I like Randy just fine, but to say Ed was interested ? No, Ed was into Clapton and Holdsworth. To say Rhoads played with more fire than Ed ? I don’t agree. These comparisons are silly to a certain point anyway because it’s all opinion. I just don’t agree with the ones posted here, doesn’t make me wrong or right, it’s all just opinion. Neither Ed or Randy are here to ask them so it’s moot anyway. But to say Randy influenced the world of rock guitar as much as EVH ? That one is pure BS. The whole of the 80s and a good chunk of the 90s was OWNED by EVH and his strat style creations, the graphics, gained out Marshalls… I didnt see legions of dudes jamming Rhoads guitars like you did with the whole super strat thing. EVH was like Hendrix before him, his sphere of influence really transcended guitar and impacted pop culture. Rhoads never got close to that.