Thank you everyone for all of your input. I have spent some quality time with YT demos through my studio monitors on all of the amps mentioned to take a fresh look at them from the perspective of what would sit well in a live metal mix. Interestingly enough, it's hard to find live footage of bands using super $$$ amps, so if you have any clips you can post of these amps live please do.
I've had a couple very good Greenie cabs over the years- which sounded fantastic- and they just don't make the metal noises I'm looking for. From that viewpoint if the best speakers for an amp are GBs, it's probably not the amp I'm looking for. That said the closest I ever got to the GBs sounding proper in the band was with the Rev C Recto. That was a fantastic combo in almost every way, other than it didn't reeeeally chug.
I don't hate mids- I hate MARK mids- they are just in the wrong frequency for me. There are other amps I listen to that seem similar in that where their mids sit, to make them toneful puts it in a place where the guitar will just disappear. Of course Marshalls are the king of cut, but for the most part they have no ass / chug unless modded.
Beyond the constraints I mentioned early in the thread one thing came to mind last night. My band plays in D std. For my taste, I've found that there are a lot of awesome amps that are voiced for E std., and as the tuning drops the amps start to fall apart. For example- vintage Marks. They're barely hanging on in D, and going lower IMO they start to sound bad. OTOH, one of the things I appreciate about the cheap & lowly 6505 I picked up is that this circuit excels at low tunings. So, of the host of awesome amps that everyone is talking about here, which ones really hold together at low tunings? I may also pick up a 7 string so this is important to the conversation.
I know there are a TON of awesome amps out there so the whole idea of some constraints is to really help narrow it down & develop a priority order. To recap-
- Mids that sit well in a live metal mix
- Can chug / has ass
- Works with (older good sounding) V30s
- Holds together well & ahs good articulation in low tunings
I have amazing amps for home / bedroom / recording where I can get my fix of The Best in articulation, feels, tone. This isn't about that, it's really about finding a top level LIVE tone! There's a dude I talk to about amps a lot who's not on this board and he has toured on the crews of a lot of big name metal bands and claims he's seen every amp worth anything live including Larrys. He says there's a reason that you see so many JCM800, 5150 & Rectos on tour because they just work live. Said he went through every boutique amp there is before accepting that. He told me another story about touring with Metallica, their kid's band played every Saturday night. One has Recto R00010 and the other has a Badlander. Said after a month he was floored & honestly upset that every night in every venue the BL just sat & cut far better.
So... amps from the thread or otherwise that have been mentioned and are actually available in the market right now, and I've heard demos that were interesting. The list is still too long. If we consider which ones sound great with a 7 string, what from this list is left?
- '77 JMP 1959 double boosted
- Wizard MCII or M800
- Mezzararba Mzero
- 1996 SLO
- EVH Stealth 100
- Splawn QR / Competition
- Uberschall rev Blue or Twin Jet
- Monomyth 2203
- Ground Zero Hellion