Randy & Ozzy You Said It All

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Indeed. I have the book as well. Very enlightening. I read Sarzo’s book too. Not as enlightening but still a good read.
Rudy’s book was pretty cool . The info he gave about Randy not wanting to record the live album of Sabbath covers and Randy planning his departure. At that time at least it didn’t seem like Randy and Ozzy were on good terms
At that time at least it didn’t seem like Randy and Ozzy were on good terms

Does anyone think Ozzy's and Sharon's regard for Randy was as rose colored as they would have us believe? I've no doubt that they cared about Randy, but how they present themselves now and their version of history has a lot more to do with optics than reality. People especially love Randy, and it's just good business for them to embrace that. There's no way Ozzy was a good friend when he was in that shape, and Sharon's only ever been a dirtbag Don Arden wannabe. Didn't Randy's mom even have to twist their arms to get money that was owed Randy's estate years later? I'm sure they felt his loss, but how they present themselves when it comes to Randy has more to do with appearance and their brand than any actual affection for Randy.
Does anyone think Ozzy's and Sharon's regard for Randy was as rose colored as they would have us believe? I've no doubt that they cared about Randy, but how they present themselves now and their version of history has a lot more to do with optics than reality. People especially love Randy, and it's just good business for them to embrace that. There's no way Ozzy was a good friend when he was in that shape, and Sharon's only ever been a dirtbag Don Arden wannabe. Didn't Randy's mom even have to twist their arms to get money that was owed Randy's estate years later? I'm sure they felt his loss, but how they present themselves when it comes to Randy has more to do with appearance and their brand than any actual affection for Randy.
If they cared about Randy half as much as they would have us believe, they would have never fucked with the recordings of Blizzard and Diary the way they did. That was sacrilege to the legacy of those albums, and especially Randy’s contributions to them.
Does anyone think Ozzy's and Sharon's regard for Randy was as rose colored as they would have us believe? I've no doubt that they cared about Randy, but how they present themselves now and their version of history has a lot more to do with optics than reality. People especially love Randy, and it's just good business for them to embrace that. There's no way Ozzy was a good friend when he was in that shape, and Sharon's only ever been a dirtbag Don Arden wannabe. Didn't Randy's mom even have to twist their arms to get money that was owed Randy's estate years later? I'm sure they felt his loss, but how they present themselves when it comes to Randy has more to do with appearance and their brand than any actual affection for Randy.
No, I think you're right. I forget the details but Ozzy hit Randy on at least one occasion and if I'm thinking right some shit went down the night before he died on the bus. IIRC Randy banged Sharon at some point. I read this either in Bob or Rudy's book(s).
I love a good RR thread and Ozzy/Sharon bashing thread. I think they were close to Randy but also knew they needed him for the machine to keep rolling ad make $$$. It's disgraceful that they barely even paused the tour and had Torme jump on a plane while learning the tunes on the way over to the states. It shows a complete lack of respect for Randy and members of their crew.

I'd disagree with the statement that Randy was the " best" Ozzy guitarist. I think most iconic and had the most folklore because the impact he had and how damn cool he looked on stage but to me Jake really was something else. A very special player. Actually, all three guys were unbelievable. Ozzy got all three guys when they were young and hungry.. to me that's all that stands out vs one over the other. They each did their "thing" and were unique.

Gillis sucked though lol...sorry fellas.
It’s disgusting the way they did Daisley and Kerslake with the re-recordings of Blizzard and Diary to retaliate and screw them out of royalties. Fuck O$$Y and $haron, scumbags both. ?

“The 2002 Diary of a Madman reissue was derided by fans due to the removal of Daisley and Kerslake's original bass and drum tracks. The re-issue featured re-recorded bass and drum tracks contributed by Osbourne's then-bassist and drummer Robert Trujillo and Mike Bordin, respectively. The move was suspected of being retaliatory in nature, as Daisley and Kerslake had successfully sued Osbourne and his wife/manager Sharon in court, winning songwriting credits and royalties for their contributions to Diary of a Madman.

