 for 3.50. Message me a place to send and I'll get it over to ya!
I landed here because i was searching the software for my switchblade 8 unit which i´ve buyed back in the mid 2000´s. I didn´t have used it for a long time and want to reactivate it now with my new rig. Sound Sculpture is very unknown here in europe and back than i got a tipp from an friend which was living in the US for a while to buy this unit. I didn´t care a lot about the backround of the company back than and now i am very sad that i didn´t dive into that deeper. Sounds like Ken was a very special guy and it would have been great to know more about his work or contact him in person. I still really appriciate the Switchblade 8 and i am now very proud with my new knowlage to have one of this units.
@ Phil B: Unfortunately i don´t have an idea how to write a PM becuause i am new here, so i´d like to ask if it possible to upload the BladeEdit software to any cloud or so and share a link? It would be very helpful for me and surely for others as well. Thanks in advance!
Best greetings from Austria!
I'm devastated to hear this; Ken was an amazing person and a genius. Sound Sculpture were the best of the best. I still have a Headtrip, GL and 8B in an old rack and love those devices. He was so responsive, helpful and kind - you could tell he was passionate about his craft.
I'm so sad to hear that Ken passed away. I was just looking through some old emails and saw some correspondence between Ken and I which led me to discover that the site was down and the FB group was quiet. I purchased a Switchblade GL back in 2003 or so and worked as a beta tester when he was developing JavaBlade. I have so many of his other brilliant products too which I've used in rigs for years. He was really a brilliant and kind person. I'm so sorry that he's gone.