Renegade noise

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Iurchased a Renegade 1x12 a couple months ago. Am loving the sound and features but have had a noise issue that sounds like a preamp tube to me. The noise is very intermittant (only seems to happen right in the middle of a set) and for the most part sounds like static...sometimes can be resolved by turning the standby switch on and off.....sometimes by turning the amp on and off. The first couple of times it happened I lost all signal from my guitar and could only hear the sizzling I get signal but with the noise. I called Egnater and Nate sent four new Sovtek 12AX7WA's that I'm ready to install but being intermittant is there any logical sequence for swapping out to pinpoint the problem? On the dirtier channel I get an ocassional pop that I've read is common with this tube. The noise also doesn't seem to :confused: go away with channel switching. One other comment.....running my new chorus pedal (Visual Sound Liquid Chorus) doesn't sound near as full and vibrant thru the effects loop as it does running thru the front......thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I have the same problem - Did you fix this and how???

I've talked with Nate at Egnater a couple of times about the problem and was sent a set of replacement preamp tubes. Unfortunately they are the standard Sovtek 12AX7's which are I've read can be prone to popping/clicking. There's a thread talking about "Doug's Tubes" so I contacted them for suggestions. I've used JJ's from Eurotubes in a number of amps in the past (Bob Pletka's a great guy and is very helpful making tube recommentdations). Doug's suggestions are (V1) Tung-Sol 12AX7, (V2) Ruby AC5 HG+, (V3,V4,V5) Ruby AC5 selects and (V6) Sovtek LPS. I'm going to order this set and give it a whirl. If the problem persists I'll take it to a repair center (I'm from Central Ohio and there's an authorized repair center within and hour or so). It's extremely intermittent and I've played for hours in the garage with no issues, then take it to a gig and have it start making noise almost immediately. I'll reply to this thread after I install the tubes. Let me know if you find a solution as well.
Have you thought about the power supply at the gig? Since you can play in the Garage fine, but happens at the gig, it could be something with the power there.

Or has it happened in the Garage as well??

Never can hurt to try new tubes though, but just another suggestion to think about.
Quick update - My problem might be my EL34 tubes. Both are very micro-phonic (makes lots of noise when tapping lightly on them). I've ordered Ruby EL34 BHT (exact replacements) from I'll update after I get them. My issue is NOT a power issue - it's either tube or something else and I'm thinking tubes. When I removed the EL34's the weird sound disappears. Also the 6L6's don't have the micro-phonic issue. Stay tuned!!!
EL34 current production has been dismal at best, so you are most likely correct in your deduction. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
Do the power tubes act microphonic with all controls at '0'? Does the tubemix knob affect the microphonics?
Bruce - to my surprise the EL34's are micro-phonic with everything at 0. Wow. The 6L6's aren't. When I turn the volume back up, and flip between the El's and 6L6's there is no micro-phonic's on the 6L6's.

I've had the 1x12 combo since October and have played out at a buds house maybe twice. I treat this amp like a baby - it's absolutely the best amp I've ever used - and I've had way too many amps in my lifetime. (dumped a Fender super-crap-sonic for this amp - best investment every - even better than my old Mesa).

Any - my only gripe it the current noise issue and the fan is like way way too noisy.

Thanks -

I had the exact same problem with mine too as far as the noise was concerned. It happened on and off during a gig and eventually Channel 2 konked out completly. Lucky channel 1 still worked to get me through the gig. But when I got home and looked at the amp properly, I was getting this problem on both channels, and it got worse when I tried alternating wattage between 18 and 65. Eventually after playing a bit the whole circuit just died. No sound and no lights, no fan either, but strangely enough all the tubes were still light. I see you had tube problems, so thats the difference, but this seems to be very common. The same thing happened to my friends tourmaster aswell.