Sharon later stated that Ozzy and not herself was responsible for the decision to re-record the parts, stating "because of Daisley and Kerslake's abusive and unjust behavior, Ozzy wanted to remove them from these recordings. We turned a negative into a positive by adding a fresh sound to the original albums."[17] However, Osbourne contradicted this claim in his 2009 autobiography, stating that the decision to re-record the original bass and drum parts was strictly Sharon's decision, and that "I didn't have anything to do with that decision."[18] He said his wife "just snapped" and had it done without his knowledge.[18] He also stated that "a sticker was put on the covers telling everyone about it",[18] though in fact the sticker was not initially placed on the re-issue and was only placed on the covers at a later date due to fan outcry over the altered recordings.”
I hear ya but make no mistake, Bob has made a very very good living off of the Ozzy stuff (remember he got screwed out of performance royalties not songwriting....and yes he says he hasn't received all the money he should but he has still made a small fortune) and in a heartbeat he would work with Ozzy again given the chance (and under his terms)
not excusing the absolute bullshit Sharon and Ozzy pulled but nothing in life is worth carrying around baggage on behalf off someone else
The first 3 guitarists with 2 records each (I stop caring after No More Tears, though recognize there were some good songs later, but just a different era).

2 records from each guitarist all equally great in different ways.
II'd disagree with the statement that Randy was the " best" Ozzy guitarist. I think most iconic and had the most folklore because the impact he had and how damn cool he looked on stage but to me Jake really was something else. A very special player. Actually, all three guys were unbelievable.

Gillis sucked though lol...sorry fellas.
I think Jake may have the edge as far as technical ability goes, but Randy’s songs are just so much cooler than all the others. They’re much more memorable and awesome. When it comes to Gillis, I’d like to take that wammy bar and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
Technically that 12 year old Asian chick on Youtube is probably a , eh, more proficient, guitar player than Jimi Hendrix. Jimi was still better. Yngwie is no doubt a monster guitar player, but music has to move you man.

When Jake or Zakk or any of those other guys write something as devastatingly bad ass as Diary of a Madman or Revelation Mother Earth or the solo in Over The Mountain let me know.
One other thing, as much as I don't really like the Jackson V's, Randy made all his guitars look badass. The guy had the look. Every live pic of him he looks like a rock star. What a fit for that band.
That’s b/c he was a tiny little fella like EVH and Angus. Little guys make guitars look bigger (aka cooler).
When Jake or Zakk or any of those other guys write something as devastatingly bad ass as Diary of a Madman or Revelation Mother Earth or the solo in Over The Mountain let me know.
No More Tears is pretty badass
Technically that 12 year old Asian chick on Youtube is probably a , eh, more proficient, guitar player than Jimi Hendrix. Jimi was still better. Yngwie is no doubt a monster guitar player, but music has to move you man.

When Jake or Zakk or any of those other guys write something as devastatingly bad ass as Diary of a Madman or Revelation Mother Earth or the solo in Over The Mountain let me know.
Nailed it. Randy has literally given me chills and made me weep like a schoolgirl stood up on prom night.
Jake and Zakk, not even close…
No More Tears is pretty badass
The best thing about it is Mike Inez' bassline. When it came out I thought it was ok. Bark At The Moon was good too. Not even close to RR caliber though in my humble opinion.
The best thing about it is Mike Inez' bassline. When it came out I thought it was ok. Bark At The Moon was good too. Not even close to RR caliber though in my humble opinion.
That’s Bob Daisley’s bass line.
The best thing about it is Mike Inez' bassline. When it came out I thought it was ok. Bark At The Moon was good too. Not even close to RR caliber though in my humble opinion.
I love RR too, unfortunately he didn’t leave us much of a catalog of work. I don’t think Zakk is his equal but I do like his tone on NMT better than anything I’ve heard from Randy