It's Father's Day. Consequently, my family allowed me to lock myself up in my studio to play my guitar for most of the day. I have acquired several NOS preamp tubes over the past month and here is my summary from today playing through the Egnater Rebel 30 head and 112x Cab and also a Boogie Mark IV combo:
NOS Mullard made in Blackburn GB: smooth breakup, best harmonic overtones and sustain. Stong mids, tight bass, rolled off highs. This tube sings but varies slightly from tube to tube. My favorite in the V1 of the Rebel 30.
RCA Black Plate: Smooth break up; beautiful harmonic overtones second only to the NOS Mullards. They break up early and have a rolled off high end and no ice pick effect. Bass and mids are right on with no flubbyness. They enhance the even order harmonics similar to the Mullard. They are my favorite in V3 of the clean channel 1 of the Rebel 30. However, they fall a little short of the Mullards in the sustain and harmonics category on channel 2. They can get microphonic in a high gain combo like my Mark IV work perfect in any position in a head/cab configuration.
Amprex/Philips Holland: sweet smooth tone. Warm. Break up nicely and retain good dynamic range. Lower on the gain side. Really add warmth and smooth high end to clean and slightly overdriven tones. Sounds great on channel 1 overdriven on the Rebel 30. This my second choice for the V3 position in the Rebel 30.
RCA 12AX7A short grey plate: excellent balance and breakup. Overdriven, it sounds smooth and sweet. Very low noise. Great choice in High Gain Combo amps. No ice pick and no flabbyness and adds plenty of harmonic overtones. It's like a RCA black plate with a less low end and more focus on the fundamental note without the possible microphonic issues in a high gain amp. Good deal on a great tube that will last a long time. They work great in any position.
Ei Yugoslavian Pre War Grey plate: high gain and musical. Extended dynamic range. A good choice in brightening up a dark, high gain amp. The highs are enhanced and lows do not get flabby. They sound a bit scooped. I have four of them and they are all quiet and have VERY high gain. They can give you issues in a high gain combo if you like to crank it up. Work perfectly in a head/cab setup so far. This tube is my second choice in V2 on the Egnater 30 following a Mullard. It adds to the harmonics and opens up the sweetness from the NOS Mullard. Works great in V5 as well.
GE 12AX7A short Grey Plate: good sounding tube. Reproduces what is put through it. Better than most of the new production tubes out there now but, doesn't stand out from the list above.
NOS Philips 5751 - clean. Nice and warm. Good for taking harshness out of an overdriven clean channel. I like this tube overdriven in V3 of my Rebel 30 when I push the volume up to 2- 4 O'Clock. It takes any possible buzz out of the overdrive. However, I usually just try to EQ it out anyway. Perfect low noise tube to provide plenty of clean headroom for high volume clean playing. It doesn't sound sterile like the 12AT7s. It is warm and sweet when pushed.