Hell yaMy Herbert over my Tremoverb every day. I like my recto, but love my Diezel.
Hell yaMy Herbert over my Tremoverb every day. I like my recto, but love my Diezel.
I'm referring to the used market. I don't think mods drive new sales. They always have been able to sell new versions of the rectifier. But old 3 channels (non multi-watt)and 2 channel g's were largely undesirable for a long time. Now more people are going out of their way to pick these used ones up cheap and send them to modders. It's not the entire reason of course but it does contribute a bit.I agree the demand is there—always has been really—but I seriously doubt “modders” affect Mesa sales one iota.
I dunno—Voodoo Amps prob pumped out more modded recs 20yrs ago than the handful of small guys doing it nowNow more people are going out of their way to pick these used ones up cheap and send them to modders.
Behest the best . I knotice a lot of people use the bass and mid switch wrong . It can be a tight chunk monster . Especially my mk 3 atm I’m getting into more than my mk 1Having owned both very recently, I think they’re both incredible amps, and both are worth owning. I feel like the Recto might be more mix ready than any Diezels I’ve owned as the Diezels tend to take more work to get them to fit in the mix. I never had the chance to play a live shows with the VH4 or Hagen but I could imagine how massive it would sound. Still needing to try a Herbert.
do you still have your MLC Silenoz? I have a Mark III but it’s too dry and stiff for me unless i play Metallica type stuff, so my goal has been a Marshall type flavor with modern compression. Got a 6505+, and the compression/fluidity is there, but it’s missing something, especially in the high end; sounds really cool slaved into the Mark tho.Right now all this talk made hype for the Marks and the rectos . Guys it’s literally us that did this . The power of RT is insane
ENGL seems cool but i feel like they’re a bit too compressed, one thing i like about Wizard and especially the Hermanssons are the type of compression they have. Fryette D120 does a similar thing. Very musical type compression that embellishes the groove of the notes instead of squashing them. The problem with the Fryette and Hermansson is the dryness. Wizard Hell Razor seems to fit the bill, but is virtually unobtainable, and i’m not the biggest fan of the mid rage. Ground Zero Triple Rec is the closest thing to what i’m looking for it seems; would love to hear that in a head to head against a MLC Silenoz or 100sA lot of guys seem to favor the ENGL stuff based on what you seem to favor tonally.
I would go with Herbert . Plus MLC just business wise is not got it other . Know idea when you can get oncedo you still have your MLC Silenoz? I have a Mark III but it’s too dry and stiff for me unless i play Metallica type stuff, so my goal has been a Marshall type flavor with modern compression. Got a 6505+, and the compression/fluidity is there, but it’s missing something, especially in the high end; sounds really cool slaved into the Mark tho.
Should I go with MLC or Hubert for what i need? I play death metal, and something between a 140c, Marshall, and 5150 would be a dream amp. Wizard is crazy expensive, i’m still in college, and Hermansson stopped doing the 5gs… which sucks : (
In terms of the guys who favor metal...I don't know many who have regretted acquiring a Herbert.I would go with Herbert . Plus MLC just business wise is not got it other . Know idea when you can get once
Yea definitely for extreme metal.In terms of the guys who favor metal...I don't know many who have regretted acquiring a Herbert.
Herbert MK III sounds great and does the compression thing i’m looking for perfectly, only thing is it’s a little too polished sounding, but then again i’m only going off demos. Has anyone got it to have a more ratty high end like the MLC in this vid?In terms of the guys who favor metal...I don't know many who have regretted acquiring a Herbert.
Herbert MK III sounds great and does the compression thing i’m looking for perfectly, only thing is it’s a little too polished sounding, but then again i’m only going off demos. Has anyone got it to have a more ratty high end like the MLC in this vid?
I really like my Silenoz. It sounds to me sorta like they took a jcm800 and voiced it more modern and for black metal. It has though a unique quality to the high end that isn’t for everyone, but I like mine a lot. I prefer it to the Engl’s for some of the things I liked about themdo you still have your MLC Silenoz? I have a Mark III but it’s too dry and stiff for me unless i play Metallica type stuff, so my goal has been a Marshall type flavor with modern compression. Got a 6505+, and the compression/fluidity is there, but it’s missing something, especially in the high end; sounds really cool slaved into the Mark tho.
Should I go with MLC or Hubert for what i need? I play death metal, and something between a 140c, Marshall, and 5150 would be a dream amp. Wizard is crazy expensive, i’m still in college, and Hermansson stopped doing the 5gs… which sucks : (
Agree with you on Rezzas vids but the plus side is he makes it easy to compare a bunch of amps. Did you have a MK III?The top end on the Herbert I owned was crisp and aggressive....That said it inherently has a lot more "body" by comparison to the MLC clip you posted (most of Reza's clips sound a bit toppy and thin in my opinion). The size and weight of the Herbert's tone and how it fills the room is something to behold. Pretty amazing.