Very thorough job here. What are your personal conclusions?
Cabs rule, if you can use a real cab then tapping a DI and using IR's is ideal. Same is true if you are making NAM/Kemper/ToneX etc models, I think this way has the least compromises and the most versatility for adjusting the tone after.
Suhr seems to consistently sound close to these cabs. On some amps it gets bright a little quick and I dig the React IR there. Suhr has the closest bass peak, but its still a bit light compared to real cabs.
React IR is a touch lighter in the low resonance peak, and a bit softer on top. Feels a bit stiffer to play. By far the best features of these - attenuator, decent sounding IR loader, poweramp model, reverbs, headphones etc. Pretty close to V30 cabs.
Driftwood was super disappointing. Really thought I'd love it based on what a lot of friends told me but I just don't like it at all. Seems nothing like a cabinet response, low end is wild and in the wrong place, tons of low mids, nowhere near enough top. Feels nice to play though.
Fryette is sort of its own case - I think its sensible for them to have a slightly flatter (and adjustable) impedance curve as it pairs with its own poweramp where you can fine tune the last bit. With this stuff its easier to just add a bit more, and itll be responding to the actual cab you have hooked up. Obviously that means it suffers a bit when used as just a load. Plus points are it accepts any impedance, it can be used as just a poweramp, it works GREAT as an attenuator, it can add FX loops to amps that dont have them. Its an all round problem solver that is worth having around IMO.
I think its quite hard to get this stuff exactly right because there are physical properties interacting with the electronic ones, and its hard to model that with just circuits. Beyond that - I think whatever you choose is SOME kind of compromise, so its about picking what works best for you. They each have slightly different feature sets and may pair better/worse with certain amps. Some people like darker tones, some brighter. Rectifiers are so fussy, amps with a lot of NFB are probably fine with anything.