Rack EQ Graphic or Parametric

Thanks to everyone for your replies. Here's an update many weeks later.

I ended up going with a Rolls RPQ160 and it's perfect! Long story regarding how I got there. Here's the quick version.

I bought the Rane PE17 and returned it twice. The first time it had a bypass switch for one of the bands that wasn't working. I returned it to the online store for an exchange.

The second one I received was destroyed - literally! The front was bent/curved severely such that some of the circuit components inside were protruding out the front. Most of the knobs were off at odd angles.

I don't think it was necessarily the retailer's fault because the box looked to be factory-sealed and had no damage. It seems to have come from the factory this way.

After 2 bad units I'm staying away from Rane products.

I ended up buying the Rolls RPQ160 which has 4 parametric bands. I've found it to be perfect for use with my guitar amp. It was nice that the Rane had 5 bands, but I ended up using only 4 of them anyway to get the sound I was looking for.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. The parametric EQ in the rack turned out to be perfect for what I need. No more graphic EQs for me!