I had mine replaced with a renegade 212 and have had no problem so far, I havnt gigged it or pushed it yet so we'll see. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tone out of these amps but find all the bright/normal Deep/Tight and wattage switches kind of redundant. The wattage doesnt really kick in unless you really krank the amp anyway. If they made a Renegade with just 2 channels, basic EQ and a reverb, I'd buy 10! Less is More. Apart from that, their great :-D
I got warranty/replacement preamp tubes from Egnater, unfortunately I received only 4 instead of the 6 needed in the Renegade. Of those 4, 1 was cloudy and obviously no good but I plugged it in to confirm. On the other 3 the pins were badly bent and I had to straighten with pliers and a spare tube socket; pretty sure I received used tubes. I just emailed Nate for a repair number and the address of an authorized repair center in Ohio so I can drive this thing up and have it looked at and repaired/replaced. It's very intermittent and has happened at numerous gigs as well as at my house. Switching channels doesn't resolve and the static/hissing sound seems to go away as quickly as it appears, lasting a few minutes at a time. I've also played it for several hours at my house without issue, other times it does it a lot. One other issue that's constant: on certain low notes there's a huge rattling sound that I can't seem to pinpoint but its really annoying and negatively affects the reverb. I didn't know that power tubes could be microphonic so I never gave them a thought. I'm open to any suggestions before I haul this thing off but be very expicit....I'm not all that knowledgable on these critters. I will say that this is without a doubt the best sounding amp I've ever owned (my MusicMan 210 HD130 that I bought new was a close 2nd) Thanks in advance for any assistance.......
Cant believe it, I get that rattling noise too. For some bizarre reason it seems to resonate with certain pitches. When I play ANY E or D note on my guitar the speaker or Tube or Chassis - whatever it is, rattles like Hell. I Love this amp but it is quite a hassle to get right, wished I'd known all of this before I bought it

The beauty of this amp is when it's pushed, as with any tube amp. My Tele's, Strat and Les Paul are all just georgous thru this amp, but you're right, it's extremely annoying and the reverb has a really funky sound when this occurs. I'm hoping to get more feedback on this......any words of wisdom, Bruce? Tonite I'm going to fire it up and tap the power tubes/turn the tube mix pot to see if this has any effect.
Interresting....I just did a search on "microphonic power tubes" and got this hit:

I always thought only the preamp tubes had an effect on the sound and the power tubes just provided power (that sounded pretty stupid). Very curious to try this out this evening.....this may provide some answers. :thumbsup:
And another from the tube depot (microphonic preamp tube). The noise I get is more of a crackling sound:

Useful or's pretty interresting stuff. I'm pretty certain my original complaint is tube noise, if it's a power tube I'll have to provide out-of pocket as I'm past my 90 days for the tube warranty.

Here's one more clip from Youtube, there's lots of stuff out there:
You guys that posted the youtube stuff on microphonic are right on!!! That is exactly what my amp is doing. Glad to introduce you to microphonic tubes. They are bad bad bad.

I have not received my new tubes but when I do - I'll tell you the results. Hope the new ones are not microphonic :aww:
Please post what they send you....I thought I was getting a complete replacement set but as I stated above I got 4 preamp tubes, 1 of which was already blown. Pretty disappointing. I'm now thinking it could be a power tube......
Egnater is not sending me tubes. My rig was purchased in October 09 so I'm screwed. Had to buy the tubes myself. I'll report back if it fixes the problem. I'm quite sure it will. I'm an engineer and tinkerer with tube amps so this microphonic stuff is something I recognized quickly. The problem is that tube companies suck now. Chinese and others have crap quality. Hit and miss. The Ruby EL34's that were in my amp obviously were defective from the beginning - they just took a while to show the symptoms. But regardless - TUBES RULE! And so does Egnater amps - I really mean this!!! :rock:
Mind sharing what you ordered and from where? I'd emailed "Doug's Tubes" for preamp tubes and he suggested V1-Tung Sol 12AX7, V2-Ruby AC5 HG+, V3, V4, and V5-Ruby AC5 selects, and V6-Sovtek LPS. I'm out of the 90-day tube replacement warranty period and it'll probably be like pulling teeth to get repacements power tubes now. I read reviews for my Hot Rod Deluxe and the TAD's or Svetlana's 6L6's were recommended. Not sure about EL34's. I'm going to email Doug again to see what he likes....thanks for any info, sounds like you have a clue. I know just enough about tube amps to be VERY DANGEROUS! I bought the same exact tubes - Ruby EL-34 BHT. Why the same? I like the sound of the stock amp. You can for sure look at other tubes for varying sounds - just look around and see what people say.

Also - note that there are a couple of diff types of Ruby EL34's. I forgot the other name but the BHT's are the originals.
Ok sports fans - the good news is that the replacement Ruby EL34 BHT's fixed my micro-phonic problem - as I thought it would. Too bad that the amp had bad tubes in it - not a sign of good quality control, but my amp is back and sounds better than new. No noise - nothing.

Tapping on all four power tubes - no more micro-phonics!!! Good thing cause I'll be finally using the amp heavily in Sept/October. Can't wait.

Bruce - even though I had to pay 30 bucks for new tubes that I probably shouldn't have had to pay for, I still love your amp!!

The next step is fixing this stupid fan - anyone have success with this????