Redbacks in a 4x12?

I like them a lot, they're a nice alternative to a V30 for those that want something ballsier than an M magnet speaker. I don't think it sounds particularly dark:

Redback had an annoying high end frequency to it that just bothers me, couldn't stand it.

I originally tried it because I liked the new at the time creamback H75 so much but they're not even remotely the same at all lol. If it makes any difference I originally tried them in my FL Randall 212 but then in my RL Rivera 412 in the top slots.
Hm I remember the redbacks highs being more on the pleasant side. I actually find the H75 to sound annoying and never liked them. Agreed that the H75’s and Redbacks don’t sound remotely similar
I've tried Redbacks in a 212 and a 412. The 212 was great. The 412 was IMO just too much woof.

Also as much as I liked them in the room, there was this weird fizz when I recorded them that I could never un-hear.
They definitely can get too woofy, but found the mix with JBL’s helped balance that and also amps like the Hermansson’s, Hell Razor and 1972 SuperLead also balance it very well IME. I didn’t like it much with thick low mid amps like my Recto’s, Uber or Diezel’s

In your speaker comparo clips I think I actually remember liking the Redbacks most of the bunch, but would have to see again