New member
Iurchased a Renegade 1x12 a couple months ago. Am loving the sound and features but have had a noise issue that sounds like a preamp tube to me. The noise is very intermittant (only seems to happen right in the middle of a set) and for the most part sounds like static...sometimes can be resolved by turning the standby switch on and off.....sometimes by turning the amp on and off. The first couple of times it happened I lost all signal from my guitar and could only hear the sizzling sound....now I get signal but with the noise. I called Egnater and Nate sent four new Sovtek 12AX7WA's that I'm ready to install but being intermittant is there any logical sequence for swapping out to pinpoint the problem? On the dirtier channel I get an ocassional pop that I've read is common with this tube. The noise also doesn't seem to go away with channel switching. One other comment.....running my new chorus pedal (Visual Sound Liquid Chorus) doesn't sound near as full and vibrant thru the effects loop as it does running thru the front......thanks in advance for any suggestions.