Rebel 30 Vs Tweaker Vs Renegade? for those who have owned em

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or played them extensively........

I owned a Renegade, which is awesome, I really like it, BUT I'm thinking about moving towards a smaller head format (size wise not Wattage wise). The 30 watt Rebel or the Tweaker 40 in this case would me more than sufficient for bar gigs and decent size venues where the cab will be mostly mic'd.

So, my question pretty much is:

which one of them have the most beautiful cleans? I'm on the clean channel 60% of the time, 20% with a slight dirt ala Stevie Ray V. and then the other 20% I go into Bonamassaish gain. So the clean channel must be the best.

I know all the bells and whistles the Tweaker has, but honestly I'm not after the most versatile amp...... Ijust want it to do something I like but do it well....

I love the renegade's cleans, VERY VERY Fendery, how do the other two clean channels compare?
The BEST clean channel Bruce has ever Made was the TOL50..Hands down!!
Is Bonamassaish really a word? Where's my dictionary...
Hi Joe, You seem to be playing in the same style as me, do you own a Renegade or did own one.....I have a Renegade and by mistake trying out different valves I put in 3 ecc81's instead of 4 ecc83's and it's now perfect for my style of playing. Both channels now have less gain, Channel 1 is very clean up to 3 o'clock then gets dirty and edgy full on, with a bit of Muff I get a great Gilmour tone. Channel 2 is very bluesy , AC/DC around 2 o'clock then just starts singing, very Bonnamassy ish Pain and Sorrow. On youtube have a look for Brad Paisley demoing his Dr Z Z Wreck or look for Trainwreck Rocket and that's what my Renegade is now putting out on the EL34 side. The valve's are V1-V3-V4 ECC81's and a ECC83 in V2, the loop and phase are still ECC83's. give it a go it could be more of what you want and cheaper than a new head.

The Renegade Tube Chart is here ... #Secondary
check out the youtube videos by dognmoon

here is one of 30 with the clean channel demo'd in the beginning but there are tweaker and renegade demos there too.

I like the 30 clean but they are all pretty good
well youtube clips are a total waste of time for deciding on the tone of anything at all imo

I've not tried the Renegade but the R30 beats Tweaker cleans easy imo. Very warm, good reverb & a good pedal platform :thumbsup:
R30 cleans are not very Fendery - neither the 6V6 side or the EL84 side - much warmer, less spank
6V6 side has more clean headroom as you'd expect
You need to test them all out and decide for yourself
Rebel 30 has very good cleans, but there is also a noise floor, not to bad but its there. It wont really get dirty, I think you can make the clean on the tweaker slightly pushed, which is where its at for me

I currently own a Renegade 212 combo and a R-30 head/112 cab. I have never owned a Tweaker. FWIW...the clean sounds offered in the Rebel 30 are incredible!! I also feel the Rebel 30 delivers well in the high gain sounds offered in Ch2. However, the cleans offered in the R30 are incredible......oops....I already said that? ;)

I also feel that the clean sounds offered in the Renegade sound great as well. Why did you ditch the Renegade? Just curious.
thank for the replies guys.....

Keith: I might give that a try and see what it sounds like, thank you brother.

dgaemc2: thanks for your input. I haven't ditched the renegade at all my's a FANTASTIC amp....I LOVE the cleans and I've gotten a very very creamy tone out of channel 2 which at the beginning was a bit hard to find (for my taste) but it's definitely there now!

I'm just after a small head, I not really trying to sell the renegade...... just to add a small Egnater head that has even better cleans (if that's possible) than the renegade's, for my small gigs at clubs....

the Tweaker sounds so awesome, specially with all the options but I don't need 30 different tones, I just want the best clean Egnater designs and a great blues/classic rockish sound
dgaemc2, how would you compare the renegade's cleans to the R30? what's the difference?
Here is a recording I did of the Rebel 30 head when I had it to just hear how it tracked. Of course this isn't in the same category of what you would be using, but at least you can hear some of its tones. Some cleans in here just mostly on the gain channel..

I have only played the Renegade in the store, but from that experience I didn't think the R30's cleans were "way" better. I think the gain on the R30 to me gears towards more chewy then tight, great for leads and chords, not the best for modern stuff. The only gripe I had with the R30 was the small noise floor of the clean channel. you could hear it, but it wasn't a deal breaker..
When I played the Rebel 30 and Tweaker side by side for an hour or two I thought the Rebel blew the Tweaker away, both clean and dirty.

I felt the Tweaker was a bit harsh no matter how i dialled it in, the Rebel 30 was much warmer and fuller sounding.
I didn't think the tweaker 40 or the tweaker 88 was has harsh at all when I played them. If anything they are smooth. Both were played into a well broken in cab so I can't comment on the speakers that they make for the tweaker. Just suprised by the comments of it sounding harsh.
Sorry anybody that read the above......talking to my mate last night who read what I put thought it was just Channel 2 that I put 81's in and this morning I took the front and back off and.....
V1-V2-V4 = JJ ECC83S's and V3 = JJ ECC81's
Channel 2 with a 81 in take's away the pointy headstock curly perm sort of brashness that Egnater's do really well, it's still there if you turn the gain right up if needed but its now smoother in the attack. Channel 1 with an 81 in V1 took too much gain away and left me pushing the volume up and pushing up too much noise.

I hope any of that helps....

Sorry Guy's, Please see my new post below.......the valves should read.......
V1-V2-V3 = JJ ECC83S's and V4 = JJ ECC81's

I am sorry for the delay in response.....I have been out of pocket.
Regarding the cleans of the R30 vrs Renegade....that is a tough question because both deliver great IMO. However, just as a reference, I own a R30 head with Egnater 112 cab and the Renegade 212 Combo.

Personally, the "strat" cleans that I hear through my R30 head/112 cab are phenomenal! The variety of excellent "strat" cleans that I can achieve from my Renegade 212 combo are excellent as well!!

Honestly, it is very difficult for me to recommend one over the other for cleans......both are great! I will say that I prefer my Renegade overall for its versality (Ch2 high gain sounds, solo boost, etc.) however, there are some nice high gain sounds offered in Ch2 of the R30 as well. For a fantastic sounding that is very easy to transport......the R30 head/112 Eggy Cab gets my vote!! Both are great!!

I hope this helps....
Really nice clip Audioholic!!
Was all of your guitar sounds through a R30 (including high gain sounds)? If so, I need to dig deeper into the R30!! :thumbsup:
Fantastic sounds man!!! :rock: